What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This would change the lighting, and keycard readers in Kill House would stay on and working if there is a blackout. When breaches occur or someone turns off the power, the lights in Kill House would stay on. When tryouts happen, breaches can start after we are halfway or just starting one done with the tryout. When the power goes out, We have to postpone the tryout, holding back members who could be helping with the breach.
Do you know if something similar was suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
If so, I couldn't find any
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Tryouts can continue during blackouts
-The flickering lights don't detract the trainee's
-They can see and hack when the whole site is blacked out
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-No others I can think of
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because having to wait 30 minutes before the tryout plus the 20-40 minutes for the tryout, Most breaches last up to an hour. Meaning that there are tryouts that last 2 hours because of the breaches. Because when the lights are off and the keycard scanners are broken, we can't do kill house or trigger discipline, and for MTF they can't do hacking either. You can't use NVG because in Kill House, you need to see the whole room as with NVG, you can only see things next to you, and the same goes with trigger discipline, where the trainee stands, they can't see you moving back and forth.
This would change the lighting, and keycard readers in Kill House would stay on and working if there is a blackout. When breaches occur or someone turns off the power, the lights in Kill House would stay on. When tryouts happen, breaches can start after we are halfway or just starting one done with the tryout. When the power goes out, We have to postpone the tryout, holding back members who could be helping with the breach.
Do you know if something similar was suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
If so, I couldn't find any
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Tryouts can continue during blackouts
-The flickering lights don't detract the trainee's
-They can see and hack when the whole site is blacked out
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-No others I can think of
Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Because having to wait 30 minutes before the tryout plus the 20-40 minutes for the tryout, Most breaches last up to an hour. Meaning that there are tryouts that last 2 hours because of the breaches. Because when the lights are off and the keycard scanners are broken, we can't do kill house or trigger discipline, and for MTF they can't do hacking either. You can't use NVG because in Kill House, you need to see the whole room as with NVG, you can only see things next to you, and the same goes with trigger discipline, where the trainee stands, they can't see you moving back and forth.