Denied Killfeed for OOC purposes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would add a kill feed both in the top right and in the console for the sake of OOC purposes. It would also list the cause of death such as “User was shot” “User was stabbed” “User vaporized user” “User’s head was exploded” “User was blown up” “User was gassed” “User committed suicide” (last one would be an all-encompassing one for deaths like cyanide, poisonous chems in a flask, jumping into acid, going through Tesla gate etc.)
It would not list the name of who killed them as that could stop people from being able to kill folks without having to worry about someone finding out that, say, someone executed a civilian. Then their reputation would be tarnished for an OOC thing when it should be that their reputation gets tarnished for an IC thing like being caught in the act or caught on “camera.”

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
The positives of this suggestion would be that it makes it easier to know if a certain RP situation (such as an AOS/KOS) is definitively over without having to go to a sit over it every time. Also it would just be a neat addition to know who’s killing who. Always cool to see the killfeed go crazy when someone throws a bomb into a crowd of players.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
The negative of this suggestion would be that it creates more opportunities for meta gaming.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I can only speak as an IA main though I’m sure others would agree, it’s very annoying to corner someone and have them tell you “I already died you can’t arrest me” then have to decide between just letting him go because maybe he’s telling the truth or taking him to a sit because maybe he’s lying.

For these reasons I think this really could benefit server health. Less sits, less arguing, more time spent focusing on the game.


Active member
May 26, 2022
Massive -

The meta gaming potential for that is so high its shouldnt be considered at all.

Literally all I have to do is look in top right and see *CI Deep cover "Darren" has killed etc* and then people will look for him.

Theres something called subtle meta gaming where people dont out right call code 1 and I'd check but follow them when they die

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Massive -

The meta gaming potential for that is so high its shouldnt be considered at all.

Literally all I have to do is look in top right and see *CI Deep cover "Darren" has killed etc* and then people will look for him.

Theres something called subtle meta gaming where people dont out right call code 1 and I'd check but follow them when they die
Please read my full suggestion, I covered this.

The only way I can see this being useful is for AOD. Nobody in-RP. [A certain MTF regiment] would be lightning fast to check LCZ non-spec once they see "Somebody vaporized Victim" or "Victim's head was exploded", along with things like being eaten or ruining silent breaches by being synchronized with SCP kill sounds. A public kill log would be too easily abused that I cannot see the benefits ever outweighing the possibilities for metagaming.

Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023

The only way I can see this being useful is for AOD. Nobody in-RP. [A certain MTF regiment] would be lightning fast to check LCZ non-spec once they see "Somebody vaporized Victim" or "Victim's head was exploded", along with things like being eaten or ruining silent breaches by being synchronized with SCP kill sounds. A public kill log would be too easily abused that I cannot see the benefits ever outweighing the possibilities for metagaming.
I agree with this logic. If there was a way to implement a sort of kill log that did not make these visible in timing with those- perhaps a delayed kill log that includes all deaths in the past 1m, 2m or so? Any implementation of a kill log that does not require admin intervention to confirm would be helpful.


Well-known Member
May 17, 2022
I mean you can already set up a kill feed with your console if you know the right commands
Please read the whole suggestion before commenting, I addressed this.
Someone being vaporised or head popped can still be metagamed, with or without an attacker's name, when there's only so many reality benders on the server.

Not including a killfeed was a purposeful design choice when we were originally developing SCP-RP, we don't have any intention of adding a killfeed, even if it is anonymised.
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Harold Hawks

SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Mar 12, 2023
Someone being vaporised or head popped can still be metagamed, with or without an attacker's name, when there's only so many reality benders on the server.

Not including a killfeed was a purposeful design choice when we were originally developing SCP-RP, we don't have any intention of adding a killfeed, even if it is anonymised.
No worries then. Appreciate the response ?, will look into different avenues to see if I can find what I’m looking for. It’s more the NLR rule that’s poking at me.


MRP War Criminal
Oct 10, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Harold Hawks,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion. A killfeed would serve no purpose, as it adds no utility other than an avenue to metagame. There is no plan to add a killfeed of any kind at this time.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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