Nad's Special Agent Removal Appeal [USA]

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Civil Gamers Expert
Oct 17, 2023
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:495328350
Discord name: Phantom49
For how long have you played on CG SCP: about 6 months
Age: 19
In what country are you located?: United States
Time zone: MST
Character name(s): Nad
Civilian name: Nad
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
What are your total levels?:


List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
- MTF E11 PTV - held
senior agent - held
special agent - held
CI Alpha - held
IA agent - holding
SCP-096 - holding

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: I think just once for mic spam because I was playing squeaking noises as 2295
How long have you been a Senior Agent for?

I have been a senior agent about a month and 2 weeks

I was a special agent for about a month

Why are you applying for Special Agent?

I feel I was unfairly discharged from special agent.
I was also discharged from senior agent for the same incident.
both whitelists were removed.
What makes you suitable for Special Agent?:

I was recently removed from special agent. I was told it was for sexual harassment when that was not the case at all. I hate to say it like this but it was stupid what I was discharged for. I was simply hanging out with another agent when we saw that GOC were hanging out in the PW loop. We went over to say hi and I pulled out my binoculars to keep an "eye" on them as a sort of joke. Many people know me for carrying my binoculars around and starring at people as a joke. I followed up to the surface simply watching them with my binoculars. After they left I was told to not do that anymore by Dep. Director Murphy Shark. I obeyed as he asked and stopped when I was told. Later in the day my permissions were removed and I had lost access to senior and special agent. I was later told by Dep. Director Murphy Shark that he had discharged me because of sexual harassment. I know what I did might had been viewed as un professional but I do not see it at all as sexual harassment or for a reason to remove me from special agent. Everybody messes around in their job at some point but I always completed everything asked and needed of me. Although I never fail to do what is asked and complete my duties. I have given out permits, trained agents, and coached agents on what is expected of them. I have done a great job exercising my cl4 access and was responsibly using it to better complete my work. I'm not out to get Murphy Shark or anything I would just like a chance to explain in person and discuss this issue.

Please contact me on discord to discuss this with me @Phantom49


Jun 4, 2023
This isn't the proper channel to seek a RP Demotion appeal. You asked for me after you were removed on the reason why and I explained it to you. You didn't have any questions at the time yet you make this appeal not understanding why you got removed. If you wish to fully understand why my point of view (and of every player's involved) considered it sexual harassment, you can send me a message. After speaking to me, if you wish to escalate this to Site Command please use the following link:
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