Denied Make Cognitohazards actually Kill people again

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
>Make it so that Computers that have cognitohazards activated (Via Hacking it) kill people and draw their mouse towards it, similar to how SCP-012 works.
Currently it only makes you unable to move when looked at.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
>Checked for 5 minutes, didn't find anything.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
>Assassination RP
>Gives the Cognitohazard's on PC a purpose
>Lore accurate
>More uses for Tech experts

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
>Easier to troll people by hacking Computers

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
>This used to be the case, where cognitohazards would damage and eventually kill people who viewed them. This changed one day (Idk when) and cognitohazards and became purposeless after this. I say it gets brought back as it would give tech experts more purpose, use and RP (@Zen going to enjoy this one), it would allow for silient assassinations and more carefulness when using PC's, and lastly, its cool.
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Rules are added so that computers within spawn areas (E.G, Exec Office) are not allowed to be hacked
This could just be a rule on spawn camping, as it is, their spawn.
Although it would be quite difficult for CI to raid an office mid day, get the hack off without being noticed, I do 100% understand the annoyance that would come from this.
It would also encourage using only computers in offices, as they would be 100% safe, but eh idk.
Feb 10, 2024
I only recently found out about the weird hack that you can do on PCs. I find the idea of people getting killed by this hilarious sooo:
W suggestion
This could just be a rule on spawn camping, as it is, their spawn.
Although it would be quite difficult for CI to raid an office mid day, get the hack off without being noticed, I do 100% understand the annoyance that would come from this.
It would also encourage using only computers in offices, as they would be 100% safe, but eh idk.
I do get that point, but it'd be an either or situation where you could deal with potentially randomly dying while you are meant to be in a safe area V people only using office computers
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Only if I could see the suggestion it’s attached to. Only if.

Since it says fix I’m going to assume it’s a bug, and they didn’t intentionally ruin Cognitohazards.
Welp, I will be expected:

Suggestion Denied

Hi there,
Your suggestion has been denied for the following reasons:

This is already planned and on the GitHub

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as “Denied”
Feb 22, 2024
also a great way to tell if a computer has been hacked or altered with is that the SCP logo starts to jitter!

+support stupid how its not fixed already
hi, yes, this is work in progress. No ETA available at this time.
Thank you for taking the time to make this suggestion <3
Thank you for working on it.
And apologies about posting a suggestion, didn’t even know this was on the GitHub. Don't stress yourself out and take your time.
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