Denied Make it so your Admin Application can't be denied because of notoriety.

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Well-known Member
Jan 29, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
This suggestion would fix certain parts of Admin Applications and how they are denied, accepted, and or graded.

Some Admin Applications would get denied for 'noteriety'. Meaning if you're not as known, you won't get accepted. The rest of this post would explain my feelings on this matter, and explanations why.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Less applications denied for reasons they shouldn't be denied for.
- More fair applications responses.
- Less bias in Admins.
Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I don't really see any negatives, as many of the reasons that "may" come from this can be easily counteracted by other meanings of denying or accepting applications.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

Being denied for "not being well known enough" is very idiotic. Say you have a great, impressive application and you are very confident, high play time and great interactions. Then you get denied a day later because the 3 people the admins asked/didn't ask say they dont know you and the admin puts "We have decided to deny your application as you are not well known enough". There are so many reasons why this is wrong, it makes it seem as if your application mostly is decided by being known, instead of how good and trusted your application is (Showing/meaning that more than 50% of your application being graded is from how known you are). I have also recently contacted the community manager for this issue and he has even said that this shouldn't be a reason to deny an application and that the admins shouldn't do it. Yet, many applications are denied for this reason.

How would notoriety even be graded? If you want to completely know you would have to ask almost everyone in the server if they know them, yet, I have never seen a question like that directed to anyone. It seems that the 'notoriety' is only if that admin grading it knows you or not. What even does notoriety mean to the application? How active you are? How much conversations you have? How much people can remember your name? All of these work for it, yet, if you do all of these you can still get denied apparently (I have 300+ hours and many interactions yet I still got denied). I'd rather have applications be graded on actual quality rather than popularity, as having less known admins can also decrease bias in sits and other situations.


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top bloke
Dec 24, 2020
bossman lane
I do see what you're saying but don't completely agree.

It's less about being "popular" on the server, like a high-ranking person, or someone that is a high level and blabbers on in OOC. If people don't know who you are - as you said "not being well-known" - then they can't really judge how they think you'll be as staff. It's important that they have a decent grasp of who you are beyond hours played and a good application. There are lots of people who can bang out a well-worded application and have loads of hours but definitely shouldn't be staff.

Having somebody that isn't very well-known can be a decent risk, for that aforementioned reason, and it's something that the applicant can solve themselves by being more interactive and active around the community. I'd recommend that you attempt to get yourself out there more and participate further in the wider community with a range of members. This will allow them to get a better judgment of you as an individual.

Surface level, applications being denied for not being "well-known" sounds strange, but it's actually quite fair when you realise what is needed to be staff.


Well-known Member
Jan 29, 2023
I do see what you're saying but don't completely agree.

It's less about being "popular" on the server, like a high-ranking person, or someone that is a high level and blabbers on in OOC. If people don't know who you are - as you said "not being well-known" - then they can't really judge how they think you'll be as staff. It's important that they have a decent grasp of who you are beyond hours played and a good application. There are lots of people who can bang out a well-worded application and have loads of hours but definitely shouldn't be staff.

Having somebody that isn't very well-known can be a decent risk, for that aforementioned reason, and it's something that the applicant can solve themselves by being more interactive and active around the community. I'd recommend that you attempt to get yourself out there more and participate further in the wider community with a range of members. This will allow them to get a better judgment of you as an individual.

Surface level, applications being denied for not being "well-known" sounds strange, but it's actually quite fair when you realise what is needed to be staff.
The risk can be counteracted by admins by grading them on stuff other than popularity. Like play time and warn count, as that can explain what type of person they are.


Well-known Member
Dec 8, 2022
I do see what you're saying but don't completely agree.

It's less about being "popular" on the server, like a high-ranking person, or someone that is a high level and blabbers on in OOC. If people don't know who you are - as you said "not being well-known" - then they can't really judge how they think you'll be as staff. It's important that they have a decent grasp of who you are beyond hours played and a good application. There are lots of people who can bang out a well-worded application and have loads of hours but definitely shouldn't be staff.

Having somebody that isn't very well-known can be a decent risk, for that aforementioned reason, and it's something that the applicant can solve themselves by being more interactive and active around the community. I'd recommend that you attempt to get yourself out there more and participate further in the wider community with a range of members. This will allow them to get a better judgment of you as an individual.

Surface level, applications being denied for not being "well-known" sounds strange, but it's actually quite fair when you realise what is needed to be staff.
Isn't the trial period of staff supposed to test you and give the higher ups a grasp of who you are, because otherwise you could be left unnoticed and never well known enough to be accepted. After all is it a trial phase, a test phase, to see if you are worthy of staff.


Well-known Member
Dec 8, 2022
if your reputation is bad and you become admin then people assume worse out of admins, which is obviously bad.
Also, if you have a bad rep then there is probably a cause, which led to your denial, I get sometimes critics can be very harsh out of spite but there is nothing more satisfying than prevailing over them in the long run
"not being well known enough" and "bad rep" are two completely different things, if he was denied for having a "bad rep" surely that would have been the reason listed as the denial reason, and not the "not being well known enough" as the guy claims.


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
if your reputation is bad and you become admin then people assume worse out of admins, which is obviously bad.
Also, if you have a bad rep then there is probably a cause, which led to your denial, I get sometimes critics can be very harsh out of spite but there is nothing more satisfying than prevailing over them in the long run
this some people just get unlucky i minged a fuck ton and cause of that i can never have admin you just get a bad repuation and can never fix its shit but it has to be said

Reiner Zufall

Active member
Aug 1, 2022
The issue with this would be that, untrustworthy people might get Mod+, why should the admins give someone an mod+ role if they not well known enough? Also in general people, who apply for it should have some hours and knowledge about the server otherwise problems or staff complaints would rise
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Simon "Kitton" A.

Active member
Apr 16, 2022
Suggestion Denied

Hi MrHugs,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We do not see why would this help due to the fact that bias is needed to some extent.
Of course, we do not want people that are toxic, etc.
But we also do not want random people that we have no clue if they are friendly, trustable, and beneficial for the server.
Joining the staff team gives you a lot of power that we cannot entrust random people with.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.
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