Hey all: first of all I'd like to introduce these monthly changelogs.
These will be a new addition posted on the last day of every month, collating all of the changes since the last Monthly Change log into a single place, as well as providing further reasoning behind these changes and discussing changes and community feedback going forwards.
We will also be collating all weapon balance changes from now on in this monthly changelog, however we will continue to not reveal the exact numbers of each weapon; and we will continue to not post the changes as they happen: this is to monitor to see whether players actually notice a difference before being 'told' about any changes made.
As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the Military Roleplay Discord in #change-logs.
? New Features ?
- Added "Private Army" Faction
- This faction is for use during events, includes new jobs as well as a couple of internal changes to add support for this faction and it's jobs.
(Suggested By: Valkyrie)
- This faction is for use during events, includes new jobs as well as a couple of internal changes to add support for this faction and it's jobs.
- Added !addrespawntime and !clearrespawntime to Staff as an alternative punishment
- Jailing players has not been enough of a disincentive to prevent rule breaks, a more severe and perhaps frustrating method of punishment has been added to Staff member's repertoires.
Usage is !addrespawntime <amount of times> <seconds>
- Jailing players has not been enough of a disincentive to prevent rule breaks, a more severe and perhaps frustrating method of punishment has been added to Staff member's repertoires.
- Added HIMARS Ammo Jam
- If the HIMARS cancels firing AFTER firing it's first missile and BEFORE firing it's last missile it will get "Jammed" for 20 minutes and unable to be fired. This is to prevent the use of the prominent tactic of only firing one or two missiles from the HIMARS at once, which we felt was too easy to replicate for extremely powerful results.
(Suggested By: Valkyrie, Jason M, Spuffle)
- If the HIMARS cancels firing AFTER firing it's first missile and BEFORE firing it's last missile it will get "Jammed" for 20 minutes and unable to be fired. This is to prevent the use of the prominent tactic of only firing one or two missiles from the HIMARS at once, which we felt was too easy to replicate for extremely powerful results.
- Added /gameversion
- Added /mountedgames
- These commands were added to support user debugging and bug reporting.
- Added a way to see an FOB's maximum build radius whilst on a different team
- This was implemented to facilitate the FOB placement rule change, for full reasoning on that please read below.

- AKM Recoil Reduced
- USSR recently have been suffering from multiple base raids per week, making joining the USSR more enticing by improving their base weapon and helping infantry without access to additional jobs push out of the base better, improving specifically the USSR new player experience. We felt the damage was in the right place, so we decreased the recoil.
- AN-94 Recoil & Spread Recoil Slightly Reduced
- USSR recently have been suffering from multiple base raids per week, making joining the USSR more enticing by improving their base weapon and helping infantry without access to additional jobs push out of the base better, improving specifically the USSR new player experience. We felt the damage was in the right place, so we decreased the recoil.
- Mountain now has the MG perk
- West Town now has the Mortar perk
- These changes were made as Mortars make more of an impact on the outcome of war than Machine Guns do, following the previous update to connect West Town to the USSR base, we felt it was appropriate to give USSR easier access to the Mortar perk as Mountain can be very difficult to recapture when the USSR are pushed all the way back to their base.
- Players can no longer change jobs while downed
- This is to prevent the glitch where changing jobs results in the kill/death not being properly counted or awarded, and to prevent other job abuse to avoid the respawn timer.
- Outnumbered bonus is now 10x bigger
- The outnumbered bonus cash when a team loses a war outnumbered has been multiplied by 10 because we wanted to give any outnumbered team a little bit of a boost, so it's not all bad news, previously it was giving less than 100 cash which was more salt in the wound than anything else.
- SCUD Health increased from 9,000 to 10,000
- HIMARS Health decreased from 9,000 to 8,500
- We feel as if the HIMARS has been slightly too powerful as of recent and the SCUD not quite powerful enough to keep up, to compensate for the SCUD's large hitbox and slow handling and movement speed we have made it able to handle more damage and abuse, and slightly decreased the HIMARS'.
(Suggested By: Valkyrie, Jason M, Spuffle)
- We feel as if the HIMARS has been slightly too powerful as of recent and the SCUD not quite powerful enough to keep up, to compensate for the SCUD's large hitbox and slow handling and movement speed we have made it able to handle more damage and abuse, and slightly decreased the HIMARS'.
- Removed SCUD passenger seats
- Due to the SCUD being extremely long, keeping track of passengers hopping in from the very back was very difficult, to prevent pesky spies from hopping in from out of the driver's field of vision we have removed the passenger seats.
- Missile Defence Platform health increased 4,000 to 8,000
- Missile Defence Platforms have been too easy to destroy, making FOB's which can take entire peacetimes to construct entirely defunct, we have increased the health to incentivise ground troops being used to destroy more built up FOB's and more tactical use of helicopters for pinpoint bombing.
- Removed Flamer & Juggernaut from regimental door groups
- There has been some reported job abuse of the Flamer and Juggernaut jobs unlocking vehicles, these jobs should not ordinarily be driving these vehicles anyway, so we have removed their doorgroup access.
(Suggested By: Connor H)
- There has been some reported job abuse of the Flamer and Juggernaut jobs unlocking vehicles, these jobs should not ordinarily be driving these vehicles anyway, so we have removed their doorgroup access.
- Improved visibility of Bradley crosshair
- It was very difficult to see.
(Suggested By: Michiel)
- It was very difficult to see.
- Staff can now use both team's Jailor NPC's
- This is to help staff effectively do their job and check on arrests without having to fly across the map.
- Using comms now plays a radio sound
- This is to help other players know when another player is breaking the rules and using their comms while stripped.
- Trainees and Drill Instructors no longer count towards team ratios during war
- As Trainees and Drill Instructors spawn in an inaccessible room under the map and do not contribute towards war we feel it is not appropriate to count them towards the team balance ratios.
?️ Map Changes ?️
(Special Thanks to: Millar and Beans)
- Added a new bridge between USSR's front gate and West Town.
- Made the pre-existing bridge wider from USSR base to Mosque.
- USSR Base was extremely difficult to leave; the river prevented any form of cover making base camping both intentionally and unintentionally very easy, several other points below were intended to also lessen this factor, however this is the main rational as to why the USSR base and the surrounding points received the most edits in this version of the map for the above edits and any edits below that this statement applies to.
- Reworked mountain point.
- Added a second entrance to bunker.
- Added a second gate to USSR's base which is located north of the killhouse building.
- Added another building to village. Reshuffled the windows on the two story building.
- Added more cover between NATO base and village/farm.
- Pushed a wall back inside NATO Prison.
- Moved training room deeper into the map to reduce noise received from war.
- Water Tower hill should be more accessible for USSR.
- Sealed some windows in West Town which looked directly at the front of USSR's base.
- Added some stone barricades south east of Border to prevent vehicles traveling through what would normally be inaccessible by players.
- Added a lot more cover directly outside USSR base and across the river.
- Edited the terrain around mountain to make it more accessible for USSR and provide more cover.
- Made waterfall rocks unscalable.
- Made a 'Leap of faith' rock overlooking settlement.
- Removed part of the fence in farm and moved a destroyed tank.
- Removed the wall between USSR's vehicle deployment area and 10th's garage.
- Retextured parts of the USSR base to make it look less depressing.
- Added steps for both USSR bunks.
- Removed the concrete walls so you can no longer get stuck in the hole.
- Removed a lamp post outside USSR's debrief room and removed a pole on farm that was hidden in some bushes.
- Fixed some terrain that looked 'blocky' or was not connected properly.
- Fixed the see through wall in the NATO obstacle course.
- Edited path leading out of NATO base so it lines up with the gates.
- Flattened the area outside 17ths garage, alongside removing the concrete walls and concrete barricades to provide more space for vehicles.
- Fixed lighting on village building.
?️ Bugfixes?️
- Fixed a bug causing territories to not be reset and players to not be paid or respawn properly on a base raid victory.
- Weapons can no longer be equipped from the inventory when stripped or handcuffed
- The HIMARS now reloads after the last missile is fired instead of the first missile
- Fixed an issue causing players to not properly swap to their combat score loadout from the respawn screen
- (Reported By: Luz)
- Fixed staff not being able to remove warnings
- ls_thirdperson_distance now has a maximum of 1 when set via console
- (Reported By: Luz)
- Re-added a scroll bar to the Arrest Menu
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 1.10 - FearRP - ...also applies in a one player versus one player scenario when the aggressor has a weapon out and the victim does not.
- 1.10 - FearRP - (Players in armoured vehicles may decide to break FearRP, however, if they do they may be engaged)
- These modifications to the FearRP rules were to made to allow more interactions during peacetime and further roleplay.
- 2.10 - Hostage Negotiation - ...the hostage returned must be the actual hostage...
- This is to prevent spies being handed back instead of the actual person, and to prevent "scamming"; the prisoner's disguise can still be otherwise stolen and used.
- 2.12 - Allying (Militia) - ... A minimum of £1,000 per person is required for Militia to ally.
- 2.13 - Hiring (Private Contractors) - ... JLT+ must be the hirer...
- These rules were added to ensure fair hiring and allying for Militia and Private Contractors and to make sure militia allying scale with the amount of people being hired, and also due to a recent union strike.
- ROE - Non-Friendlies... ...may be killed if they have a weapon out within the friendly base.
- This rule was added to make FearRP within a team's own base more difficult.
- 3.12 - Use of Explosives to Attack FOBs - Explosives cannot be used on FOB Structures during Peacetime or Pre-War if it endangers the life of an infantry (With the exception of the Militia 3.01 rule). You may, however, engage vehicles which are around FOB structures as you would normally. If you damage or kill an infantry in this way you must provide evidence showing that it was not your intention to do so.
- This rule was added to prevent: FailRP, damage, RDM, baiting, etc; to infantry friendly to an FOB during peacetime & pre-war
- 4.00 - FOB Areas (Clarification) - ... If an FOB's maximum build distance (shown in green on the F4 map while looking at a nearby FOB Radio with a shovel) touches an enemy territory it is considered to be in enemy area, if the circle touches a friendly territory it is considered to be in friendly territory, if the circle touches both a friendly and unfriendly territory it is neutral and if it touches neither and is not behind an enemy territory it is considered to be in neutral.
- This rule was added to ensure that no matter where an FOB is placed there is a hard guideline as to whether it is in Friendly, Neutral or Enemy territory and to ensure guidelines that all staff can agree on.
? Discussion ?
As a brief opener, this section will discuss the most popular suggestions from the month, as well as any other topics which Server Leadership believe or want to be discussed; this month the conclusions drawn from the town hall will be noted in brief, followed by replies to some of the more popular suggestions which cannot currently be acted upon; or are not a priority.
Town Hall
In the town hall many subjects were discussed however the agreed upon actions are as follows:
• Medical System & RP update to add an additional form of Roleplay during peacetime and to make the medic job more necessary and prominent during war (Early December)
• An 'Advanced' Loadouts update to help war not get stale and for players to use equip from a choice of weapons (No Delivery Estimate)
• Decreasing Respawn/Vehicle Restock time for any outnumbered team. (December)
• Looking at buffs to make the T108/Leopard more prominent tanks. (December)
• Removing the reload on the LAV25/BTR90. (December)
• Putting the S-TAC scope on the Orsis due to it being an all-round better scope. (At Latest: January)
• Extra slot to the free militia marksman job (December)
• Allowing civilian FOB's to be placed regardless of where USSR/NATO FOB's are (No Delivery Estimate)
• Anti-Personnel Mine FOB Structures, and all required supporting features (i.e. a way to find and disarm mines)
(No Delivery Estimate)
• Increase SAM Missile Damage
• Add back the KA-52 + Little Bird (Late December / January)
• Increase Helicopter Restock Times
Popular Suggestions
Dynamic Height + Crouch Fix
This requires looking into before being implemented, as it is a Server-side solution we would not implement it at the cost of performance, as well as checking that it indeeds fit the criteria of fixing 'head glitching'.
Helicopter Flare Nerf/Stinger Buff
Helicopter restock times are going to be decreased, we are going to see the effects of this on the air regiments before making changes to helicopter flares.
Preventing Helicopter Missiles from Entering bases
As discussed in the town hall, this may be looked into: if a performance friendly solution cannot be found unfortunately the official response has to be: be careful around the bases, and don't fire rockets at them.
Chef Cooking XP Bonus
This will likely be implemented at a later date, buffs may be made to food & food prices to make it more viable.
Vehicle Horn
This is not a priority, however would be a nice little feature; it may be implemented at some point in the future when vehicles are getting an update.
Changing the Map to Highlands
We will not be changing the map back to Highlands just yet: we want to try and work with Millar and Beans to get Afgan in the best state possible, and to make some tweaks to Highland before we return.
Town Hall
In the town hall many subjects were discussed however the agreed upon actions are as follows:
• Medical System & RP update to add an additional form of Roleplay during peacetime and to make the medic job more necessary and prominent during war (Early December)
• An 'Advanced' Loadouts update to help war not get stale and for players to use equip from a choice of weapons (No Delivery Estimate)
• Decreasing Respawn/Vehicle Restock time for any outnumbered team. (December)
• Looking at buffs to make the T108/Leopard more prominent tanks. (December)
• Removing the reload on the LAV25/BTR90. (December)
• Putting the S-TAC scope on the Orsis due to it being an all-round better scope. (At Latest: January)
• Extra slot to the free militia marksman job (December)
• Allowing civilian FOB's to be placed regardless of where USSR/NATO FOB's are (No Delivery Estimate)
• Anti-Personnel Mine FOB Structures, and all required supporting features (i.e. a way to find and disarm mines)
(No Delivery Estimate)
• Increase SAM Missile Damage
• Add back the KA-52 + Little Bird (Late December / January)
• Increase Helicopter Restock Times
Popular Suggestions
Dynamic Height + Crouch Fix
This requires looking into before being implemented, as it is a Server-side solution we would not implement it at the cost of performance, as well as checking that it indeeds fit the criteria of fixing 'head glitching'.
Helicopter Flare Nerf/Stinger Buff
Helicopter restock times are going to be decreased, we are going to see the effects of this on the air regiments before making changes to helicopter flares.
Preventing Helicopter Missiles from Entering bases
As discussed in the town hall, this may be looked into: if a performance friendly solution cannot be found unfortunately the official response has to be: be careful around the bases, and don't fire rockets at them.
Chef Cooking XP Bonus
This will likely be implemented at a later date, buffs may be made to food & food prices to make it more viable.
Vehicle Horn
This is not a priority, however would be a nice little feature; it may be implemented at some point in the future when vehicles are getting an update.
Changing the Map to Highlands
We will not be changing the map back to Highlands just yet: we want to try and work with Millar and Beans to get Afgan in the best state possible, and to make some tweaks to Highland before we return.