Denied Make SCPs Creditable (and/or otherwise rewardable)

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Implement a mechanism to allow for SCPs to be !credited and/or paid w/ in-game money OOCly for co-operating with experiments (I know you can already pay them directly with /give, I've done it in the past with 106, unsure if it's still the case - But obviously SCPs like 939, 035 or 096 are a bit harder and more unreasonable to reward directly like that).

Please consider looking into solutions such as interacting with the containment box, allowing via !credit STEAMID within a certain radius, etc. This would obviously not apply to 008-2 or any other SCP you deem inappropriate, although I would make a case for 049-2 to be allowed it, as it is meant to take orders from 049 and therefore has potential roleplay situations. An exhaustive list of current SCPs that this suggestion is intended towards and may enhance roleplay experience for both sides of:
  • 2295
  • 073 (Fairly certain you can't !credit both 2295 or 073 atm which is weird since they're both entirely roleplay-based SCPs - Regardless, you could just allow them to be !credited directly if possible and not already the case)
  • 912 (Similar reasoning to the above, but 912 is a breaching SCP)
  • 999 (This one's shaky as 999 literally has a tool to net it exp by interacting with people, thus encouraging interaction - But it still possible to do a good test with it, with decent roleplay and as an entry level SCP, it'd be a good idea to instill that)
  • 173
  • 457
  • 860 (860 can't even breach, it is literally only for roleplay. You should be able to !credit it)
  • 22415 (All three, when they comes out - Obviously roleplay-heavy SCP; So incentivise roleplay - I mean yes, it's whitelisted, but still)
  • 087 I'm kidding, could you imagine?
  • 049 (and 049-2)
  • 8837
  • 096
  • 966
  • 939
  • 7722
  • 106
  • 079
  • 076
  • 682
  • 035

This would allow for players to reward other players on SCPs where they otherwise may not be able to obtain any; Examples include co-operation with tests (following the Silver Rule), good RP and potentially even passive breach RP.

The following jobs should be able to reward SCPs in this way (whether as a result of roleplay or in exchange for samples, etc.):
  • All researcher jobs
  • E-11 (sometimes we have trainings where we get an SCP, would be nice to give them something for their trouble)
  • Assistants
  • Site Administration
  • Site Command
  • Event Team/Character (if someone on an SCP does good during an event, why not reward them?)
  • All jobs available to CI Gamma and higher (This might encourage teaming, but my intention here is to facilitate stuff like deals or even just things like "035 gets a matador and sent back in, explode all the foundation for omega funny," you know the clip)
It'd also be kinda funny if D-Class were able to pay them (but not credit them for obvious reasons - I think they can /give anyway) and might facilitate deals ala what I said about the CI jobs (although again, might encourage teaming), but I understand if that doesn't make it through. That one's more of a light potential idea (and hilarious) than it is actually part of the suggestion.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:

This is a direct re-opening of Mirai's previously denied suggestion from June, on the same topic. It has apparently been discussed on the subforum before that, but further searching yields no results - Supposedly predating the existence of the suggestions subforum.
Denial reason from Goondra:
Content believes this would be very complicated to do - due to most SCPs being hostile - the !credit wouldn't work - Plus we believe this system could be very easily abused - worse than the current set up
I half-agree with the denial and half-disagree - I recognise the technical challenges associated with trying to fundamentally alter existing mechanics or otherwise add what is basically an entirely new mechanic to facilitate the use of existing ones. As for !credit abuse... I mean, ehhh... I do agree that there is potential for abuse - But my hang-up here is that potential for abuse in itself is not really reason enough to not do this - The actual incapability to functionally implement this, would be (I am somewhat curious as to what exactly, in a technical way, would be preventing this from working though. Is it hardcoding shenanigans? Or is there a behaviour that just prevents you from either crediting a different faction or something otherwise marked as an SCP? It just feels strange, but I wouldn't put it past GMod jankiness). But if it's even partially doable, like for some SCPs but not others, then I think that's unfortunate, but it would be better than not being able to do it at all; Although it would be unfair to the SCPs that it can't be implemented for; I guess if it unbalances things too much in that regard, then sure, alright. This suggestion aims to be as constructive as possible on this front.

There is also a presently active suggestion by Aura to 'Add RP back to testing', which is not the same thing as this suggestion but does have significant overlap with it in terms of what it aims to do and how it benefits the server.
Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
  • Improved gameplay loop, provides another way to climb SCP levels that isn't just breaching & killing - While breach play is a big part of the SCP gameplay loop, it unfortunately stands to reason for many people that that is all being an SCP is. If we have the tools to reward people for... You know, the primary part of the server title, quite literally "SCP Roleplay," then that would probably incentivise them to do it more, which can also include passive breach roleplay. Especially SCPs with highly RP-conducive environments and circumstances such as 8837, 7722, 035 or even 682 and 076, etc.

    Right now on UK, RsD is faltering a bit. I think a big reason for that is because of people unwilling to put the time in on the SCP side for fair reason. If we can have the tools to encourage research interaction with SCPs outside of sampling, then that leaves the onus for UK RsD to recover entirely on departmental leadership. Ultimately, server health go up.

  • Allows for a reasonable and safe way to properly reward SCPs.

  • Gives people another reason to be on the SCP - Increasingly I see people needing someone else to flag on an SCP and it just not happening? If part of the reason for this from the other person's POV is basically just "Why would I? What do I get out of this?" Then this would hopefully facilitate that transaction and improve SCP availability.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • Dev Time - Potentially impossible

  • SCPs might start credit begging ala D-Class

  • Abuse - I know I said that potential abuse doesn't warrant not doing this, but I also said I don't deny that people can get !credited in situations they kinda shouldn't. I mean, we do have things in place to mitigate this such as credit approval - But that's not going to entirely eliminate it. Although the suggestion isn't just about !credit, either.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

TL;DR, having (better) ways to credit and pay SCPs would:
  1. Provide the tools to make the perceived SCP gameplay loop more than just "breach, kill things graaar"

  2. Give people more reason to flag on an SCP when you ask

  3. Let us more feasibly give things to people on an SCP in exchange for stuff like chems or even just rewarding them for good roleplay, etc.

  4. Help save UK RsD from dying

  5. Might make SCPs credit beg like D-Class do
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Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
I've also seen a reason for !credit change denials that was something along the lines of them not wanting to encourage it for things jobs should already be doing as part of their base gameplay - but this doesn't make sense, as certain behaviour that is part of base gameplay (e.g. breaking doors and killing during breaches as SCP, fixing things as E&TS, etc.) already is automatically given XP - so that's literally what the XP is supposed to be given for based on that design. XP should be given more when a person is actively engaging in their role - some elements of the role are RP, and interacting with others, which is impossible to automatically give XP for properly, so that's the point of !credit.
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But it doesn't fix the issue of RP with scps being generally just shit. Eventually leading to them just getting farmed for samples by A1 or O1(mostly a1)
yeah, RP itself being bad is a more complex thing than just "change this one facet" which is all we can reasonably do with a suggestion (i would love to make a megathread of just re-opening some past ideas, there's some stuff in resolved i see as having decent merit to explore but ultimately were not because it was not put across well) - best we can do on this side is try to alleviate everything surrounding it, offer as many tools as reasonably possible to facilitate good roleplay, fix imbalances, etc.

but ultimately the onus at the end of the line in that regard is the community.
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Well-known Member
Nov 7, 2023
- actual reason to RP in exchance for Credit
- no credit = gets you killd
- takes so long to get SCP xp even when its a breach it takes forever
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View attachment 13080
-actually pretty cool, encourages the SCP silver rule too.
aha! finally, chatgpt is wrong:

i do technically "exclude certain hostile SCPs" but that is literally only 008-2. that's all. the only circumstance i could see actually justifying this is with like an 008 crosstest or something. but 008 is not only intersects with this strangely, it's kind of also a reward in itself to be able to be 008-2. at least for the d-class in that situation. but i guess you can make the argument that it would be fair to reward the 008-2 for getting sampled or otherwise co-operating in roleplay, etc. like pretty much every 008 sampling is just, infect 008, sample it, then kill 008 and sampling d-class. so yeah sure, it would be fair. i'm not going to touch that argument any further though.

and the suggestion in itself makes no attempt to address technical or even abuse concerns. it just asks if it's possible on a technical level and operates on the belief that abuse concerns are either unfounded or not enough to warrant denial of the feature, given we have measures in place aimed at reducing abuse - with the assumption that it's possible that they're applicable to this in some form

bad suggestion
aha! finally, chatgpt is wrong:

i do technically "exclude certain hostile SCPs" but that is literally only 008-2. that's all. the only circumstance i could see actually justifying this is with like an 008 crosstest or something. but 008 is not only intersects with this strangely, it's kind of also a reward in itself to be able to be 008-2. at least for the d-class in that situation. but i guess you can make the argument that it would be fair to reward the 008-2 for getting sampled or otherwise co-operating in roleplay, etc. like pretty much every 008 sampling is just, infect 008, sample it, then kill 008 and sampling d-class. so yeah sure, it would be fair. i'm not going to touch that argument any further though.

and the suggestion in itself makes no attempt to address technical or even abuse concerns. it just asks if it's possible on a technical level and operates on the belief that abuse concerns are either unfounded or not enough to warrant denial of the feature, given we have measures in place aimed at reducing abuse - with the assumption that it's possible that they're applicable to this in some form

bad suggestion
chatGPT LIED TO ME????????
-chatGPT does not approve

(Being genuine i did go and read through it for actual, +Support its cool chatGPT is just wrong)
((also also 22415 is on the list twice))
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