[Mapping] Hypnos' Application


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Mar 6, 2023
In-game name: Hypnos Sano

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:68721039

Age: 19

For how long have you played the servers?: Around 2 years.

What country are you from?: United States

Time-zone: Pacific Standard Time.

Do you have a Mic: Yes.

Is this your first application for Mapper?: Yes.

Have you received any bans?: I have no bans on record.

How confident are you with Hammer?: I would rate myself a 6-7.

Do you have previous experience as a mapper for GMod?: Though I have not developed/ mapped for a community, I have spent a solid amount of time strengthening my skill set, understanding of hammer, and map making.

What source games have you mapped for and used the content of?: I have experience in mapping with GMod, HL2, and CSS content. I have only produced maps that were tested on GMod, as I play this game and it was the most immediately available game for me to test on. Within this experience, I have used content (models/materials) from all three games stated.

How many hours can you commit to mapping per week?: I can commit around 10 hours per week, though this can vary depending on school load/ work.

Why do you want to be a mapper? What can you help us with?: There are many reasons I am interested in becoming a Mapper. To start, Mapping has been a hobby and passion I have enjoyed for years. I first began mapping around 3 years ago, when I had watched a developer of a community I was a part of play test their map on stream. I am a very detail-oriented individual, and find joy in watching things being built from the ground up. The process of mapping takes a lot of trial and error, and being able to work through my own problems, and find ways to be successful has been something I have enjoyed. Becoming a mapper would allow me to be surrounded by others who have knowledge in the process. I would be able to develop a deeper understanding of something I have a true passion for. Throughout my time in this community, I have devoted a lot of my time to playing on the SCP server. I think being able to build things from the ground up and potentially see them added into the server I actively play would be very motivating. Another reason I want to become a mapper comes from my character, and who I am as a person. I am a kind, outgoing, reliable individual who is capable of working in team environments, and alone. With anything I do, I am always trying to find ways to better not only myself, but others around me. My goal whenever I work on something is to make an impact, which is exactly what I want to do within this community. I want members of the community to be able to express their ideas to me, and have them become a reality. Due to the nature of mapping, there is going to be a lot for me to learn. I am a fast learner, and feel this skill would allow me to take in information quickly, and apply it to my work in the future.

As for work that I can help with, I have taken the time to think about aspects of our current map on SCP-RP, and things that I would feel confident working on/ contributing to. I think one of the key things that I want to work on is expanding/ creating more unique chambers for many of our SCP on the server. I recently have been working on some projects that follow that theme, and have enjoyed my time doing so. It is no mystery that with a server of this scale, there are bound to be numerous suggestions, and issues found in the map. One thing I could assist with is taking the ideas of some individuals on the server and bringing them to life, to give some members of the community more of a voice and ability to show what additions have potential. As for issues in the server, there are some small things that I occasionally see or hear about that I think could be a quick fix, which is something I would be comfortable assisting with. Building new concepts from the ground up is something I love doing, and I think with me being a creative individual, I would be able to create new fresh ideas for certain areas of the server that could further drive the server to be more immersive and enjoyable.

Which server(s) on Civil Networks do you play on and which ones would you most prefer to map for?: I play on the US SCP-RP server, and would mostly prefer sticking to mapping on there.

Have you made & edited any map before? If so attach some images showcasing your map & edit: I have provided a link to an image portfolio for references of my own work. I will be adding to this portfolio as this application is up.

My Portfolio

List any ideas of new maps/map edits for CN that you would like to work on:

➤ SCP Containment Chambers (Lore Accurate, or more detailed/ unique)
➤ Personnel Wing (Rebuild from ground up to include more detail)
➤ GOC/ CI Base Reworks (Large task, but something I have thought on. One screenshot in my portfolio is an example I made of a potential CI base rework that I made for fun)
➤ D-Block Security Side (Though I like this, I think an overhaul would promote more GENSEC activity and aid in the RP Side of the server).
➤ Inanimate SCP area
➤ MC&D Spawn (Currently set in Lakehouse, but they could have an actually area dedicated to them).​
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Cheetah / RustyOsprey2

Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
SCP-RP Staff
Event Team
Group Moderator
Nov 24, 2023
Hello Hypnos, i do like the look of your work. However, i would have wished for there to be a bit more to look at in regards to your Portfolio.

But from looking at what you have provided you do seem to have a decent grasp on lighting. And i do really like how you decorate the walls using different props and overlays to keep them from feeling bland.

Overall, i do think the work looks good.
The portfolio you have is quite bland but honestly the quality of your work makes up for it - somewhat.

In my own opinion this is some good stuff; however if you have more showcase or behind-the-scene screenshots in regards to poly counts/mesh(es) partition setups , material setups and such that would be really nice to see, since it’s also something Map Devs on CN look forward to for optimization..


SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Mar 6, 2023

I appreciate some of the feedback and will be working to fill the portfolio with more content to show consistency, and some content to meet certain requests from the comments on this application. I will be occasionally updating the portfolio to include more work when it meets the standard of quality I would like to display for myself. Since posting this application, there have been a few additions that display a couple simple optimizations captured in photos. I have also attached some shots of other work of mine, after I had polished up the maps enough to meet the standard I want to be at. I am constantly finding new ways to optimize and doing research daily to continue building up my skills so any skills I gain or things I want to show in the portfolio will be attached in the same link!