Johns Developer App.

Mr president beans

Well-known Member
Mar 6, 2024
-In-game name on all servers you play: Mr President beans

-Steam ID: 76561198973755322

-Age: 16

-For how long have you played on our servers?: A while now it says 24 days. But I feel like a month.

-What country are you from?:US.

-Time Zone: EST

-Do you have a mic?: Yes.

-Is this your first application for Mapper? If not, link previous ones: Yes.

-Have you received any bans?: Yes a long time ago.

-How confident are you with Hammer (Rate yourself 1-10 using rating guide): 8/10

-Do you have previous experience as a Mapper for GMod?: Yes for my own servers never worked with someone.

- What source games have you mapped for and used the content of?: Just Garrysmod. I tried HalfLife.

-How many hours can you commit to Mapping per week?: 4 each day if needed.

-Why do you want to be a Mapper? What can you help us with?:
I enjoy using my creativity by designing unique environments and experiences for players.

Mapping allows me to understand game mechanics better and see how level design impacts gameplay.

I want to Give back to the gaming community for me being a minge before by creating maps that others can enjoy and explore.

I can provide step-by-step tutorials on using the Hammer Editor, covering everything from basic layout design to advanced techniques like optimization and lighting.

I can offer feedback on map design concepts, helping you create balanced layouts that enhance gameplay and ensure a smooth player experience.

I can assist in developing testing strategies, including how to gather player feedback and iterate on your designs based on that input.

-Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for? SCP USA or Uk.

-Have you made & edited any map before? if so attach some images showcasing your map & edit I like to keep my coding private and if possible can send it on a private message.

-List any ideas of new maps/map edits for CN that you would like to work on.

Abandoned City: A sprawling urban environment that has been overrun by SCP entities. Incorporate crumbling buildings, hidden passages, and eerie atmospheres to enhance exploration.

A dense forest filled with SCP-related creatures. Create winding paths, hidden clearings, and environmental challenges that players must navigate.

A map set in an underwater lab that houses aquatic SCPs. Use glass corridors, deep-sea environments, and pressure-related gameplay mechanics.

Map Edits.

Add unique containment setups for specific SCPs in existing maps to diversify gameplay and lore integration.

Add Hidden audio logs that provide a more entertaining backstory or context for SCPs and the facility, encouraging exploration and discovery.

Mr president beans

Well-known Member
Mar 6, 2024
Door I made Opens when you walk next to it. Working Radar for incoming ships and a panic system. Will post more when its the morning.


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Mr president beans

Well-known Member
Mar 6, 2024
Hi John,

Show me some screenshots in-game without these weird filters please, to help me get a better understanding.
What filters are you talking about im a bit confused. I didnt put any filters. they were all in game. The only one with a filter is the winter trees. Its in game as well its just me in noclip taking photos.