Last ban appeal.

Jover Gunda

Well-known Member
Jun 20, 2023
Your in-game name:Jover E.

Your SteamID:76561199454934563

Your steam community link:

Date of blacklist:11/25/2023

To the best of your knowledge, why were you blacklisted?:Ban Evasion and Stacked bans

Please list any times you have used methods to change or hide your IP (incl. game streaming, e.g. GeForce Now):
Please list any alt accounts:I have a lot but they are all throwaway accounts where I share the game to the alt with using family sharing and when I get banned I would take the alt off my steam profiles and I do not keep the information of said throw away profiles so I do not have any that I know the information of.

Who blacklisted you? (if known):Nomad

Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):

What will you do to stop this from happening again:I've improved my overall maturity/mental health, I also understand what not to do anymore, and how immature I was with what I’ve done,I shouldn’t of done what I did, Im sincerely sorry, :I will make sure that I conduct my self properly and accordingly to the rules so I do not break them.I know what I did was wrong. I had all the warnings and I ignored them. I chose to ignore them I will not denied this. I wanted to do something fun in the later hours of the day and I did the wrong thing. I wish to show that I am a better person/player and will do my best to follow the rules set in the SCP Server. I am sincerely sorry for breaking the rules and removing any possible entertainment/immersion in the server, I wish I could undo what I've done to get unbanned but atlas I can't, fail-roleplayed, job-abused, and committed several RDMs despite knowing there were going to be consequences,. I wish to show that I have improved as a roleplayer and will not break the server rules again as best as I can. At the time I did not think about the consequences that my actions would have on the server. I know that asking for a second chance here is unlikely to be approved based on my actions, but I have grown out of doing such recklessness on gaming servers. I do wish to better myself as an SCP roleplayer and show what I can do again, but I understand if I am denied, and if I am accepted, I will try my best of my ability to properly roleplay and not minge/break server rules, I will also have a summary of the rules that I have broken.

Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned/blacklisted? Yes.

Why should you be unblacklisted:I believe i should be unblacklisted mostly because I have improved on myself, I believe that I was blacklisted for good reason ,and I genuinely apologize for what I did in the past that caused this ban. I understand that playing by the rules and creating a constructive playground atmosphere are crucial in such situation. I think, I shall deserve decensorship due to a serious consideration of wrongdoings caused by me and sincere determination to put things right, Im sincerely sorry for breaking the rules and harassing other players for my own entertainment.

How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?:I now know what I did wrong in the past, and learnt from my mistakes by making sure i understood all the rules. additionally theres key steps i made including exercising self-control and not acting out disruptively or inappropriately at all. I know what happens when one breaks the rules of the server, and will do everything possible so that all gamers have fun, I will also read into the rules when I can, In no circumstance am I suppose to RDM which is means I didn’t have a justified reason within roleplay to kill someone such as, being in a life-threatening situation, someone trespassing our hacking a door, Giving someone verbal commands to stop doing what they are doing, A d-class starting a riot with a weapon such as a knife and/or gun, Committing a high offense of treason or murder but you are not allowed to start mass murdering. Job abuse, Under no circumstance am I suppose to change my job to give a unfair advantage or to get out of a in roleplay or out of roleplay to avoid punishment which is what I done which I shouldn’t of. LTAP, Leaving to avoid punishment, Under no circumstance am I suppose to leave before I have got said punishment, which I should of not done to start with, which will not happen again as I will try my best to not get warned.Toxicity, I have changed since then and have developed, I am less prone to being toxic which I will not be toxic as I have changed. Stacked Warns/Stacked Bans, I have changed and I will not get any more warns and/or bans as that shows bad faith in following the rules. Ban evasion, It was inexcusable that I attempted to evade the bans which made it far more of a annoyance to deal with me, Which I am sincerely sorry for doing, I assure you that it won't happen again, and I'm committed to contributing positively within the bounds of the platform's policies. Thank you for your understanding.

Why do you want to rejoin this server?:
I want to be a actual apart of the community again, it was a lot of fun! Not only this, but I loved how high quality the server was, I'd also like to be able to undo any damage I done by breaking the rules. There was love put in the server and you can tell the second you join, I sincerely apologize for everything I’ve done prior, May I please be given one final chance?
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