Michael Goyski's O5-2 Application

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Jan 8, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:187163102
Discord name: Archaon#1581
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 3 Months since I joined
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: The Netherlands
Time zone: CET/GMT+1
Character name(s): Michael 'Archaon' Goyski
Civilian name: N/A
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP UK
Do you have a mic?: Yes

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
Internal Affairs Ambassador: 2 Weeks [Held]
Director of Internal Affairs: 3 Weeks [Holding]

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
(1) NRP: I have gotten a warning for NRP for using HL2 voicelines as Class-D.
(2) NRP: I am not 100% sure on why I had gotten this warning.
(1) FearRP: When I was playing Class-D I was ignoring security holding a gun at my head.
(2) FearRP: Playing as IA Agent I had a gun dealer within interrogations, but forgot to strip him of weapons which then led to him pulling a gun out on me and then I followed with me pulling a gun out on him and engaging him.
(1) Baiting: Making an inappropriate remark/joke/pun about someones name.
(1) RDM: When I was playing as IA Agent I went to check LCZ and saw a MTF/Security member run through the hallway, but taking a glance at his nametag I saw it was Class-D and I stupidly opened fire.
(1) 1 day ban from IA: I disguised as 860-2 unknowing he had changed jobs from Researcher to an SCP.
These have been copy and pasted from my past application and I haven't received warnings ever since.

What O5 role are you applying for, and why (give the specific O5 number):
O5-2 "The Commissioner"
I loved the position of Director of Internal Affairs and due to that, I have had an insight into what administrative positions do and ever since I had been thinking about joining the O5-Council to have a greater impact on both site-wide and Foundation-wide operations. Other than that it has been my goal from the beginning to eventually take the opportunity on applying for the Council.

What makes you the best candidate for the O5 Council?:
(1) Activity: Ever since I've gotten a managerial position within the Foundation I have been on-site whenever I could and overseen daily operations of Internal Affairs. Due to this activity I have shown great dedication to both the Department of Internal Affairs and the Foundation and sought to at all times do my best.

(2) Managerial Experience: Since I became Director of Internal Affairs I have always promoted order and organisation and to help that I frequently host meetings with my subordinates to assign different tasks and duties which greatly improved their work ethic. As my time as Director of Internal Affairs shows I have the capabilities of exerting my managerial powers at the right time and place, greatly enhancing my capabilities to deal with any tasks or departments that may be assigned to me.

(3) Diversity: As Director of Internal Affairs, the department deals with site-wide issues involving numerous foundation personnel, ranging from the Ethics Committee regarding cases and tribunals up to escorting high-risk tests to safeguard that they are going according to the operational guidelines. Having done all that, I know each department and mobile task force, how they operate and how to deal with them, giving me a great advantage for the position of O5-Council member.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council in RP?:
The Overseer Council has numerous tasks, one of the more obvious ones are, as given in their name, to "Oversee" foundation operations. However, on-site they come into the generous task of making sure everyone knows what to do and is not hindering any procedures, it is the O5 which have the final say on what the Foundation does, and what the Foundation doesn't do. Besides that, they will also commence check-ups on Clearance 4 personnel including their departments to see if they are up-to date and if they require any help or have any requests towards Site Command or Site Administration. Furthermore it is also the job of the O5 to actively encourage Mobile Task Force Alpha-1, to enforce a strict quality regime in order to carry out the wishes and commands of the respectable Council.

What are the responsibilities of the O5 Council out of RP (e.g. what applications do they handle?):
They're tasked with being responsible for the community and its health alongside making sure it's working effectively and efficiently. They do that by keeping the activity and quality of Site Administration and departmental leaders in check.
Also tasked with handling applications of numerous senior and non-senior positions within the Foundation including:

Site Administration: Site Advisor | Site Director

Assistants: Overseer Assistant

Departmental Leaders:
Director of Research | Security Chief | Director of Intelligence

Jointly Decided: Director of Internal Affairs | Director of Medicine

Please give some lore about your O5 character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Michael Goyski has completed university and joined the Canadian Security Intelligence Service at a young age. After a few years of working for the CSIS, he had been drawn to Pinewood by a series of anomalous events during those investigations he had been detained by the Intelligence Agency and questioned about his investigations. Instead of being given amnestics Agent [REDACTED] determined Michael Goyski be fit for joining the foundation. Michael Goyski had been screened and it was decided that the Department of Internal Affairs is fit for him due to his skills with internal security threats. After joining the DoIA he proved to be a valuable asset and was promoted to Ambassador within a year of joining the foundation. Within that year he worked closely with the Director and other Administrative personnel. Due to the resignation of the Director of Internal Affairs, Michael Goyski has been deemed fit for the position and will be taken in for further questioning.

During Michael Goyski's term as Director of Internal Affairs he has been working very hard to get the department in a good shape through many rigorious reforms being aided by his trusty Ambassador to help make these major changes to Internal Affairs. Including new guidelines, templates and various reforms coming to the Department of Internal Affairs which until now have gotten a very positive effect. Now that the Department of Internal Affairs is in a good shape, the O5-Council has taken notice of this new Director and has been screening him for the past few months during his term. Ever since the O5-Council has been screening him, they've been quite impressed by the Department of Internal Affairs rapid progress and seek to further investigate the possibility of Michael Goyski joining the O5-Council.

''Greetings, Director I believe we've got something to.. Discuss regarding your recent performance within The Department of Internal Affairs.''
''What topic would that be, sir?''
Your exemplary performance and the way you've been handling your Department.''
Your position might also be a topic we'll be going over.. Shortly.''
Recently one of our Overseers has sadly retired and we've been looking through different personnel within the Foundation. You're getting me Director?''
I.. believe so? It would be a honor to continue this conversation''
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Well-known Member
Feb 15, 2022
Archaon is excellent at RP interactions, management, and reworks. He would be the perfect fit for O5, due to his prior experiences together with his ability to form good relationships with people around him. Good luck!
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Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 13, 2022


Michael is one of the best IA directors along side throgrim and has been doing it for so long I would love to see him get this role.
(Also we dont talk about what thorgrim did to you...)

Signed: Security Captain Sbeve Spenson
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Well-known Member
Dec 31, 2021
+ Support
+ Active ingame and TS
+ Very friendly and helpful
+ leadership skills
+ experience in command
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Ethan Mendaz

Civil Gamers Expert
Jan 4, 2022
+ Active IG and TS
+ Great RP interactions
+ Detailed application
+ Experience as a Dpt. Director
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Well-known Member
Mar 24, 2022

+ Helpful and informative
+ Great leadership skills
+ Friendly and really nice to communicate with
+ Lots of dedication
+ Hard worker
+ An amazing mentor

+ Great RP interactions and takes his role seriously
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