[MC&D Pac Req + Lore] Michio "The Innkeeper"

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Jay "Corvid"

Trial Game Master
Trial Game Master
Jun 5, 2024
Current Day:
*Aftermath of a scuffle and a staredown*
???: Now, what stunning weaponry you hold, introduce yourself.
宿屋の主人: 私のことを「宿屋の主人」と呼んでください
???: For our guests, English if you will.
宿屋の主人: You will call me "The Innkeeper" my allegiance is with The Sharpers
???: Ahhh, a merchant from Marshall, Carter and Darke? What a pleasent meeting. Lower your weapons boys, we've got a trader in our hands. *turns* You like whiskey?
"The Innkeeper": With one large ice cube. Its been a day
???: A man after my own heart.

Michio ██████, later known as "The Innkeeper," was born in the bustling city of Osaka, Japan. The son of a caring mother and his father the owner of a run down inn, Michio grew up in a household that valued hard work and hospitality. Despite his parents' best efforts, their families small inn struggled to compete with larger, more modern hotels, leading to financial difficulties, leading to a rift in the family.

His father took to substances, driving the inn further and further into the ground until his death. His mother unable to cope with the loss left the country when Michio hit the age where he could take over the family business. Michio immedietly decided to sell the property and use his leftover funds to purchase a new motel in central Osaka.

His new motel known as "The Crythansium" became immensly popular as the connections his father made turned into profit for Michio as now he had underworld dealers on his doorstep. Michio can now offer far more than any other hotel can, Guns on the grey market, illegal mens club and money laundering.

After 6 years of running "The Crythansium", He gathered enough members to form a Yakuza, the 2nd largest gang in Japan second only to the ████████████.
Plenty of yen flowed through his business but he never flaunted his wealth. He saw no need for the greed of money but saw it purely as a tool to his advantage.

This garnered the attention of the company of "Marshall, Carter and Darke Ltd." as their values aligned unintentionally.

After the Yakuza was stopped, Michio had to flee the country to mainland Hong Kong. leaving his hotel chain behind to whoever was left.

A couple years pass as Michio was entering his appartment. He awoke in a concrete cell, the letters "MC&D" and a logo carved into the walls.

???: "We've had our eyes on you for a little while Michio, You and your gang were quite profitable"
Michio: "It was never for the profit, it was to prove my useless mother that she didnt need to abandon me. Worthless ██████"
???: "Now, Why we've actually brought you forward for a position, You seem in need after your little Yakuza life... Crumbled, to put it bluntly."
Michio: "I have no need for money, I have enough to live 10 lives."
???: "Ah, Not in need for money, need for purpose. I know a man like you can't just sit around on piles of cash til he's of old age. You're looking for a thrill.
Michio: *remains silent*
???: "Good, we agree. You will now only be refered too as "The Innkeeper", Fitting I thought. You've been pronouced dead and your life will be dedicated to the sales of anomolous items to our gratious benifactors, You will treat the rich as ants and nothing more, they deserve to throw their money away."
Michio: "Toneless?"
???: "Don't be, you're a salesperson, you're to remain charismatic and as interesting to those who wish to burn their cash and we plan to bleed them dry."
Michio: "And you?"
???: "You'll learn my name, if you survive."
Michio: "Where do I start"
???: "We've found a spot, Outside ██████, Canada. A little town named Pinewood, you'll be briefed in all anomolous activity and items you will be interacting with. Welcome to Marshall, Carter and Darke."



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SCP-RP Staff
Platform Team
Aug 25, 2023
Request (partially) Approved

Hi @Jay "Corvid" ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a PAC / Lore request.

Your Lore and pac have all been accepted, However on the condition that you remove the graviton lance from your back and replace it with MC&D weapons such as a freedom, Sanctum ect.

Your request will now be locked and marked as accepted.​
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