Menu size issues for the centrifuge and injection vial case.

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New Member
Nov 8, 2023
A suggestion to make the menus smaller:
Yesterday I came to a problem when interacting with the Centrifuge in the chemical labs, and when interacting with the injection vial case.
When I interacted with them, there was no way of shutting them off, I couldn't use chat, and all my controls were frozen.
The only thing I could do is leave the server, or change the character.
I contacted the staff in-game and they told me to download all the content needed for the server from steam (forgot the term).
However that didn't fix my problem. The only way i could fix it is to change my resolution settings.
Even after I did that, the "X" button is barely visible and the menu feels very clunky to navigate.(screenshots below).
i play on the 1366x768 resolution and my machine isn't really up to date, but I think this rescaling these menus could benefit everyone.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Not to my knowledge.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
Better readability.
New players won't need to change their resolution settings to fix the problem of not being able to click the "X".

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
I don't see any negatives.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think these menus just need a little rescaling for people who play on lower resolutions.

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New Member
Nov 8, 2023
I'm not sure if it is a bug or not, since technically everything works as intended, so I put it in suggestions...
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Super Administrator
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SCP-RP Staff
Group Moderator
Jan 2, 2023
Hi Muradif

This has been treated as a bug report, and a ticket has been made in our logging channels. Thank you for the report.
In future, try and make bug reports like this via the discord support channel, as it allows us to better organise and respond to them quickly.

This thread will now be locked and moved to resolved with no flair.

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