My issues with the new TYPE-GREEN SCP(s)


Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
Don't get me wrong, I think it's a cool SCP, but playing against it as E-11 is just not fun. Here are what I believe the issues to be (or at least, the issues that I have with them myself). I'm not going to argue any of my points in comments, I am only stating them. I will elaborate where necessary. I hope that readers will interpret these criticisms with an open mind. Again, these are just my opinions and criticisms.

Issue 1: Range

The Reality Bending SWEP seemingly does not have a defined range or has a very long range. This becomes an issue when a TYPE-GREEN player is a far distance that cannot be faily combatted by containment teams. Anytime you show your face down the Gamma-Hotel hallway you either get vapourised or exploded. TYPE-GREENs get to surface quite frequently and are incredibly difficult to recontain/neutralise once they reach there. This is the most irritating issue.

Issue 2: "Dual Casting"

I've seen on multiple occasions where two abilities are being used at once making the TYPE-GREEN uncombatable. Common combinations I've seen are: Inversion + One of the Instakill abilities and Bullet Shield + One of the Instakill abilities. Another annoying combination to combat is when an effect is active and a weapon is also being used at the same time. I would suggest only allowing on active ability or only allowing abilities to be active whilst the SWEP is equipped.

Issue 3: Location
Both TYPE-GREEN A and B are located next to eachother. Commonly if one breaches, they will breach the other and It is impossibe to prevent this. The same goes for an SCP-7722 breach, usually the first thing SCP-7722 will do is breach a TYPE-GREEN, this can get frustrating; TYPE-GREEN is the SCP I have fought against the most by far recently, appearing every other breach. This is not an issue that can be easily resolved, but I still felt it was worth mentioning.

Issue 4: Inaffective Reality Anchors
The use of Reality Anchors to combat TYPE-GREENs are... a waste. My observations seem to show that TYPE-GREEN's abilities are disabled whilst in range of the anchor. This is only effective for a few seconds however, as TYPE-GREEN can easily run away from these and immediately regain control. I propose 2 possible solutions:
1. Make it so that TYPE-GREEN is also unable to bend reality when it's target is in range of the Reality Anchor.
2. Make it so that when in range, the reality anchor will reduce TYPE-GREEN's energy to 0 and also inhibit its regeneration for a short while.
These are the only two that came to mind.

Issue 5: Lack of a "Meta"
Almost all SCPs on the server has a loose method that greatly helps with recontaining it, I call this an SCP "meta". I have yet to find a "meta" for dealing with TYPE-GREEN, so far it just seems to be get close and blast it when its not protecting itself, but that does not work due to some of the aforementioned points. You could argue that the Reality Anchors are inteded to be used, however getting close enough to deploy them is hard due to afforementioned points and, TYPE-GREEN can easily run away from the anchors when placed.

Issue 6: Inaffective ERT
ERT is immune/very resistant to most SCP effects, this is not the case with TYPE-GREENs however, as such, I've seen a set of 9 ERT member wiped out in the space of 10 minutes by a single TYPE-GREEN. Making ERT be somewhat immune/resistant to insta-kill abilities is preferable, or lowering the threshold at which they can be used is also a valid solution I have come up with.

Since I only posess a single view point on this subject; it is likely some details are incorrect, please correct me where necessary (and ideally provide proof).

I understand that it costs £20 to play, but this shouldn't mean it should be unfun to play against, OP SCPs can be fun to play against, as long as there are sufficient drawbacks and balancing. For example, I did not have many issues with SCP-076-2 back when it could one-hit-kill, because Dianabol was an effective counter. Such a counter does not exist for TYPE-GREEN yet (in my opinion).

Thank you for reading.


Senior Developer
Senior Developer
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Jan 3, 2022
I do agree on the fact that there should be some kind of range limit to prevent Reality Benders from sitting at one end of the surface and just killing MTF from across the map. As well as making ERT immune to be affected by Reality Benders.
The idea of Reality Anchors preventing you to be affected by Reality Benders if you stand in them is very good, since they have a limited duration as to how long they can stay up, I can see it working out.

The Location issue is going to be "somewhat" solved in the HCZ Rework, as 7722 will have his own CC and the Reality Benders will be in Non-Specialized Containment which is going to be a floor up, so they will be pretty much separated. Though for the issue with one Reality Bender breaching the other, it's just what it is really.
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Well-known Member
Mar 28, 2022
As far as I know the inf range on the swep is a bug and shouldnt happen (I got told off for doing it, sniping Nu-7 on surface went too far)
The SCP-173 swep has the same infinite range thing, although that sort of makes sense. (pain in the ass on surface tho)