Denied Move HCZ AA closer to E-11 Spawn

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May 23, 2022
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
As you can see in the title Im suggesting to move the HCZ AA closer to the E-11 Spawn. In the current moment HCZ AA is rarely used as getting to it will always take longer than needed, and when you finally get AA the breach is already contained or even worse you'll die on the way there.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
Tried searching but nothing popped up.

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Easier to recontain breaches.
-E11 will use AA more meaning they will learn how to use it more precisely
-Don't have to walk 2 minutes to get it

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-SCP's main will be angry because they'll get recontained easier.
-Maybe AA will be misused more.
-Development time, need to find a space where to put the new armoury

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
AA is barely used in breaches as it takes more time to get it than for it to be useful. This addition will help E-11 some nerves trying to get AA is quite hard taking in consideration a CO has to come open it.

Basically what fudge said, a lot of SCPs just got nerfed. There are many other solutions to try and countering SCPs especially when E-11 already has kits meant to do so AA is always understood to be something mean to be relied on to win you can still beat SCPs without AA 24/7. A Change in Distance is just uneeded IMO and time the devs need to take out of their day wasted.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Sep 16, 2023
AA is rarely authed during a breach and that's not going to change, so all this change would do is actually allow E-11 to use AA when it is already authed. As it is, whenever authed I mostly just forget about it, because it requires that you go all the way there from bunks and then to the breach (usually in the opposite direction of the breach) and also requires a CL4 to be present. GSD and Nu-7 already get it in their spawns, but are usually given lower priority over it, which doesn't make any sense.

Only CL4 E-11 can reliably get it at all, everybody else mainly just doesn't get it most of the time. What's the point in us having AA certificates if we can't use it most of the time even when authed.

An alternative might be the AA door being CL3 but locked when AA isn't authed, or it being CL3 with a code that people only get when they e.g. are E-11 with AA cert. The latter (if coded CL3 keypads aren't something hard to implement) would be a very good alternative, as it wouldn't require much changes and wouldn't require moving the entire armoury.


Senior Moderator
Senior Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Aug 19, 2022
Most code black breaches happen to be mostly from hacked out SCPs and not automated breaches, again as other people saying, E11 got lucky to get AA in HCZ as the breach shelter was redesigned to become AA.

AA not being authed often is due to SA+ not being present or there is no one present to do it, this is mostly in character issue. Any SA+ would always auth AA when there is a breach. (I don't know about US situation).
Oct 16, 2022
United Kingdom
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Jonny Guaca,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

After discussing this suggestion, we concluded that in order to do this we'd have to change the map completely or move it to a completely different room, none of which are free at this current moment in time. We also decided that the AA itself is only a 2 minute run from the E-11 bunks itself which is not too bad.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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