King Reapers (Executive Application) (SCP-RP-US)

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King 'Reaper'

Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Resources Team
Jun 7, 2024
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:526058364
Discord name: ReaperKing
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about a month now
Age: 21
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: EST
Character name(s): Researcher King Reaper - MTF "King"
Civilian name: TOTALLYNOTKing
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP-USA

Do you have a mic?:
- Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF role currently

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- Not that i know of

Why are you applying for Executive Researcher?
-I am applying to be an Executive so i can grow, i am a Sr.Researcher who is very knowledgeable of SCPS outside of the Server and i love my Documents even as a CRB agent i tend to write more than i need to and as you'll read you see i tend to ramble on a bit so i apologize now, but when it comes to my tests and studies im through and take the time to care for the test including my Dclass they will tell you my policy is the longer you live the more credit you earn and i plan to keep you that way my documents have caught the eyes of my peers they were the ones who recommended i stand here today and apply i take the criticism and the advice they give me and further myself and my Research as a whole i hope as you read you can further understand me and why i wish to become an Executive Researcher.

What makes you suitable for Executive Researcher?:
- I believe that i bring a fresh outlook on the Research department i take the time and effort to write out my documents even on the CRB where i only need a 2page order form i will still write out my 12page study for my own sake and upload it because i value the knowledge we seek as researchers i value the hardships we face and time we spend trying to do these tests so i try my hardest to help those when i can, i have had many Jr.s come up to me asking for help with tests or just asking to be my shadow during a test which i have always been more than happy to help with cause to me helping them grow helps me grow i learn more from what i see out there in facility everyday i believe i can further help people as an Executive in this department

How many excellent-graded documents have you written? What makes a document excellent?
- 1 that hit the mark after the Terminal wipe Called SCP-049 Test "Cursed Blood" its a Test that documents my Research into the Doctors pestilence and about a chemical cure i made and what effects it had on the SCP-049-02 instance this was a study to help further my chemical work "IMMORTALLITY GOO" something ive been working on since a JR.researcher

What makes a document Excellent? well alot of things so heres a List to help
~Title Page - A nice logo with a project name to make it professional Afterall we are the foundation
~Authorization Page - This page should include all signatures (with labels) of any GenSec-MTF-Research or Medical staff accompanying you during this test
~Index Page - This page is for readers to quickly jump to other pages it labels your whole document out Example.
Title Page.....Pg 1
~Basic Information - This page should include any background knowledge about the SCP or items you are using during the test this could include the Chemical formula to your Chemical, Basic knowledge about the SCP that isnt the Description itself
Example. SCP-049 "SCP-049 is highly skilled medical professional i plan to use to help further my studies of this strain and plan to testusing one of his -02instances if possible the effects can be negated or possibly reversed if so this could prove vital in recovering Highlevel - Clearance personnel from SCP-049 and his "Death Grip" this is basic info about his touch without it being his actual decription cause that part comes Next!
~SCP(s) Description - This page will include the BASIC description of the SCP in question not a essay its a Basic description the one off the wiki works fine
~Test plan / Procedure - This page should include in as much detail as possible the Test you would be conducting as well as who you are bringing and the procedure and how you would go about the test itself
~Hypothesis and Reasoning - This page should state how you believe the test is gonna go and the reasoning behind this, it may include previous findings from other tests
~Participants - this page should have labels and the names of all staff (including Dclass) that took part in you're test
~Test Results - this is the bread and butter of the document this is where you will write all the information that took place during the test this can include Audio transcripts of interviews between you and the SCP or just basic notes of the test and how the sampling might have went anything strange happen? NOTE IT! anyone die? NOTE IT! these things give the document life and make them unique from the rest
~Conclusion - Final statements to close out the document here is where you would put what findings you found and if the test as a whole was successful this includes anything that you found during the test whether it be apart of it or happened without you actually trying to make it happen it will close out the document and then its complete!.

the document themselves need to be Creative and Unique they each are their own and cant just be filled with 2 sentences and its done adding some Pictures instantly gives readers something to grab onto, maybe you're more of a chemical researcher then add the formula! people love to see the extra stuff that goes into them to show that you actually take the time to write them out and actually enjoy what it is you are researching on.

What are the responsibilities of the Executive Researcher in RP?:
- an Executive Researcher is someone who looks over the Department when we have no DPT Director on they assume control and Approve any Documentations that come through as well as any credit that is being given out by the Researchers they approve of any LVL4 Clearance testing and assist when needed they are really the backbone of the Research department without them around No JR can get credit and not even Researchers can get Testing approved without one around. Executives can also be some of the most helpful Researchers on staff just by shadowing Sr.s they give them the critiques to grow EXE.Uriah gave me many grammatical tips for my documents which then in turn got me an excellent grade on my SCP-049 Test they really do help you grow as a whole.

Please give some lore about your Executive Researcher character and what storylines they would be involved in:
My name is King Reaper i come from a long line of "Kings" i know what your thinking a King? who does he think he is WELL! ill tell you! i am a Researcher for the SCP Foundation a chemical Researcher in fact! i test and analysis all sorts of crazy goo's and liquids these test tubes filled with the unknown then turn into my tests where i might see how this one reacts to a Statue that doesn't move when in line of sight or maybe ill try to cure the common cold from a zombie tomorrow you never know but for me really my one true goal in life has been my development of my "IMMORTALLITY GOO" this stuff is GOLD! if proven to be useful it could increase personnel vitality rate site wide! its a Chemical compound i have been working on since i was a Jr.Researcher i discovered SCP-912 and his blood to have regenerative properties i planned to extract some and transfer blood into a Dclass and test the durability and the Healing properties of the blood itself by having the subject test SCP-087 this test showed me the blood was in fact useful and transferred some but not all of the healing properties and caused the subject to be resistant to physical attacks made by SCP-087 from this point on i dedicated my chemical work to further this by incorporating other SCPS as i went up in Clearance SCP-939 was another that was added recently as i found his sense of awareness was transferable upon blood transfusion into a Dclass proving the Chemical compound can be in fact found with a little more time and resources i wish to further this drug and distribute it to the site as apart of there containment and combat protocols
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Well-known Member
Oct 22, 2023
SUBJECT: Executive Researcher Application Outcome

Dear Applicant,

Thank you for your application for the Executive Researcher position. After a thorough review and discussions with the Executive Research team, we have made our decision. Unfortunately, we are not moving forward with your application for this role.

You may reapply in 2 weeks.

Please feel free to reach out after a period of further experience and development within the department, as we welcome your future applications. If any questions, please email me (g4rp1ays).

Thank you for your understanding and continued commitment to the SCP Foundation.

Best regards,

Director of Research, Site-65 Research Department
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