Jeff's Ban Appeal

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Jeff Hogarth

Well-known Member
Jun 29, 2022
Your in-game name: Jeff Hogarth
Your SteamID: Steam ID: 76561198450105680
Your steam community link: Date of ban: 5/17/2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Stacked warnings
Who banned you: "Slayer" Gard
Ban length?: 3 days
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I don't typically break the rules, and didn't to the extend deserving a ban.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: Yes, I had 2 active warns prior to this incident
Why should you be unbanned: Because I was banned for having 4 stacked warns when only two of the four warns were justified. In the first clip I enter the facility under the presence of a SCP having been breached on surface with foundation combating it, and I entered only to immediately find a man pointing a gun at me. I do what any person would in this situation and defend myself, killing the man who then later calls a sit and has me warned. In the second clip I admit I was toxic, but in retaliation to the person who reported me; While yes what I did wasn't called for, I had 0 active toxicity warns and don't believe I should have been warned for this.
Clip 1 (RDM):
Clip 2 (Toxicity):
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I didn't or at least didn't to the extent of the punishment I was given, break a rule tonight, and try my best to avoid breaking the rules; although I do sometimes get carried away.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: This server can be fun sometimes and a good way to pass the time while I have nothing to get done.

Lets start with the sit itself. You were brought to a sit regarding you telling someone to "Suck my dick". 2 People had made a sit and I had taken both one of them being the guy you told to "Suck my dick", while in the sit you had a very rude attitude calling Jamal and Staff members of the server "Crybabies" and something about them being soft (I don't remember the specifics). Now since I had confirmed the toxicity warning, when I had went to your warnings you had 2 ERP warnings and 2 FailRP or RDM warnings in the last 24 hours. Now since this would've been the 5th in that timespan you were banned for stacked warnings.

Now, that day wasn't the only sit I took of you breaking rules, you had broke rules throughout the day and has caused issues as well, but I chose to give you as many verbal's as possible, to avoid that outcome of you being banned. As this was probably the 5-6th sit I took with you I decided that you had enough chances and you weren't here RP.

To talk about certain parts of your appeals:
I had 0 active toxicity warns and don't believe I should have been warned for this
Verbals are staff discretionary, with you insulting someone in OOC and being rude in the sit you were given said warning.

Because I was banned for having 4 stacked warns when only two of the four warns were justified
I would advise you to make a warn appeal or complaint to give them removed if you feel as they were unjustified, but since they were still on your account at the time of the punishment, it still counts

In the first clip I enter the facility under the presence of a SCP having been breached on surface with foundation combating it, and I entered only to immediately find a man pointing a gun at me. I do what any person would in this situation and defend myself, killing the man who then later calls a sit and has me warned. In the second clip I admit I was toxic, but in retaliation to the person who reported me;
I don't think in any situation would insulting someone be allowed if they reported you which it how this whole part sounds, but you're free to correct me.

That's all I have to say regarding this, if you have any questions feel free to poke me on TS (Doom Guy) or DM me on Discord (Doom Guy#2040)
Jul 23, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi Jeff,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

I'm going to cover three issues with one post (Multitasking!)

Firstly, the RDM issue. What you did in the clip provided was RDM. As a surface member, you can not enter the facillity and just start blasting people away. You were not attacked to start with and you jumped out and killed the guy and ran. The RDM warning is valid.

The second is the toxicity warning. Telling people to suck your dick and calling them crybabys because they reported your rule breaks is toxic, no matter your reason behind it. The toxicity warning is valid

It only then goes to the conclusion that because those warnings were valid, and you admit the other two warnings were valid, you are in a stacked warning scenario, and the stacked warning ban is valid.

Since we've covered all three of these issues in this post, if you wish to appeal any of those, you'll need to bump it up to a Super.

You may re-appeal (the ban) in 2 weeks.​
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