Hey all, hope you had a fantastic Christmas. There's been a lot of changes this month, a good portion of which is thanks to the Town Hall that we held last month. We also have received and reacted or replied to a good number of community suggestions.
So we're happy how the server is progressing in the development department.
Before I crack on with the Changelog for this month I do want to say that I hope everyone has a fantastic New Year.
As always: we'll post changes (bar weapon stat changes) as they happen on the Military Roleplay Discord in #change-logs.
? New Features ?
- Added Deployable Smoke Grenades for High-End tanks (Challenger 2, Leopard, M1A2, T-14 Armata, TAM, T90)
- The tank regiments have always struggled against their air-counterparts, to give them better utility to escape from air attacks and diversify ground vehicle combat we have added smoke grenades to the Higher-End tanks. The key to deploy the smokes is rebindable in the Simfphys Q Menu options, and smokes have a 20 second cooldown before being able to be used again.
(Added By: Chad Power)
- The tank regiments have always struggled against their air-counterparts, to give them better utility to escape from air attacks and diversify ground vehicle combat we have added smoke grenades to the Higher-End tanks. The key to deploy the smokes is rebindable in the Simfphys Q Menu options, and smokes have a 20 second cooldown before being able to be used again.
- Added Medical Licenses
- Medical licenses and restriction to medical jobs and vehicles were added to incentivise medical roleplay, a type of roleplay which hasn't been particularly expanded on within the server, as well as to further flesh out the need for training people to receive licenses, and the amount of licenses a person can receive, increasing the amount of content in the server.
- Reworked First Aid Kits & Field Kits
- As part of the medic focussed rework we changed First Aid Kits to be able to fully heal the target after a delay, and removed First Aid kits from non medic jobs. We also removed the ability for field kits to be able to fix broken limbs, and removed passive regeneration for limbs to encourage more medical roleplay.
- Reduced Respawn times & Vehicle restock times for an outnumbered team
- In order to make the experience more enjoyable and more fair for an outnumbered team, without putting the overwhelming team at an unfair disadvantage we reduced respawn times and vehicle restock times.
(Suggested By: Sins)
- In order to make the experience more enjoyable and more fair for an outnumbered team, without putting the overwhelming team at an unfair disadvantage we reduced respawn times and vehicle restock times.
- Re-Added KA-52 and Little Bird
- After community feedback, and a vote, in the Town Hall we re-added the nostalgic KA52 and Little Bird to the respective air regiments to further increase the amount of toys the air regiments have to play with.
- Added a SteamID button to the Regiments tab
- Massive XYZ feature. I don't know how we did regiments before.
(Suggested By: Erwin Smith)
- Massive XYZ feature. I don't know how we did regiments before.
- Added !rewardshop
- In order to automate staff getting their AOD Time & Sit rewards we added a reward shop. It's publically accessible so ex-staff members can use their points after they leave, as well as to display the benefits of being a staff member.

- MK18 RPM Increased
- MK18 Recoil Increased
- MK18 Screen Shade Reduced
- The MK18 went through two changes this month, the first was partially reverted and revised during the second change: however we stand by the rationale for the recoil increase: which was that the weapon had no recoil, however upon feedback the shaking from side to side was far too strong, so the recoil on the Yaw axis was decreased to below the original value, and the screenshake value was reduced for good measure. The RPM increase was to bring it's Damage Per Second more inline with the ASVAL.
- ASVAL Recoil Increased
- The ASVAL's recoil was somewhat increased with the MK18's, as both special forces regiment weapons had extremely low recoil for a gun with a high amount of damage per second.
- AKM Recoil Reduced
- Although the buffs to the AKM last month were a step in the right direction, we still feel as if the gun could have been in a better place, so we further reduced the recoil.
- Auger Minigun RPM & Damage Increased
- Unfortunately it has been Fairly common for people to use 'more meta' guns in the Juggernaut job, this suggested to us that the Minigun wasn't quite up to scratch so we increased the damage outpost fairly significantly.
- Added Flash Grenades to the USSR & NATO Arms Dealer
- Added to be an additional feature for trainings, and can be used otherwise tactically.
- Increased Flare Gun price from £100 to £5,000
- This change was to discourage the use of Flare Guns for minging.
- Gave ABT Officer+ Jobs the ASH-12; replaced the PPSH where needed
- The PPSH is primarily a close quarters gun, this change was made to bring the ABT officer jobs to be more similar to their JAF counterparts in terms of equipment.
- Changed USSR & NATO spy colours to match team colours
- This change was made to reduce the metagaming of spies.
- Food Stacks disappear during war
- This change was made to reduce lag during war, and remove randomized cover.
- Forcing a bleed out during Pre-War & Peacetime now takes ~3x longer
- During Peacetime & Pre-War kidnapping and roleplay opportunities are stifled by people being able to force a bleed out far too quickly, this change allows players to have a better opportunity to pick up a downed enemy.
- Medic Jobs require a medical license
- Ambulance Vehicles require a medical license to deploy
- These changes we feel made a lot of sense, given we did not previously have a medical license and brings these jobs and vehicles in line with other licensed jobs and vehicles.
- Field kit bandages now reduce bleeding by 35% per bandage but can still heal to 0 bleeding
- This change was made to make medics more necessary on the battlefield, by giving them more effective equipment when compared to a regular infantry. However after community feedback was updated to the current state listed above as not being able to heal bleeding fully was more detrimental to gameplay than encouraging medics was beneficial.
- Players no longer passively regenerate bones & limbs while above 95 Health
- This change means that medics are essentially required to fix broken bones & limbs, this encourages player interaction and increases the opportunity for roleplay both during war and during pre-war and peacetime.
- Players now receive 100 Combat Score for successfully healing another player with a First Aid Kit.
- This change was made to encourage and reward players for using the medic job.
- Increased Bleeding Damage
- As with most of the above changes, this was done to make medic more relevant by forcing players to actually need to get their wounds checked out, instead of outhealing them.
- Players no longer bleed while in an Ambulance
- Players passively regain health while in an Ambulance
- Ambulances were an underutilized vehicle, by increasing their usefulness in war we are also hoping that this has increased the amount of ambulances in use with medical roleplay.
- Replaced First Aid Kits and Field Kits with improved field kits in all relevant jobs.
- To encourage further use of the medic job, First Aid Kits have been removed from non-medic jobs and replaced with Improved Field Kits instead.
- Added Doctor NPCs
- This was to ensure that players can get healed when there are no medics on their team.
- Increased BTR90 & LAV25 Clip Size from 15 to 50
- Increased BTR90 & LAV25 Explosion Damage & Explosion Radius
- The BTR90 & LAV25 were underutilized vehicles because they were extremely underpowered, to make them more relevant the Clip size has been drastically increased and Explosion Damage and Radius has been increased to make them more effective against infantry.
- Increased T-108 & Leopard Health from 9,000 to 10,000
- Both the T-108 and Leopard are underutilized compared to other heavy vehicles, in order to hopefully make them more favourable over some vehicles their Health has been slightly increased.
- T-108 Handling Changes
- After comparison with the Leopard it was clear the T-108 was much slower and handled much worse than it's counterpart, it's Mass, RPM and Powerbands were changed so it could more easily match the Leopard.
- Changed ORSIS scope to the SVD/STAC/Barret Default Scope
- The ORSIS was much harder to aim than it's counterparts with a superior scope, to bring it in line with the other snipers it was given a new default scope.
- Increased Blackfoot restock times to 4 hours from 3 hours.
- Increased Viper, Cobra, Apache, MI24, Havoc and CAIC restock times from 2/2.5 Hours to 3 Hours
- Helicopters are simply the fastest mode of transport on the server, and they have the most powerful reloadable weapons on the server - their missiles - therefore we increased the time before a helicopter is restocked to be more in line with ground vehicles and to make losing a Helicopter more punishing.
- Updated Littlebird Minigun
- Updated the Little bird minigun to use Gredwitch ammo (slight splash damage), and sound cooler.
- Decreased Little Bird Health
- The Little Bird had 150 Health compared to the KA52 which had 100, the Little Bird's health was decreased to match this.
- Decreased damage inflicted to legs from fall damage
- A small stumble caused someone's leg to be irreparably shattered, the damage inflicted to legs from fall damage was decreased to be more realistic and more forgiving to players.
- Reduced First Aid Kit heal times: Self Healing to 15 seconds from 20, Healing Another Player to 7 seconds from 10.
- Although the changes to make the medic job and the medical system had the intended effect, for the most part, the long self heal time put off players from playing the medic job, both heal times have been reduced to improve quality of life after community feedback.
(Suggested By: Roach)
- Although the changes to make the medic job and the medical system had the intended effect, for the most part, the long self heal time put off players from playing the medic job, both heal times have been reduced to improve quality of life after community feedback.
- Non-Civilian vehicles can only be unlocked by a Character with a Driver's License
- Due to the re-emergence of an appalling and quite frankly scummy tactic of targeting new players to get them to unlock vehicles we made this change to improve the new player experience for the Vehicle regiments and prevent the exploitation of new players.
- Doubled KWK & Mortar ammo Usage
- KWKs and Mortars could be used to level an FOB in seconds, in order to at the very least require a resupply to do this we have increased the ammo usage of KWKs and Mortars.
- Ambulances and Troop Transport Trucks are now team owned
- Due to the extra utility of Ambulances they have become short in supply if a regiment didn't pull one out, as a solution to this we made ambulances unlockable by any player on the team.
(Suggested By: Owl Hootingson)
- Due to the extra utility of Ambulances they have become short in supply if a regiment didn't pull one out, as a solution to this we made ambulances unlockable by any player on the team.
- Ammo Stashes now restock C4 & Proximity Mines
- Previously the only way to restock C4 and Proximity mines was by dying, this is just a small Quality of Life improvement.
- Added a Search Bar to /audit
- A long anticipated feature. (Trial Mod+)
?️ Map Changes ?️
There have been no Map Changes this month, however Millar has been working very hard on something else, so watch this space very closely; hopefully we have a pleasant surprise for everyone. ?
?️ Bugfixes?️
- M1A1 Unused Secondary MG no longer moves with the used MG
- Fixed a Server-Side error caused by M1A1 tanks
- Fixed a bug causing ammo stashes to go onto cooldown even if no ammo was restocked
- Fixed a bug causing ammo stashes to claim they were restocking a grenade when they did not
- Breaking legs from taking fall damage is much more reliable
- Fixed a bug allowing players to change characters while downed
- Fixed a bug causing the NPC doctor to not heal the user if they looked away too quickly
- Fixed a bug causing ID card dates to be formatted incorrectly
- Fixed a bug which caused a player to not be able to shoot/move/swap weapons when swapping weapons away from an active tactical tablet.
- Removed KA-52 Copilot weapons
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 4.05 - FOB Assaults during Peacetime & Pre-War - An FOB Radio in a Neutral Area may only be assaulted in order to be destroyed once during Peacetime and once during Pre-War; this is not an exemption to any other rule. Once someone involved in the attempt has died, they may not return to the assault.
- This rule was added to prevent the constant contention of an FOB in neutral territory, while still leaving ample time and opportunity for it to be attacked; having to staff an FOB for an entire peacetime would be detrimental to roleplay.
- 1.02 - FailRP - Pausing Roleplay - Only staff may pause roleplay; until a staff member intervenes continue roleplaying as you normally would. Otherwise breaking character is considered to be FailRP.
- Taking a leaf of inspiration from our SCPRP Cousins, we have added a rule to encourage players to continue to roleplay until a staff member arrives if a rule is broken, to improve the quality of roleplay on the server.
? Discussion ?
As always, this section will discuss the most popular suggestions from the month, as well as any other topics which Server Leadership believe or want to be discussed followed by replies to some of the more popular suggestions which cannot currently be acted upon; or are not a priority.
Popular Suggestions
Return to Highlands
We intend to change the map from Afghan by the end of January 2022. Watch this space.
MK18 Changes
We made balance changes to the MK18, and upon feedback re-evaluated those changes and partially reverted them and in some cases improved upon where the weapon was originally. Since this was such an unnecessarily large drama storm, with accusations of a 'Shadow Nerf' we want to reiterate: weapon change logs are not made public until the final day of the month in these monthly changelogs, previously we did not release weapon change logs at all due to the drama it caused when the server was first released and the changes were made instantly public; as a lot of players seem to take it personally when their regiment's weapon gets nerfed, or their counterpart regiment's weapon gets buffed.
Lower Respawn time for Infantry Regiments
This seems like a reasonable suggestion that will make infantry regiments more appealing, before adding this though we would like to ensure that VIP's continue to have a significant amount of unique perks, and add some more things to encourage players to get VIP prior to this being implemented.
"Squad Move In" (Squad System)
A Squad System has certainly been thought about in the past; and a couple of times recently. This will likely be added as a feature at some point™, however it will likely be at least a few months before it is implemented.
See you all next month, have a fantastic New Year.
Popular Suggestions
Return to Highlands
We intend to change the map from Afghan by the end of January 2022. Watch this space.
MK18 Changes
We made balance changes to the MK18, and upon feedback re-evaluated those changes and partially reverted them and in some cases improved upon where the weapon was originally. Since this was such an unnecessarily large drama storm, with accusations of a 'Shadow Nerf' we want to reiterate: weapon change logs are not made public until the final day of the month in these monthly changelogs, previously we did not release weapon change logs at all due to the drama it caused when the server was first released and the changes were made instantly public; as a lot of players seem to take it personally when their regiment's weapon gets nerfed, or their counterpart regiment's weapon gets buffed.
Lower Respawn time for Infantry Regiments
This seems like a reasonable suggestion that will make infantry regiments more appealing, before adding this though we would like to ensure that VIP's continue to have a significant amount of unique perks, and add some more things to encourage players to get VIP prior to this being implemented.
"Squad Move In" (Squad System)
A Squad System has certainly been thought about in the past; and a couple of times recently. This will likely be added as a feature at some point™, however it will likely be at least a few months before it is implemented.
See you all next month, have a fantastic New Year.