Denied Lethal Injection Syringes

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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Aug 8, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
I would like to add lethal injection syringes to the medical department. They would be stored behind the same coded CL4 door that the SCP-500 pill is stored in and would only be accessible to CL4 medical staff. Also, I feel that a 10-minute cooldown timer would also need to be set in place to prevent abuse of the syringes.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
No, my suggestion is completely original to my knowledge. My suggestion is different because it provides the medical department with an alternative and more humane termination option for D-class, GOI's and even Foundation personnel.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-More RP for most departments
-Adds realism to the server
-Moral dilemmas
-Added sections to the CoE and CoC

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Abuse of the syringes (given someone gets past the coded CL4 door)
-People using the syringes for random reasons

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Overall, I feel that this suggestion does more good than bad. It clearly adds more RP to the server, and I also spoke to both DoM's and they supported my idea.
Jul 15, 2023
i mean, there are already insta-kill chems and chem cocktails that you can inject - it doesn't particularly make sense to add an entirely new item for this one specific purpose when we have a system that can just be greenlit for use in this manner.

like, i like the idea and the roleplay motivations behind it, but this is just what makes sense
Yeah, but do you really think ethics would allow medical staff to inject people with ethanol for termination? That may be more practical but definitely isn't more realistic than using a lethal injection syringe.

like this can easily just be roleplayed out. have it be like painkiller chems, then instakill chems. i just don't understand the aversion to using the existing chems system.
Aug 8, 2022
i mean, there are already insta-kill chems and chem cocktails that you can inject - it doesn't particularly make sense to add an entirely new item for this one specific purpose when we have a system that can just be greenlit for use in this manner.

like, i like the idea and the roleplay motivations behind it, but this is just what makes sense


like this can easily just be roleplayed out. have it be like painkiller chems, then instakill chems. i just don't understand the aversion to using the existing chems system.
This wouldn’t be part of the chem system. It would be implemented similar to the 008 syringes. I don’t know how you’re supposed to “roleplay out chemicals”. The aversion to using existing chems is injecting people with the existing chemicals is inhumane and would never happen in real life. This is a realistic RP server after all no?


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Aug 10, 2023
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Can't wait for a tech expert to run at me and kill me instantly on low pop hours
Jul 15, 2023
This wouldn’t be part of the chem system. It would be implemented similar to the 008 syringes. I don’t know how you’re supposed to “roleplay out chemicals”. The aversion to using existing chems is injecting people with the existing chemicals is inhumane and would never happen in real life. This is a realistic RP server after all no?
i know what it is you're asking for. it's part of why i'm just generally confused about your claim to add this extra thing that in itself would kind of just be coming from nowhere despite your focus on realism in the same hand.
A good alternative to this would be the addition of some chemical/combination of chemicals that can kill you that is a combination viewed as humane IRL. Not sure what chemicals those would be, as I'm not a vet, nor do I live in a country that allows either of euthanasia or death sentences.
this would make more sense on that front. adding something like euthanasia chems to the chem system would definitely be harder than adding something you'd just get, by virtue of working out the recipe to make them. but then that is an extra thing that they're locked behind and they need to be stocked up on - you would also be keeping them in a restricted-access fridge. this would also contribute to server economy and probably be better for your roleplay realism focus, to have to buy or making it - than just having it be available.

as for their use... well, aside from what you said, which isn't much justification for this solution in itself, but it would be easier to add for both CI and GOC since they can just store this as they would any other chem. could also be used in hostage situations as opposed to just shooting the hostage.

i dunno. i mean,


good luck i guess
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Yeah, but do you really think ethics would allow medical staff to inject people with ethanol for termination? That may be more practical but definitely isn't more realistic than using a lethal injection syringe.
in a world where prisoners are fed to monsters and a underground theater of organisations that rival and fight in total secret, yes. Ethics isn't necessarily the most ethical office, since they after all allow prisoners to be willingly fed to research projects that have almost 100% fatality for the prisoners.

This "lethal injection" stuff would be used for max 2 weeks, perhaps once per day and it really isn't worth what development this takes to just roleplay out a lethal injection with something like ethanol, perhaps just roleplay out that the ethanol is a lethal injection and not ethanol by doing /me injects Pentobarbital (<- an actual lethal substance for lethal injections).
Jul 15, 2023
if abuse of the syringe is constant (probably why it also isnt an overall chemical addition cause no one cares about those restrictions) could also be added into !medic or the f4 menu (if f4 then it can be given to people outside of medical that are justified to have it)
oh yeah, !medic menu is a thing. yeah alright, that could be a potential source, too.
Feb 16, 2023
i know what it is you're asking for. it's part of why i'm just generally confused about your claim to add this extra thing that in itself would kind of just be coming from nowhere despite your focus on realism in the same hand.

this would make more sense on that front. adding something like euthanasia chems to the chem system would definitely be harder than adding something you'd just get, by virtue of working out the recipe to make them. but then that is an extra thing that they're locked behind and they need to be stocked up on - you would also be keeping them in a restricted-access fridge. this would also contribute to server economy and probably be better for your roleplay realism focus, to have to buy or making it - than just having it be available.

as for their use... well, aside from what you said, which isn't much justification for this solution in itself, but it would be easier to add for both CI and GOC since they can just store this as they would any other chem. could also be used in hostage situations as opposed to just shooting the hostage.

i dunno. i mean,


good luck i guess
Making it be craftable means anyone can cook a lethal injection capable of killing without cooldown. Would go against the idea of making it restricted. But again you can already kill with chems.
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