Nah Security Captain Application

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Dec 9, 2021
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:90131809
Discord Name Nalleput#9002
For how long have you played on CG SCP: I dont really know but on the city to long so i have been apart of this community for a long time
Age: 14 soon 15
In what country are you located?: Sweden
Time zone: (GMT+1)
Character name(s): Jony
Civilian name: Svenbertil
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: Nu-7 Thats all
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: Yes i have way to menny and i think im not gonna be accepted for this becuse of this But its simple mistakes and i have done dumb things but im gonna try to stop whit these warnings from now on becuse im a honest person
Why are you applying for Security Captain? Well theres no order in D block In the security at all we have to little high commanding personal in d block so i choose to apply here to make a diffrence to make ethics laws followed becuse right now theres way to much and i think this job suits me becuse as a officer people listens to me so yea
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: Well im a person enforcing ethics laws Im great to get people to listen on me and they do i have actually gotten so meny officers to start enforcing ethics laws whit me so i think this job suits me perfect
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?: Well they are overseering the D block and makesures everything runs smoothly unless overuled by higher ups
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in: My security captain character is a nice guy hes always following the law and if somone breaks it he reports it to the IA He Wants the D block to run smoothly and not this shitty as it is right now
hey nah, the reason why your getting a -support from me because quite recently u have been vary mingey and toxic to other players such as calling one of the CI co autistic and being vary rude to other CI members, if u were picked to become a security i feel like you make them vary mingey and give them false info of what to do as a security member, not only that i have never seen you on security officer or a cadet at all, this just seems like you are only applying for the level 4 key card that comes with this job.

- ( ex big minge) Tony
Dec 9, 2021
hey nah, the reason why your getting a -support from me because quite recently u have been vary mingey and toxic to other players such as calling one of the CI co autistic and being vary rude to other CI members, if u were picked to become a security i feel like you make them vary mingey and give them false info of what to do as a security member, not only that i have never seen you on security officer or a cadet at all, this just seems like you are only applying for the level 4 key card that comes with this job.

- ( ex big minge) Tony
Yea thats true i should have typed that in my application and im sorry about that i regret that but i havent minged today or yesterday it was the day before that and i regret it and thats why im trying turn now to stop being a rulebreaker becuse i have made simple mistakes that made me sit in admin sit daily and im trying to get rid of that not sitting their again and being warned so im trying to get a chance here but yea i wanted the staffs to know this or the guy that looks at this to know i have been mingy aloot but yea and about the keycard thing nah i have been on security working aloot i think theres a way to check it but yea this is only for people to check that read this application to know im honest whit all of you
- support

+ I have seen you as security a fair amount
- I didn't see serious or, at times, even semi-serious roleplay from you when you were providing a security escort in some of my experiments
- You have a history of mingey and toxic behaviour and simply having not acted this way for only 2 days isn't enough to show actual change from that behaviour
- The application isn't great
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Reactions: Odysseusss
Dec 9, 2021
- support

+ I have seen you as security a fair amount
- I didn't see serious or, at times, even semi-serious roleplay from you when you were providing a security escort in some of my experiments
- You have a history of mingey and toxic behaviour and simply having not acted this way for only 2 days isn't enough to show actual change from that behaviour
- The application isn't great
Yea i know as i sayid im trying to turn around as i sayid i have been serious and some times yea as you say im minging and i minge in very bad times as i shouldent do i shouldent even minge and all of you guys are right im a big minge and im not happy about that but im gonna start roleplaying serious now and even if i dont get this job as im not going to im still going to be serious


Civil Gamers Expert
Dec 21, 2020
I put the new Forgis on the Jeep

Application Denied

Hi @Hey ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a role application.

Please improve your roleplay in-game and behaviour before re-applying

You may re-apply in 2 weeks.​
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