Hello everyone,
In response to community feedback about how there was no proper way to appeal a demotion you receive in RP, Network Leadership has introduced Roleplay Demotion Appeals, a way for you to appeal your demotion from an in-game roleplay position, such as being removed from your rank in a regiment. You must begin the appeal process within 2 weeks of a demotion. You must start by making a level 1 appeal (an 'informal appeal') by DMing the person who demoted you. If this is unsuccessful, a level 2 ('formal') or level 3 ('escalated') appeal can be made on the forums. Please read the appeal format for more information https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/militaryrp-roleplay-demotion-appeal.14390/
If you are an SSGT+ with the ability to demote others, you must accept or deny roleplay demotion appeals that require your decision within 2 weeks of them being created, or it may be automatically accepted. As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.
Super Admin
Senior Admin
Head Moderator
Dan B
Senior Moderator
In response to community feedback about how there was no proper way to appeal a demotion you receive in RP, Network Leadership has introduced Roleplay Demotion Appeals, a way for you to appeal your demotion from an in-game roleplay position, such as being removed from your rank in a regiment. You must begin the appeal process within 2 weeks of a demotion. You must start by making a level 1 appeal (an 'informal appeal') by DMing the person who demoted you. If this is unsuccessful, a level 2 ('formal') or level 3 ('escalated') appeal can be made on the forums. Please read the appeal format for more information https://www.civilgamers.com/community/threads/militaryrp-roleplay-demotion-appeal.14390/
If you are an SSGT+ with the ability to demote others, you must accept or deny roleplay demotion appeals that require your decision within 2 weeks of them being created, or it may be automatically accepted. As always: we'll post changes as they happen on the MilitaryRP Discord in #change-logs.
? Staff Promotions ?
those who weren't promoted this month we wish you luck in the upcoming month.




Dan B

?New Features ?
No Features have been implemented this month.

- Reverted the territory system to the old version.
- Updated VChat2 to support most emojis from emoji 14.0
- Added the SKS to the 11th Surveillance Brigade Commander job.
- Added the SCARH to the 19th Royal SpecOps Brigade Commander job.
- Removed the SKS from the 9th Frontline Brigade Commander job.
- Removed the SCARH from the 19th Anti Personnel Brigade Commander job.
- Added the Milkor Mk1 to the Frontline Brigade Commander job.
- Added the Milkor Mk1 to the 9th Frontline Brigade Commander job.
- Replaced all the Eastern Resistance model
- Lowered mastery required for all engineer jobs from 10 to 5.
- Increased the Job Salary of NATO - Drill Instructor from 250 -> 1000
- Increased the Job Salary of NWO - Drill Instructor from 250 -> 1000
- Added 3rd Helipad to both bases, for drone use only.
- Added Repair Stations to NATO & NWO's third helipad.
- Adjusted the safe zones in NATO & NWO DBs to fit the entire room.
- Added no breach zones to NHC building.
- Added a key card scanner to the interior of the NHC meeting room.
- Added repair bays in both bases.
- Removed the AK-12 from IVG Regimental Commander Job.
- Added the RPD to the IVG Regimental Commander Job.
- Added the Volk to the IVG Company Commander Job.
- Added the M249 Para to the ISAF Regimental Commander Job.
- Added the M249 Para to the ISAF Company Commander Job.
- Changed the ISAF Sniper Model.
- Changed the ISAF Engineer Model.
- Changed the 17thAR Regimental Commander Suit Model.
- Changed the SAS Regimental Commander Suit Model.
- Changed the JAF Auto-rifleman Model.
- Changed the JAF Engineer Model.
- P90 Removed from SWB Reg Kit B.
- P90 Removed from ISAF Engineer Kit.
- Sterling Added to SWB Reg Kit B.
- Sterling Added to ISAF Engineer Kit.
- Sterling Fire Rate increased 750 > 1000.
- P90 Fire Rate increased 1150 > 1500
- P90 Recoil increased 1.8 > 2.5
- P90 ADS Recoil increased 1.5 > 2
- P90 Clip Size increased 30 > 50
- PPSH damage decreased 32 > 19
- PPSH Recoil decreased 3 > 2.5
- All LMG walk inaccuracy [spread] reduced 0.2 > 0.1
- Updated NWO Drill Instructor Model.
- ARX removed from SAS Reg Kit A.
- MP5 Removed from JAF Officer Kit.
- ARX added to JAF Officer Kit.
- MP5 added to SAS Reg Kit A.
- MP5 stats adjusted to the MSBS.
- ARX stats adjusted to the old MP5.
?️ Map Changes ?️
No map changes this month
?️ Bugfixes & Optimizations?️
- Fixed NHC Helipad spawn.
- Fixed regimental spawns in bunks from making people spawn inside of props.
- Fixed buffer overflow errors
Removed Features

No Features have been removed this month.
? Rules Changes ?
- 2.03 - Base Raid Conditions
- when it comes to raiding the enemy base there are 2 ways. First, if a side wins the campaign they can raid the enemy base once the war starts. Second, to raid the enemy base during a Conquest War the following conditions must be met:
- 4.00 - FOB Areas
- The enemy or friendly "area" is all land behind the furthest point of the furthest territory controlled by that team in that direction: in the case of a territory directly next to the map border the enemy "area" also extends to include the map's border. The area between the two team's areas is considered neutral. If a FOB's maximum build distance (shown in green on the F4 map while looking at a nearby FOB Radio with a shovel) touches:
- 4.01 - FOB Placement
- You may not place FOB's in an enemy Area, within either base's signs or directly on an enemy-controlled territory. You may not place FOB structures behind base signs.
- 4.02 - FOB Destruction
- You may destroy an enemy FOB in neutral area's at any time; however you may only destroy enemy FOB in an enemy area during war, unless otherwise allowed in the rules.
- 4.05 - FOB Assaults during Peacetime & Pre-War
- An FOB in a Neutral Territory may only be assaulted in order to be destroyed once during Peacetime and once during Pre-War; this is not an exemption to any other rule. Once someone involved in the attempt has died, they may not return to the assault.
- 2.03 Roleplay Authority (Staff Clarification)
- Event Team Staff, Game Masters & High Command have ultimate authority over RP. They are entrusted to uphold RP; they can stop peacetime missions, and halt base assaults and pieces of training that may interfere with planned RP. This list is not exhaustive. Only senior staff may overrule if deemed necessary.
- 1.12 - Actions Whilst Under FearRP (Staff Clarification)
- As an important aspect of gameplay, FearRP can be challenging or overwhelming for some. In such cases, players should remember to be lenient towards each other's mistakes. FearRP involves simulating fear for one's life, and it should be enacted realistically in the game. Here are some common errors to avoid, although this list is not comprehensive and should serve only as a reference:
- Saying "Oh I've lost my keys" when you clearly have left a vehicle.
- Jumping out of a vehicle whilst under FearRP because "I'm not tied to a seat".
- Stalling by wasting time to give the rescue a better chance of succession.
- Friendlies can put you under FearRP too, keep this in mind.
- As an important aspect of gameplay, FearRP can be challenging or overwhelming for some. In such cases, players should remember to be lenient towards each other's mistakes. FearRP involves simulating fear for one's life, and it should be enacted realistically in the game. Here are some common errors to avoid, although this list is not comprehensive and should serve only as a reference:
- 1.13 - Base Raid Clarifications (Staff Clarification)
- When a base raid is active, many things are going on, which can cause confusion and mistakes. All rules must be followed by everyone and this is noted in the Rules section. Common mistakes are:
- Friendly and Enemy Helis cannot use their cannon on anything in the base.
- Mortaring the base is allowed, but you cannot actively target spawn areas (e.g Bunks).
- Using Tac/Rallys is allowed but intentionally placing them near a wall to "glitch into buildings" is not and will be removed by staff.
- Intentionally targeting spawn areas is not allowed and is blatantly not fun for the victim.
- When a base raid is active, many things are going on, which can cause confusion and mistakes. All rules must be followed by everyone and this is noted in the Rules section. Common mistakes are:
- 2.04 - Roleplay Realism (Staff Clarification)
- When you're on the server, it's important to remember that you're expected to embody the role of a soldier. Avoid discussing out-of-character topics through comms and voice, and focus on maintaining your character persona. Keep in mind that if your actions negatively impact the roleplay experience of others, it may be considered FailRP and result in consequences. Use your character to contribute to the immersive roleplay environment.
- 2.05 - Rule-Bending in Favour of RP (Staff Clarification)
- Although we always enforce the rules, we may occasionally make minor exceptions with the approval of Server Leadership to improve players' experience and overall roleplay. However, please be aware that intentionally breaking rules is not acceptable and will result in punishment. The approval granted can be revoked at any time. All roleplay approvals will be announced in-game to ensure everyone is informed, usually through an announcement on the screen or via voice.