Hey all, we've decided to restructure the monthly changelog slightly, all of the previous content and changelogs we posted will continue to be in this post, we will also, however, discuss more general news such as bigger (Senior Mod+) staff promotions and community contributions; to make sure our staff and community members get the thanks and acknowledgement that they deserve.
As always: we'll post changes (bar weapon stat changes) as they happen on the Military Roleplay Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
We have some big promotions this week, Millar after doing a fantastic job on the new map and doing an all round fantastic job as an Admin has been promoted to Senior Admin, and Erwin Smith has been doing a fantastic job as a Head Moderator, with acres of experience with being Server Leadership in the past. Congratulations to our new Senior Moderators too; all doing absolutely fantastic jobs: and for those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month


Jack G
? New Features ?
- Added map change loading screen
- The map change loading screen was added to enable Game Masters & event runners to have a custom loading screen while players are waiting for the server to restart during map change events: these screens will also prevent any confusion and thinking the server has crashed.
(Created By: Chad Power)
- The map change loading screen was added to enable Game Masters & event runners to have a custom loading screen while players are waiting for the server to restart during map change events: these screens will also prevent any confusion and thinking the server has crashed.

- AK-12 Damage Increased
- The AK-12 felt very poor to use, primarily due to it's low damage: due to it's low fire rate any recoil increases will need to be relatively large to have a significant impact: so to adjust for this the AK-12's damage was increased.
- AK-74M Damage Decreased
- The AK-74M was performing extremely well compared to it's counterparts, and it's damage per second was far too high: we reduced the damage per shot to attempt to make it a more well-rounded weapon.
- MPX Recoil increased
- The MPX had an extremely low fire-rate and basically no recoil: the damage was in the right place so we increased the recoil to make it similar to other weapons in a similar role.
- ACR Damage Increased, recoil increased
- The ACR, was essentially a laser with 0 recoil even with no recoil reduction, however had relatively low damage compared to equivalents, so to compensate for the increase in recoil it's damage was slightly increased.
- Added a 'Hide for 7 days' button to the apply for staff popup
- Staff will no longer get the apply for staff popup
- Obviously, staff are already staff: and although we want staff we don't want to ask too often.
- Renamed JAF jobs from 'Air Force' to 'Joint Air Force'
- This was done to make all regiment jobs named extremely similar things.
- Replaced JAF Default Scorpion with the MPX
- Replaced SAS Default MK18 with the MP5A5
?️ Map Changes ?️
- Added new permanent map to rotation "rp_backwater_cg1"
- Millar & Bram did fantastic work on this map, and although it took a while but we finally have a third map in our rotation pool. After about a week of gameplay everything seems to be good and the reception generally well received: so if you're enjoying the map send a big thanks Millar's and Bram's way.
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed a bug causing NPC vehicle restocking & vehicle resupplying to break
- Optimized FSpectate by having voice networking disabled by default
- Fixed Cloak Anticheat
- Fixed DRadio causing an error when trying to use a radio bind
- Optimized VWAR Suppression module
- Optimized territory capturing
? Rules Changes ?
- Added 2.17 - Comms Mixing - Do not mix (mention OOC topics in character) in comms or open comms.
- In order to encourage and enforce stricter roleplay we added this rule. Essentially it should prevent
- Updated Militia ROE - On Backwater Militia may claim Town, or any one of the Factories...
- Obviously, the new map does not have multiple town territories: so we added a rule allowance to let Militia have more versatile reign over territories.
- Added 2.16 - No Hardlocking the Map...
- These rules were added to facilitate the new map: as the additional territories can cause territory locks which essentially prevent a team from being able to capture half the map: we needed to add a specific rule against it, while still allowing some creative capturing.
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Discussion ?
As always, this section will discuss the most popular suggestions from the month, as well as any other topics which Server Leadership believe or want to be discussed; this month the conclusions drawn from the town hall will be noted in brief, followed by replies to some of the more popular suggestions which cannot currently be acted upon; or are not a priority.
Popular Suggestions
Re-Adding the Chinook ( @NoLogicHere )
This is a helicopter that was in the server near release, and was removed a few months afterwards due to USSR not having an equivalent vehicle: as this is still a problem this suggestion would not be implemented unless a new USSR equivalent transport helicopter is also added.
NATO Base Road Changes ( Vampmuffin)
A wider base entrance is planned in an upcoming map update, which should make entering and leaving the base much more efficient: the small lane between the bunks is intended to be safe for foot traffic to pass through, however.
Base KWK's ( @Owl Hootingson )
Unfortunately there are currently no good places on either base to place a KWK: the only place KWK's could, really, be placed are on base walls which look extremely out of place: without map edits, for now, we won't add these in: however is the required map changes are made we will add KWK's back to the bases.
Police Regiment Alert System ( @sahns )
The premise behind this is to add a command or system to allow people to ping a location for the police regiments is to come and help, arrest a wanted person; etc;. This is a good idea and there is absolutely no reason that this should not be a feature in the future: this would likely not be too difficult to implement with the current 'orders' feature used for the map.
Popular Suggestions
Re-Adding the Chinook ( @NoLogicHere )
This is a helicopter that was in the server near release, and was removed a few months afterwards due to USSR not having an equivalent vehicle: as this is still a problem this suggestion would not be implemented unless a new USSR equivalent transport helicopter is also added.
NATO Base Road Changes ( Vampmuffin)
A wider base entrance is planned in an upcoming map update, which should make entering and leaving the base much more efficient: the small lane between the bunks is intended to be safe for foot traffic to pass through, however.
Base KWK's ( @Owl Hootingson )
Unfortunately there are currently no good places on either base to place a KWK: the only place KWK's could, really, be placed are on base walls which look extremely out of place: without map edits, for now, we won't add these in: however is the required map changes are made we will add KWK's back to the bases.
Police Regiment Alert System ( @sahns )
The premise behind this is to add a command or system to allow people to ping a location for the police regiments is to come and help, arrest a wanted person; etc;. This is a good idea and there is absolutely no reason that this should not be a feature in the future: this would likely not be too difficult to implement with the current 'orders' feature used for the map.