John Ramone

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John Ramone

Active member
Oct 18, 2022
Your in-game name: John Ramone

Your SteamID: STEAM_0:1:15882633

Your steam community link:

Date of ban: 10/18/2022

What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): mass rdm

Who banned you: HUNK? Not sure

Ban length?: 2 weeks

What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again: Not shoot Mr. Z or anyone else my bad wasn't intentional to make people upset

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? warned

Why should you be unbanned: Because we were literally having an OOC comedy night and messing around, wasn't serious, didn't know Mr. Z would be that upset about an OOC thing literally told me after the fact we need to get admin approval to have a comedy night

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Because we were just screwing around at 3 AM during a comedy night. Other people were also shooting people who were telling crappy jokes on stage didnt know he was that serious about all this.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I play on this server daily to unwind after breaking my back at work with friends. Pretty much the only game I play when I have the time. Like I told Mr. Z sorry, we're adults didn't realize you were this upset over it all.

Jeb Threep

Active member
Jul 11, 2022

1-Ignoring the rank hierarchy when told over comms to not have the comedy night is FailRP.

2-Utilizing an autoclicker (you can hear in the clip no one broke him out) is scripting.

3- Terminating a friendly, while claiming it "wasn't intentional" is still RDM.

4- Terminating several personnel for the same reason is MRDM.

I wasn't upset, I was doing my job in-character. Roleplay doesn't stop due to the time of day, many of our players cannot be on during busy hours, be it due to geography or work, and it would be absolutely unfair to them to force an after-hours policy so we do not.

Attached for your perusal are the relevant section of the Code of Conduct and the Server Rules in question.


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John Ramone

Active member
Oct 18, 2022
I'm sorry but I was never cuffed nor used an autoclicker?? I don't know how to do that I think you have me mistaken with the other gensec that was in the room you guys were trying to chase down, I apologize for shootin you again but that wasn't me using a script or whatever. I only killed you Mr z during that bit, all the other kills were during comedy night when everyone else was shooting the people after telling unsavory/stupid jokes wont happen again

Jeb Threep

Active member
Jul 11, 2022
Right you are, I stand corrected. I guess you just randomly blasted me without that provocation, my mistake.

John Ramone

Active member
Oct 18, 2022
Right you are, I stand corrected. I guess you just randomly blasted me without that provocation, my mistake.
I have to say it wasn't without provocation, it was over the forced cancellation of my comedy night I was hosting.
Jul 9, 2022
The reason you was banned is for the MRDM I didn’t issue the ban Jules did a trail mod asked for help because he didn’t know if it was MRDM or not. I checked logs and seen you have killed multiple foundation even after times you have been killed which is also breaking NLR I advise that you read over the rules and COC I’m sorry that this happened to you and thank you for taking the time to make this.


CG Super VIP
Jan 10, 2021
Appeal Denied

Hi Ramone,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

Upon reviewing the situation, even if you're OOC or messing around doesn't mean you're OOC.
No matter where you are, you are considered in RP, and it doesn't give you the right to kill people.
all the other kills were during comedy night when everyone else was shooting the people after telling unsavory/stupid jokes wont happen again
This would not be a valid reason to execute people.
Based on the above.

You may re-appeal in 1 week
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