Make Announcement System display multiple emergencies at once!

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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Allows the emergency announcement system to declare multiple emergencies and display them on the bottom middle of the screen as usual. For example, currently the system can only show one emergency at a time and we collectively agree which emergency takes priority and they're ranked from least important to most important here: Code 2, Code 1, Code 4, Code 5, Code 3, Code Black. When an emergency is called, it will display the Code #, and what it is. Keep that, but when multiple codes are called, shorten it to Code 2: Riot in Progress! for example to Code 2 & Code 1.

Now at this point you're wondering "How will that effect the announcer? Won't that just bug him out?" Well, yes and no. I don't think overlapping them is smart and coding it to where it delays the announcement by X amount of time per X amount of codes is just ludicrous. Simply use the prioritize system we all collectively agree on. The announcer will... well... announce! Whatever code takes priority so for example: Current codes are 1,2,3. The bottom middle will show "Codes 1,2,3 in progress!" And the announcer will say "Code 3, Lethal Contamination Hazard!" as usual.

"Ok, cool, but what about concluding an emergency? If I hit that button.. wouldn't it conclude all of them?" Well in the current state yes, but I want the user interface to be changed so you can call off individual codes. The announcer will not say "Attention! An emergency has been declared concluded! Facility alert state returned to normal, please continue operation as usual" rather he will say nothing and only continue announcing the higher priority code until all codes are concluded/false alarmed.

"Isn't this complicated?" Of course! Which is why I have an alternative idea. Instead of this giant Rube Goldberg machine concept, we keep it simple stupid? The emergency system as a "non-emergency section" that allows you to remind people to keep doors closed, host trainings, etc. But the one I want to focus on is the intruder one.. The primary use of this one is to remind people there is an active code 1 during a higher priority emergency. Simply add one for each code. That way, you don't have to change pretty much anything from the old system and all you need to add is buttons and use already provided voice lines. Example: Current Code: 4. *You want to remind people there is a riot during the code 4* *Hits newly added button* Announcer: "Code 2: Riot in Progress!" *Current code displayed: Code 4: Cognitohazard Containment Breach*

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Most likely, I am just throwing it out there.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2)
1. Reminds foundation personnel what codes are active. Especially since NLR eliminates previously obtained knowledge, it would be essential to keep personnel updated on what emergencies are currently going on at all times.

2. No more clogged up communications with messages saying: "Is there still a silent code 1?" Silent codes are annoying to keep track of, and it's easier for people to just have multiple emergencies displayed instead of just asking. Code 5 is one of the more common codes to get called and also hides code 1's and 2's. Not every code 5 situation means there is an active code 1 or 2 but if there is such a situation, people will easily forget about the other emergencies.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
Too hard to implement/not worth the time/effort. I completely understand this approach, this is more a quality of life suggestion that doesn't have much impact to begin with. I am not a coder/developer but thinking from their perspective, the first idea is just very all over the place. Is it doable? I think it's definitely doable, but is it worth it? Ehhhhh.. that's where the 2nd idea comes in, just use already utilized voice lines and update the emergency system's GUI.

A potential issue with the second idea is people spamming it, you could easily make it so you cannot announce a code that is currently displayed. For example: If code 1 is displayed, you can't remind people of the code 1 when it's the only emergency active as it is annoying and redundant.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Why should it? Because why not! (Jk)

Ok but seriously, this would help a lot of people better keep track of emergencies. It also eliminates the possibility of an emergency just being ignored/forgotten only to be discovered later when it is too late.

already accepted

already accepted
What a massive W


Well-known Member
Aug 28, 2023
Mojave Desert


Yes please for the love of god, it's very annoying to join the server and have two emergencies without even realizing there are two emergencies. I wish this system was a thing that exist, so me and other people don't get confused.
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