Kevins Ethics App

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Steam ID: 76561199290206166
Discord name: thecomboer123
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 years
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Kevin Bone
Civilian name: Kevin Bone
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: YES
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: I held NTF E11 PVT
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why? oh yea a lot and i am sorry i have bipolar so i got mainc bipolar so yea
What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant? I believe I am the best candidate for this position because I'm a hardworking person and I believe with the right team in the Ethics Committee it could be the best of the best in this Site better than the council for all we know and that is what makes me so qualified for this position in Ethics Committee
What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?: the Ethics Committee oversee the general ethics of the site making sure that no one Breaks the Rules and if they do their punished accordingly, they run a Branch called the internal affairs which enforce the code of ethics and that is what their duties are.
Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: [Redacted] File Detected CL4 required to view this file checking clearance accepted happy viewing.
Kevin bone was born in the state of Ohio in 1962 he now resides at site 19 as a low ranking member of the mobile task force Epsilon 11 one day he was approached by an Ethics member and then subsequently taken to the ethics Wing he was then talked to ask a series of questions then blindfolded by Omega 1 he was then transported to site-65 after being transported he was then subsequently stripped of his Rank and set at the rank of janitor the reason being he left a containment cell of an SCP open Kevin work as a janitor for many years until he eventually wrote to the rank of lead Jenner granting of the level 2 clearance level 2 he then subsequently applied for a position in research getting accepted he was handed the rank of senior researcher turned into level
4 Clearance one day he was approached by another official from the Ethics Committee knowing he probably done something wrong he went to turn his badge in, but he was informed that he was being recruited into the ethics assistant program where he Shadows multiple ethics members for
multiple days before they decide if he becomes a new ethics assistant over joist Kevin immediately got his new outfit and badge known as Kevin bone, he then moved on throughout the day shadowing all members of the Ethics Committee
after that he was asked a series of questions and quiz on what he had learned after that they gave him his proper rank of senior researcher back and told him to wait up to a month for his results one day he was approached by the commander of Omega 1 and
subsequently took him to the ethics Wing where he was informed that he had become an Ethics assistant Overjoyed Kevin had put on his suit and is ready to start his new job as an Ethics assistant.


Well-known Member
Apr 20, 2024
- Support.
Have not seen you on once whenever I've been online.
No CL4 experience, seems to barely have any whitelisted CL3 experience as well.
Please don't use any mental Illness as an excuse.
40-50 warns is way to many in my opinion.
The Ethics Committee Verdict Report

REGARDING: "Kevins" Ethics Committee Assistant Application.
Thank you for showing interest in the position of Ethics Assistant, the Committee believes that you are not yet suited to become an assistant, For details regarding your denial feel free to contact any Ethics Committee Member.


Vice Chairman Mr. Pavish
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