Weapon Binds guide


Civil Gamers Expert
Apr 2, 2022
I am sick and tired of looking at gameplay videos of people scrolling through their entire 30 items in their hotbar during fights and Im here to put a stop to this

This guide will explain you how to bind a certain item to a key, so if you bind an AK12 on G, once you press G it will pull out that weapon

*****Normal binds*****
(How to bind a weapon to a key)

Step 1. Open the Q menu and find the weapon you want binded (In this example LR300)


Step 2. Copy to clipboard


Step 3. Make sure you got the right weapon name

Type this in your console:
use vguns_lr300

This is to ensure you got the right weapon name, in case you're trying to bind a weapon there are multiple variants of, such as frag nades.
If you type in use <weapon name> in console and your character pulls it out it means you got the right weapon name

Step 4. Bind it to a key

example :
bind "g" "use lr300"

When you press G it will pull out your LR300

*****Advanced binds*****
(credits to @Trek for this one)

Let's say you play CI and you're a CI-B and sometimes play the strike team job and sometimes the CI medic job, and you're also in A1 and you don't want to have 3 different binds for your primary weapon

In that case you would paste the following in the console:

bind "g" "use vguns_ak12; vguns_r5 ; use vguns_arx160"

This way it will pull out whatever you have in your inventory
If you have all 3 weapons it will pull out the arx160

If you play a medic job and sometimes a non medic job :

bind "h" "use vwar_field_kit; use vwar_first_aid_kit ; use vwar_advanced_field_kit"

If you happen to be a MSGT in STS (the best regiment) and want to have your primary binded to a key, no matter what STS job you're on:

bind "g" "use vguns_msbs ;use vguns_mk8; use vguns_fhr40;use vguns_vks; use vguns_akm"

*****The most useful bind by far*****

If you're one of the people who play on SCP-RP and if the process of switching from your primary to a keycard every time you see a door is taking you 5 seconds then this bind is for you
It is even better if you have a thumb buttons on your mouse as this is the bind I use the most by far

bind "mouse4" "lastinv"

This is used to switch to whatever you were holding out last, so if you pull out a gun and switch to your keycard pressing this will switch back to your gun, you can also bind this in the gmod options menu you don't have to do it through the console
Note: this will not work with all items, some items like the radio for example break this and won't work properly but it works with field kits / keycards / guns

*****Binding numpad and mouse keys*****



*****Binds examples*****

My binds

bind "mouse4" "lastinv"
bind "v" "use m9k_m61_frag"
bind "g" "use weapon_lordi_flashnade"
bind "h" "use m9k_suicide_bomb"
bind "z" "use heavy_shield; use deployable_shield"
(Heavy shield - MRP STS job, Deployable shield - SCP CI Delta job)
bind "p" "use m9k_proxy_mine"
bind "t" "use vwar_field_kit; use vwar_first_aid_kit ; use vwar_advanced_field_kit"
bind "[" "use vwar_binoculars"
bind "." "arc_vm_nvg"
bind "downarrow" "say /c IM BEING KIDNAPPED CHECK MY GPS"
bind "kp_end" "say /cloak"
bind "kp_downarrow" "say /uncloak"
bind "kp_pgdn" "noclip"
bindtoggle "kp_pgup" "hud_draw_fixed_reticle"
(this one toggles my crosshair, look up simple crosshair on workshop)

@Trek's binds

bind "1" "use vguns_msbs ;use vguns_mk8; use vguns_fhr40;use vguns_vks; use vguns_akm"
bind "2" "use vwar_field_kit; use vwar_first_aid_kit ; use vwar_advanced_field_kit"
bind "3" "use weapon_grapplehook"
bind "4" "use m9k_m61_frag"
bind "5" "use keys"
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MRP War Criminal
Dec 24, 2020
omg omg i love this tutorial!!!
thank you sooo much, u are so smart!!!!!!!
thankyou thankyou
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Well-known Member
Jun 5, 2022
Just a few suggestions for my mouse binds

bind mouse1 quit
bind mouse2 "say @Help i've been RDM'd!!"
bind mouse3 "say You can't be in here"
bind mouse4 "Don't do that."
bind mouse5 "!menu ban mcfuser"
  • Haha
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