Mosasaur SA app

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Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
583 hours
In what country are you located?:

Time zone:
Character name(s):
F: Nick "Mosasaur" [AXO-A], CI: Mosasaur, GOC: Nick "Mosasaur"
Civilian name:
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:


Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
Even though I have been ban before these are all almost over a year old and I have proved that I have changed by becoming a moderator for the staff team
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?:
I would like to challenge myself and further develop my roleplay through the job of Site Advisor. I believe the job is a massive opportunity to work further with more departments on the Site while pushing my existing skills and desire for collaborative and enriching roleplay. I believe that an opportunity to move beyond combat jobs into working to develop and maintain the Site from the passive perspective will be an enjoyable experience and a chance to get to develop my existing passive roleplay skills further.

I am also applying because I believe my skills and experience that exists already will allow me to hit the ground running with the job and immediately provide a positive experience to those I work with. I will elaborate on these skills in the next section.

What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:
In terms of skills, I am very adaptive to pressure, a rapid critical thinker and quick on my feet in terms of creating plans, coordinating people around me or being a voice of reason. What also makes me think that I am suitable is that I have lots of experience with being a leader whether that was in GOC or leading sweeps as a GSD captain

Whilst I can appreciate that I may be lacking experience due to my low amount of senior held positions, I believe that I have made effective use of my time interacting with jobs to generate roleplay, understand the passive side of things more and provide collaborative experiences with those around me to further gain the foundation needed to have a strong experience as a member of Site Administration.

What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:
To provide a list of their responsibilities, they are as follows;
  • Ensure the standards of the Site are running at a high quality and providing assistance to departments where required to improve drops of quality, whether that is through feedback or intervention.​
  • Oversee the general operation of the Site and ensure that everything is working smoothly, to ensure the stability of all departments.​
  • Provide an outlet for those with concerns in the Site to go to have their voice heard, so that communication and situations can be handled in an appropriate and proactive fashion.​
  • Assisting MTFs to authorize advanced equipment when necessary, for example the usage of the Advanced Armory during a Code 5 requiring SA+ authorization.​
  • Being the active eyes and ears of Site Command so that they are able to remain informed of the on goings of the Site despite their heavy workload.​
  • Helping to repair and improve inter-departmental relations where possible to further provide a positive roleplay experience for members of the Site.​
  • Oversee situations with GOIs, particularly in regards to the discussion of relations, treaties or collaborative efforts, so that the MTFs of the Site have a cohesive and correct understanding of how they should behave on the Surface.​
  • Overseeing certain foundation divisions such as MTF, research, or GSD​
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:​

"Mosasaur" or by birth known as Nick Williams was born on august [REDACTED] year [REDACTED] to a family of 4, a mother, father and a younger sister. The family had always had rocky relations with each other, including Nick's father who worked for a strange branch of the government, he was never allowed to tell them or our family about, causing her mother great stress. one day however the father went on a "business trip" for a period of 2 weeks. The business trip her father took never came to an end however, as one day the family of 3 were visited by 2 men in suits knocking on there door, to hand a small note and condolences of there father going "MIA". This forced Nick's mother into a deep depression and struggle to support the family, resulting in alcoholism and almost abusive behaviour's and outbursts. Due to this Nick had to grow up fast and learn as much as they could. Forcing on a brave face to make sure they were able to see there younger sister smile, Nick was able to get different part time jobs and make ends meet in family arguments and there mothers outbursts. This forced Nick at a young age to mature quickly. This lasted until Nick and his sister were both through college, Nick studying criminology, leading onto a dangerous career as a navy seal. One day on shift around [REDACTED]PM there was a large commotion in the hall and all doors were being blown open. Quickly armed men stormed into the small room of Nick's bunks. This happened to be a large MTF patrol, they have seen Nick's combative experience as a navy seal and chose him out of 100's of other military personnel. The men in the armored uniform offered Nick a job within the foundation as a GSD cadet due to his combative experience. If he agreed he would be told what the briefing was outside. If he declined he would attend the briefing too, as they were not able to start without his attendance there. Seeing the pay and benefits seemed far greater then his current job as a military 1SG, he quickly accepted. This resulted in Nick being amnesticized

Foundation-Site Administration

Nick's early days within the foundation were mostly filled with confusion, intimidation and a large amount of paperwork. In the very beginning he regretted taking the job feeling like he was signing his life away to a mysterious government organization. The first week felt like it took forever but after it was over Nick began the real work within the foundation, primarily dealing with D class personnel and escorting junior and regular researchers. Nick quickly climbed the ranks of GSD until he reached captain about a month after he had been recruited. As his first assignment as a foundation captain, he was given one of the subdivisions to work with, this subdivision was known as AXO. This state of intense work would eventually pay of with the MTF regiment known as NU-7 recruited Nick about 2 months into his captain job. The NU-7 recruiter said that he can keep his job as captain and be in the NU-7 regiment at the same time. Surprisingly, Nick somehow balanced his work as captain and NU-7 at the same time. This caught the attention of the Site Director and even the [REDACTED] council. On the date of [REDACTED], Nick (known as Mosasaur to most foundation personnel), got called for a meeting with the Site Director. When he walked into the room of the site directors office he saw five very stern but welcoming men, all guarded by the MTF regiment of [REDACTED]. One man said "Welcome Nick, please take a seat." Nick willingly took the offered seat and had said, "Hello, may I ask why I was called here?" Strucken with confusion and suprise, the men asked, "How would you like to be a Site Administator for site 65?" Nick willingly took up the offer and was soon sworn in as a trusted SA of the foundation, he once again quickly climbed up the ranks and was soon to be a Site Director.
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The only reason I left nu-7 was because I wanted to focus on irl things at the time, now I am a lcpl and taking nu-7 seriously, I didn't leave cause I was bored though. Also, if I didn't have any
dedication why would I be a gensec captain and a nu-7 lcpl? Just trying to say that this statement of "me have no dedication" is not true.
shows that you have no dedication and u just leave when it's not fun
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it matters because you lack experience, you have no sr cl4 roles
Most people's first senior level 4 role is SA, the point is that I am still holding a cl4 position and I have experience with leadership, how to handle tough situations, ect. If you want to argue in discord that's fine, let's stop doing it in the forums though.
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Most people's first senior level 4 role is SA, the point is that I am still holding a cl4 position and I have experience with leadership, how to handle tough situations, ect. If you want to argue in discord that's fine, let's stop doing it in the forums though.
No, not at all. Most peoples first Sr. CL4 is LT/DELCOM. Followed by Agency Manager, Followed by Dpt. Director, followed by SA/SC.


Active member
Oct 23, 2022
To: Nick "Mosasaur"
Subject: Application Verdict


Greetings Nick,

Thank you for having the interest & taking the time to apply for Site Advisor. This message is to inform you that your application for the position has been unfortunately denied. After much deliberation, Site Administration has decided to deny your application and move forward in another direction.

If you would like to discuss manners further, you may reach out to me over email (Discord: bumblebees_).

You may reapply in 2 weeks after this message is posted.

Kind regards,
Site Director “Lunaro”
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