Kevin "DJ" Slayers ECA Application

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Kevin "DJ" Slayer

Active member
Jun 19, 2022
Steam ID:
- STEAM_0:0:5773372

Discord name:
- DragRune#9999

For how long have you played on CG SCP:
- Vtime is still broken so i am still unsure of the time, but i have the one month achievement if that helps

- 16

In what country are you located?:

Time zone:

Character name(s):
- Kevin "DJ" Slayer (Foundation)
- Jack "Knocker" Ace (CI)

Civilian name:
- Willy Joseph

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E-11 CPL
- CI-G
- SCP-096
- Internal Affairs Agent
- Intelligence Agent

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?:

- I'm extremely familiar with the Code of Ethics (COE)
- When someone breaks the code of ethics i deal with them personally or hand them off to the (EC) for them to deal with if they want them
- I'm also extremely active which means i can force the code of ethics on people when others cannot be active to do so
- I'm a very trusted member on the site which could be useful in certain situations
- I have CL4 experience which ties into being a trusted member on site
- With my large amount of time on researcher I've written quite a few Excellent grade documents which proves i can take detailed and informative notes on specific things

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?:

- To enforce the Code of Ethics (COE) on all personnel
- To assist any personnel with questions regarding the Code of Ethics (COE) or Code of Conduct (COC)
- To carry out orders given to me by the Ethics Committee (EC)
- To report directly to the Ethics Committee (EC)
- To give orders to MTF Omega-1 operatives when no members of the Ethics Committee (EC) or the Ethics Committee Director (ECD) is online
- To write documents contantly based on what i have seen in each department that needs to be fixed/edited to meet criteria and then report directly to the Ethics Committee (EC)
- To inform the EC of anyone breaching the Code of Ethics (COE) or doing unethical actions, an example of a Code of Ethics (COE) breach is breaking "1.01 Termination Of D-Class Personnel" by not giving warnings to D-Class before terminating them
- To deal with mass infobreaches/infohazards from getting loose
- To grade researchers documents or accept/decline researcher's tests that require an ethics signature/approval

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

"DJ" was an █-█ Operative and was very good at his job. He would protect the Ethics Committee Members doing all he could to ensure their safety. When all of the Ethics Committee Members were safe on F3, he would go undercover to watch over GENSEC. Now and then there would be a Code Of Ethics breach and he would have to contact a member of the committee to deal with them. Every time he has to deal with someone he says to himself, "If only i could deal with the situations myself, and show the committee i can be a valuable person on their team."
So he got to work, showing the Ethics Committee that he can do what they expect in an assistant to do. He can tell the committee is impressed with his increase of hard work. He also hears chatters about him coming from the members, and right then a thought came into his head, "I should join the committee!" So he got to work, on a document describing why he would be excellent for a role as an assistant in the foundation.
While he was minding his business watching over GENSEC as usual, he was summoned by the committee. They wanted to speak with him personally. Thoughts were flooding to his head, "Is it about my document?" "Did i do something wrong?" "Am i getting a promotion?" "Am i getting kicked?" He was nervous to say the least. The committee wanted to talk to him regarding some new codes to some of the new doors that were installed. After he was given some information he was sent off to patrol LCZ.
During his patrol, a chef walked up to him referring him as █-█ instead of "DJ" or LE so he grabbed him immediately for interrogation. During the interrogation an Ethics Committee Member walked in to spectate as "DJ" continued mind manipulate the chef into becoming more cooperative. After the interrogation was over the chef was given a spray of █████████ and was returned to his previous location, the chef not remembering what happened. "I think you've earned it" whispered the committee member after seeing that he knows what he is doing and is well prepared for any situation.

That same night while "DJ" was in his bunks reading over the Code of Ethics (COE) to sharpen his memory, he was caught off guard and knocked out by someone he couldn't make out. When he woke up, he expected to be tied to a chair, but he wasn't, he was in an office looking area that... "wait, i recognize this!" he thinks to himself. He remembers catching a glimpse of the inside of the Ethics Committee (EC) Office right before the door shut. While he was looking around the room he hadn't noticed the committee members sitting across the table from him until they spoke. "Ehem" one of them finally said. "Hey, what do you need, and why did you have to knock me out i would have come willingly" "DJ" said breaking the silence. They said, nothing, just passed him a file regarding his application as an assistant. "We the Ethics Committee have come to an agreement..." one of them spoke at last, "we feel that you show skill towards an assistant position, and have decided to..."


Active member
Jul 9, 2022

- i can see a lot of work was put into this, and your lore is interesting... i also like his performance as well, not only that, but also looks like a good fit... i have known him personally so i would think he could do well as ethics.


Well-known Member
Jun 13, 2022

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for [ROLE]. Unfortunately, we have decided to deny your application for the position.
Your work in IA is appreciated but the committee does not yet see you fit for the position, keep up the good work and re apply in 2 weeks.

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