Denied Much Needed Cuff Rework

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Corr "Perseus" Vynd

Active member
Nov 24, 2023
What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
Remove the "Handcuffs", only keeping Elastic Restraint, while also tweaking many upon many things with the restraint.

Elastic Restraint would be changed completely, first of all either remove the gag option or make it actually gag the person (unable to VC or use comms), currently it's kind of useless as the person usually can just speak through the gag either way. Continuing, the Restraint would get a new option for "double-cuffing", which disables the option to break out entirely, SCP Restraints would automatically be double-cuffed as you can't really break out of them anyways (opt-out instead of opt-in), this still doesn't mean that you can't be released, as another person is fully free to release you provided they're not cuffed themselves, a lot of the time when you're bringing D-Class over from D-Block they will start struggling which leads you to have to constantly watch them, warn them and a lot of the time ends up in the D-Class being gunned down, it's annoying as the researcher now might be lacking a subject for their test (173 requires at least 3 D-Class Personnel to be present), you can't break out of the Agent and 912 Handcuffs either way so it makes sense and wouldn't change balancing incredibly so imo, if you're cuffed you probably don't have the space or time to break out anyways as you'll get very quickly gunned down, or someone will comms it. You already got weapon checked too, therefore for the D-Class or anyone cuffed it rarely has any actual application other than "I want to die so I don't have to spend time being a hostage/I'm bored."

Additionally speaking, double-cuffing would have the virtue of making it easier for GENSEC to escort the researcher and watch over the experiment, looking from a reasonable RP perspective, the Foundation or anyone else using very bad cuffs that you can just break out of would be hella silly.

As for existing issues with the cuffs that are objectively wrong, if you cuff someone while downed, then revive them, they can still shoot and use their gun, leading to a lot of FailRP situations, it's a bug that should be fixed and could go into the bug reports forum category, but I'm grouping it here anyways as we're already on the topic of cuffs.

Another nice, but not necessary addition would be being able to adjust the cuff length, not sure what key would be used to serve for this (either arrows or the scroll wheel while you're looking at the cuffed person), when you're escorting people they tend to get stuck on geometry or walls or doors and having an adjustable cuff length would let you keep them closer during this and prevent such situations.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
I'm sure this might have been brought up before, but I doubt in the form that I'm going to suggest

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
1. Less annoyance regarding researching and experimenting on D-Class
2. Less annoyance for anyone cuffing anybody, like a D-Class or CI cuffing Foundation Staff.
3. Consistency (not having both handcuffs AND an elastic restraint which functionally do the same thing, restrain the target.)

These reasons are generalist and broad but a lot of them are expanded upon in the description of the changes.

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
None I can think of, besides having players learn how the cuff's new system works.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
Handcuffs and Elastic Restraints are almost "duplicates", you may argue though that handcuffs are instantly placed which I believe isn't exactly "realistic" or makes much sense, not to mention you can easily cuff then uncuff someone with them since you'll most likely spam click as GMod servers with so many players like this one tend to have input latency (try using /drop and walking around and seeing how long it takes for the server to register this). No one realistically would be able to be randomly handcuffed without them noticing, even for the sake of the game it doesn't make much sense. But in the case you'd still want a more instant cuff, you could make it so that aiming at the player's back with the Elastic Restraint lowers the time to restrain them significantly, as Agents and D-Class can disguise anyways and work with this. These changes will unify their purposes while also making the Elastic Restraint less frustrating and janky to work with in my humble opinion.

CI and Foundation always gonna double cuff their hostage, so there's no chance of attempting escape or cyanide if they leave you alone.

It's annoying that people will break fearrp or failrp etc... But it's always easily handed with by a sit. I like that double cuffing is only allowed for arrests, that saves minges who will just try and flee once caught.
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Cheese Cooper

Well-known Member
Sep 5, 2022
Double cuffing is only allowed for when you intend to arrest someone. This is because minges don't give a shit about fearrp and will break out under gunpoint.

Double-cuffing hostages is, as I understand it under the current rules, failrp. Your hostages should have enough RP knowledge to not break out under gunpoint, and you'll have to actually tend to them instead of locking them in a room alone.
Oct 16, 2022
United Kingdom
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Corr "Shalashaska" Vynd,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

After discussing this suggestion, we concluded that the cuff system is perfectly fine as it is now and adding this would be unnecessary.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
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