Kenji's Overseer Assistant Application

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Active member
Jan 18, 2022
Steam ID:
  • 76561198344211298
Discord name:
  • Kenji
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
  • 2 Months
  • 17
In what country are you located?:
  • England
Time zone:
  • GMT
Character name(s):
  • MTF: Kenji ‘Tybalt’ Reiner
  • CI: OG Kenji
Civilian name:
  • Kenjii
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
  • UK
Do you have a mic?:
  • Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
  • E-11 CPL, A-1 SGT, B-CI
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
  • None.
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
  • I have spent the majority of my time on the server protecting the O5 and tending to their needs. I know the respect that is needed to become an Overseers assistant, also I am able to carry out any task they deserve already with my authority held within RP. I am well acquainted with all the O5, especially Pan, and have been the only A-1 on at times with the sole purpose to protect and serve the Overseers and done so successfully. I feel that my experience organising would come of use, as I can handle situations with a certain degree of calmness that would heed the best outcome. Also my prior experience tending to the O5 would be the critical reason why I am the best candidate, because I have already proven that I can handle any situation thrown at the O5 and make sure they come out unscathed. Also I am quite active within the community and have helped with multiple events, reinforcing the trust that is needed to create good roleplay. I think that I understand the boundary between serious and non-serious roleplay and that I navigate between those two lines quite smoothly. I love working as a team/unit, I most enjoy the time when all of A-1 is together and moving as a cohesive unit protecting the O5. I think what puts me apart from the other candidates is the fact that I pride myself in what I can accomplish for other people, I do not need credit or for everyone to know but I love to help people in any way possible. It brings me a certain amount of joy seeing someone's mood be lifted just from a show of effort and care from another. Overall I enjoy roleplaying and being a part of this community, it has been a place where I can go and enjoy myself without worrying about other things, I want to see it thrive and this is how I can envision that.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

Priority 1-10
  • 1: Protection should be the highest priority as Overseers are the pillars of the foundation and losing even one would be detrimental. Protection from SCPs, CI and even Ethics
  • 2: Carrying out any task given to them, big or small, without questions. As their orders are absolute, even if it means going against Ethics.
  • 3: Maintaining their secrecy at all times, ensuring that there is no possibility of a data leak about O5 at all times. This also means dealing with any personnel that may know anything about O5 under clearance 4
  • 4: Representing them at times when they are not available, being their mouth and voice for when situations do not fit in their schedule
  • 5: Managing their very busy schedule, from meetings to meal breaks, everything must be planned to avoid and disruptions to the Overseers duties
  • 6: Preparing reports of what has gone on in their absence, keeping tabs on foundation personnel, and making sure they are in the loop at all times to optimise their duties
  • 7: Conserving the Overseers time by taking care of the menial tasks that do not deserve their divided attention. Like paperwork or meetings with lower class personnel
  • 8: Taking care of confidential documents and protecting them at all costs. Handling them with extreme care whilst also keeping the documents existence a secret.
  • 9: Assigning work to A-1 personnel that would be most efficient to serve the O5 and advising them on how they can better serve the Overseer Council
  • 10: Maintaining their office and equipment, creating efficient systems to make their work even simpler. This can include filing systems, upkeep of paper etc..
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Before Foundation - Army
  • Kenji was enlisted into the British Army at the age of 17 as the world was at war, he lied about his age so that he could serve his country in its time of need. His physique was not the best and he was definitely not the smartest cookie in the room. However he learnt incredibly fast and soon adapted to the military life, he embraced the discipline and rose the ranks slowly. 2 years later as he was given his Senior Officer Uniform he was handed a small black card with a set of coordinates. His Field Marshall gave him a nod and a wink as Kenji stood there confused.
Before Foundation - SAS
  • After all the parties finished in celebration of Kenji’s most recent promotion it was time to look into the card. He sat down on his bed and flipped the card over in his hands before pulling out his phone and setting the co-ordinates in his map. It pointed to one location, right where he was sitting in the Senior Officers Bunks.
  • After laughing at what seemed like a very poor attempt at a prank, a sudden knocking was heard from beneath the carpet. Kenji pulled it back to reveal what looked like a huge safe door with shards of wood on the top, as someone had ripped away the boards. The door clicked and slowly rose open as the Field Marshall stood there looking up at Kenji, he beckoned him down into the floors below.
  • The Field Marshall explained that this base was just a front to scout for the many special services under the British Flag. Excitement grew in Kenji’s heart as this was what he dreamt of, it was coming true. He went on to explain that Kenji was going to be transferred to the SAS, based on his consistent success in every field and phenomenal improvement from when he first enlisted.
  • Kenji thrived in the SAS, after telling his family that he was going undercover in some part of the world, his reputation grew as he blitzed through every assignment without a mistake to his name. He was even given a nickname ‘Midas’ for always being able to turn a bad situation around for the better.
  • After everything seemed like it was going well Kenji went on, what he did not know, his last mission. It was deep in enemy lines, in the middle of a civil war between North America and the South. It was constant gunfire in an urban environment, muzzle flashes penetrating the dark in a rhythmic fashion. However the light also seemed to illuminate something else, huge hulking horsemen, Kenji noticed this but though it was some tactic to strike fear into the enemy. It was not.
  • He would only find out later that it was SCP-3456 or better known as the Orcadian Horsemen. Both sides were silently decimated by the horsemen leaving Kenji cowering in a nearby building, watching the brutal slaughter of all human life in the vicinity. Until one huge eye covered the window from where he was watching. His body froze before he suddenly gathered all the courage to muster one act of defiance before his life would be sniffed out forever. He pulled out his huge gut knife and forced it right into the pupil of the terrifying monster, then he collapsed out of pure fear and blacked out.
  • He woke up suddenly to be surrounded by a group of men and women all dressed in night black suits. The words he will always remember are.
“He will do”
  • He was taken into the foundation at the age of 23 and placed under surveillance as an MTF E-11 by the O5 council. After performing well with containing multiple SCPs the O5 decided that he would be an essential asset to A-1. His memory was wiped completely as to eliminate all distractions from his one duty. To protect the O5.

Ethan Mendaz

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 4, 2022
+ Active IG and TS
+ Good RP interactions
+ Previous RP filled job experience
+ Friendly


Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
+ support
+ Very Active Ingame
+ Nice guy, well known
+ Serious Roleplayer
+ Would suit the role well
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