Michiel signing out

Hello everyone today marks my last day as Super within MRP. I have been playing this community an month after MRP's launch. since my last gmod break over 2 years ago i have been playing consistently since and in that time i became an gamemaster again worked my way up to Senior Gamemaster and also stayed an SGM for an very long time i believe it was almost an year I was an senior gamemaster for MRP. In that time I also was maining NWO(now its USSR) I became COL of 1stAL(11th) and than worked my way up in SC (SSHC) until I became SGEN (MAR) but I left from the position because I wanted to focus on SL. I did the SGM to SMOD transfer to staff and worked my way up until super. I really enjoyed my time as staff and it was an fun experience. But my activity has gone down this last month due to my life catching up with me going to my second year of college wich is going to be harder and also I feel burnt out from playing this server for so long consitantly I honestly need an break and looking at everything coming I don't think i can get more active again like I used to. So I made the decision to leave to today to focus on my IRL duties.

I just want to thank everyone within the community for every fun memory and the good times that I have had.
I hope I can return in the future when everything is has cooled down in my life.

Here are some achievements that I am proud of within MRP that I have achieved

17thAR COL Michiel
1stAL COL 'M' Hoofbabski

MRP Senior Gamemaster
MRP Super Admin

Honorable Mentions

@Yeke I want to thank you for the opertunity that you gave me to become superadmin it was an honour to run MRP. I also want to thank you for everything you have done for me and the entire network you are doing alot of work for the network and I wish you the best with the future of the network and I hope it grows

@Rushi @Canoon @Ellie I want to thank you all in an collective for you guys help within the network as CS's.

@Dr Drew You were an epic super to work with along side with to run MRP even though you are from Northen Ireland we made it work. But it was an pleasure working with you man I wish you the best of luck with MRP and Steven Connor karen outburst's

@ionboy64 Steven the most sane scotish person I have ever met on the network never screams, never argues overal an calm person I hope this man gets super soon (He held an gun pointed at my skull while writing this). On an real note steven I hope you get super next you deserve it the most with all the hard work you have doing these last months for the good luck boss man.

@Aleem Abdul You were an funny man and an good member of staff it was fun to work with you. I def not forget the golden days in SC with us just only winning never losing against Nato. Also you need Expand your music taste cause you only listen to the mainstream Radio songs. So next week Mixtape pluto is dropping from future make sure you listen.

@Alex The 2 Hour shift is done boss man :cry:

@Kiwi The greatest Gun balancing SL I have seen. Also funny man

@Astolfo Mixtape pluto dropping next week

@Otters I have known you mainly within SL but from the times you were in SL it was an blessing you were workin really hard with everything until tarkov came arround. But on real note thank you for paying MRP's bills and working with me as an Admin. hollander ....


@duckie Quack

@Harry This man can get on my nerves sometimes but it always was with good intentions. But I have to respect the work you have done as an mapper within MRP like the amount of work you have done for Backwater and vietnam should be respected and honestly in my opinion you did an great job and I hope your future projects within MRP will help MRP grow more. But also you as an friend was great I will not forget the GM times honestly me and you arguably made some of the best Map change events on MRP It was an pleasure working with you as SL,GM and HC.

@Bobby1 you are not getting my Snapchat 17thAR MAJ Bobby1

@Skeebiesquid I will miss you my husband please grow the Hoofbabski Family

@Rosco My favorite Romanian and my favorite Event team member. The amount map changes we have done is alot. The amount of work you have done for the event team when you were admin was great. From when I was SGM to Super I was always pleased with your work. Also give my wallet back I really need it rn if I don't get it back by next week I will fly to romanian oh wait my passport is in my wallet ... welp.

@Anakin Skywalker Hello Hedeon/Vladameer/Anakin/Toji/SKFS/Youhavealotofnames. It was very fun playin the server with you the amount of times you have helped me when I was gm was nice always could rely on you. Also we are a bit to loud 🔊.

@Kenan The best for last, I know you don't play the server no more but the amount of good memories I have had with you was nice. Imma miss the 17th,1stAL times with you. Me and you are still and will remain the best tank players on the server nobody would beat us 🗣️. When monkey business 2 droppin though????

Sorry if I couldn't mention everyone but you know who you are :)

This is my final goodbye I hope I can return in the future but now I am signing off

Michiel Signing off 🫡
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Community Manager
Community Manager
Group Moderator
Mar 20, 2022

Thank you for all your work mate, you have done a phenomonal job and I have seen a lot of growth from you as a person during this time.

I wish you the best for future endeavours, I know everyone in the team will miss you, remember, you are always welcome back!

(See you next week as they say in RP Communities)
I would have said See You Next Tuesday but i realised that spelt something else

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Reactions: Michiel Hoofbabski
Dec 19, 2020

It’s with a mixture of gratitude and admiration that I bid you farewell. Your tenure within MRP has been nothing short of exemplary. From your days as Senior Gamemaster to your leadership within the SC, and of course, your time as Super Admin, you've left an indelible legacy that few can match. The community has been fortunate to benefit from your tireless dedication and remarkable contributions.

I fully appreciate the weight of balancing real life with the demands of this role, especially as you embark upon your second year of university—a challenge in itself. Your decision to step back is not only understandable but commendable. You've given an immense amount of time and energy to MRP, and taking the time to focus on your own well-being is not only wise, but essential.

Your accolades, while impressive, pale in comparison to the lasting relationships you've built and the positive influence you've had on so many. It has been a privilege to watch your journey unfold, and I’m certain this community will always hold a place for you should you choose to return in the future.

For now, I extend my sincerest thanks and best wishes. The impact you’ve made will continue to resonate long after you’ve stepped away.

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Senior Developer
Senior Developer
Programming Team
Jan 21, 2022
Hello Michiel,

Thank you for sharing your journey with us. It’s clear how much dedication and passion you’ve poured into the community, and the achievements you’ve listed reflect that hard work. You've been a pivotal part of MRP, and your leadership, both as a gamemaster and staff member, will be greatly missed.

While it's sad to see you step away, I completely understand the need to prioritize real life, especially with the challenges of college ahead. I’m sure I speak for everyone when I say we hope you’ll return to the community when the time is right. Until then, best of luck with everything, and thank you for all the good memories and contributions you've made.

Kind regards,
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Senior Administrator
Senior Administrator
MilitaryRP Staff
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Jun 3, 2022
@ionboy64 Steven the most sane scotish person I have ever met on the network never screams, never argues overal an calm person I hope this man gets super soon (He held an gun pointed at my skull while writing this). On an real note steven I hope you get super next you deserve it the most with all the hard work you have doing these last months for the good luck boss man.

missed a couple of letters pal, see what happens when I don't spell check things for you smh.

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