Denied Make jobs with heavy armour spawn with 50 more armour (150 armour)

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Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Spawns all jobs with heavy armour such as Enforcement, Juggs and others jobs spawn with 150 armour.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- Makes the jobs more realistic. The jobs in game have large heavy armour which should be much stronger than others, yet in RP it does nothing except look cool.
- Makes people more likely to play the jobs. In ISD and Nu7 particularly, the Enforcement job is worse than some of the lower/same rank jobs: ISD Specialist has a godly gun and all possible grenades which make it more versatile and more useful than Enforcement, Nu7 have the Marksman which is way better in Surface Combat and also Medics which could also debatably be better Nu7 as a whole.
- Makes the jobs more useful in RP and therefore they will be used more tactically. MTF would have more of a reason to properly utilise these jobs instead of just using them as normal operatives. With the increased armour I feel that MTF CO teams would actually have a reason to utilise them as enforcement during a sweep or front line tanks for a more successful push or as bodyguards for high ranking members, the RP posibilites extend way beyond those 3 examples. CI would also get the buff meaning that they can use Juggernauts more effectively during raids.
- It would not imbalance any factions as all faction jobs with heavy armour get the buff.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Might be annoying to implement.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
- I believe that realism is an important part of the server that we try and improve every day. With this change, the realistic feel of the server would improve with only a slight risk of imbalance which, in my opinion, is worth it as it can be easily reworked if it is too overpowered. This suggestion wouldn't let heavy jobs raise their armour back to 150 so, if they lose it, they can't regain it until they die which I believe makes it quite balanced in the grand scheme of things. I know that the SL and NL team are quite busy with all the big updates but I feel that this is a small change that could be implemented quickly without much effort.
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022

give us juggernauts already denied check frequent suggestions the buff between enforcement and ISD operatives/specialists is the m249 you just want to be mega OP you got a better LMG then the UNGOC and CI juggs

you also get deployable shields aswell


Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
i like how hes trying to justify this Buff by saying its for realism thats completely false if anything was realitic ci would work with scps / type green

also if this is should be approved for realism give CI Delta operatives this 150 armor thing to


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2022
Darren, I do realise that you believe that this could imbalance the factions, however in my opinion, the CI jug weapon is better and I like it way more than the m249. Also, I suppose that the 150 armour could be applied to more jobs, but only IF they have heavy armour. I'm not sure if CI DC have large armour over their body, but if they do, I'd be happy to see them get this buff as well. It simply annoys my brain that physical armour inside the server does nothing in RP except look cool. I hope you can see that I do not wish to imbalance the factions, however if you can not, then I'm sorry that I'm imbalacing them with this suggestion. Regarding the CI working with SCPs, that is something I would personally love to see, but I believe that SL/NL would simply not allow it. If you wish, you are free to post a suggestion of your own.
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Well-known Member
Jul 14, 2022
Darren, I do realise that you believe that this could imbalance the factions, however in my opinion, the CI jug weapon is better and I like it way more than the m249. Also, I suppose that the 150 armour could be applied to more jobs, but only IF they have heavy armour. I'm not sure if CI DC have large armour over their body, but if they do, I'd be happy to see them get this buff as well. It simply annoys my brain that physical armour inside the server does nothing in RP except look cool. I hope you can see that I do not wish to imbalance the factions, however if you can not, then I'm sorry that I'm imbalacing them with this suggestion.
not deepcover delta operative btw

i do apologise for my very blunt words tho


Well-known Member
Oct 24, 2022
not deepcover delta operative btw

i do apologise for my very blunt words tho
Just changed the suggestion for it to make more sense, I didn't quite realise that more jobs than just Enforcement and Jugg have heavy armour, however if they do, this suggestion would balance them all out as of now.
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give us juggernauts already denied check frequent suggestions the buff between enforcement and ISD operatives/specialists is the m249 you just want to be mega OP you got a better LMG then the UNGOC and CI juggs

you also get deployable shields aswell
GOC get an M240B, Whoever telling you M249 is better is just plain wrong.
I whole Heartily +Support this

At least for enforcement in terms of ISD/O-1
This would give us essentially a guy to go infront of and take the damage for the VIP's, giving an actual proper tactical use to them, right now no one plays it
Just changed the suggestion for it to make more sense, I didn't quite realise that more jobs than just Enforcement and Jugg have heavy armour, however if they do, this suggestion would balance them all out as of now.
GOC strike team should get this too, in fact GOC soldiers and Commanders if you look at their models. It’s either a Gen +1 or Gen +2 advance generation armor.
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Grimm ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

We believe the more powerful weapons already make the situation balanced and we dont believe increasing armor would be the best for balance

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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