My Ban appeal #3

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Mar 23, 2023
Your in game name: 'Sweet'
Your Steam ID: 76561199245651628
Steam Community link:
Date of ban: Thursday August 24th 16:56:08 2023
What is your ban reason?: MRDM | NITRP | Stacked Bans X
Who banned you?: 'Red' (STEAM:0:1:5222690)
Ban length?: 28 weeks (but now it's 17 weeks)
What server were you banned on?: SCP RP UK
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will try to not let it happen again and understand the rules more precisely.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned?: I've been warned, kicked and (banned once) before.
Why should you be unbanned: Because now I understand what will happen to me if I don't follow the rules and I promise I'd not break the rules again and RP as normal by the rules.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: Maybe a few if i'm too curious sometimes to weapons and objects in the game, but overall I will try my best to keep up the pace and keep my nerves shut in a glass jar.
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: I just miss SCP RP and all it's classes and guns and SCPS, because i'm a fan of SCP RP games. And I also want to continue my roleplaying.

(This time I need a review on the application not by you 'Red' :D)
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