"Neptune" Ethics Committee Assistant Application

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2023

Out Of Character Information

Steam ID

Discord name

For how long have you played on CG SCP
I have 1996 Hours on SCP-RP USA

I am 15 years old

In what country are you located?
I live in Australia

Time zone

Foundation name(s)
Daniel Bob
MTF "Neptune"

Civilian name
Daniel Rob

Chaos name

GOC name
Daniel "Phantom" Bob

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA)
I am applying for Ethics Committee Assistant on SCP-RP USA

Do you have a mic?

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held
I am currently holding the following whitelists/MTF, SCP-096, MTF-O1 SPC, CI Beta, Executive Researcher, and finally DEA Senior Agent. I Have Held the Following Whitelists/MTF, GSD Captain, CI-Gamma, MTF-E11 CSG, UNGOC LCPL, and finally Medical consultant

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?
I have no received any bans/warnings as i am a Head mod on SCP-RP USA however i was recently kick form the server by and admin for unknown reasons​

In Character Information

What makes you the best candidate for Ethics Committee Assistant?
I feel that i am the best candidate for the role of ECA as i have good document writing skills and love to write document on things as well as i would love to be part of the ethics committee as i am currently and O-1 SPC i am also on AU time zone so i can be ready and available during server downtime I feel that i could go above and beyond in the ethics committee.

What are the responsibilities of Ethics Committee Assistants in RP?
Some of the responsibilities of an ethics committee assistant is to make sure the code of ethics as well as to the code of conduct is being carried out. ECAs will also carry out orders given by ECM and the ECC. ECAs will also conduct interviews with people in departments to make sure the department is running fine. ECA may also authorize AA for SCP breaches and may also authorize a KOS past airlock if no SA or SC are on site.

Please give some lore about your Ethics Committee Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in
After being kidnapped by the EC and MTF O-1 Daniel bob was announcement was made to the site that he had died in a wide speared Containment breach and was last seen when SCP-106 took him into his pocket dimension some even think that he is still in there however the truth is that Daniel bob never died instead he got recruited into MTF O-1 and is now known as "Neptune" (note exec Daniel bob and forma E-11 Daniel bob are not the same person)​


Well-known Member
Jun 3, 2022
Wales, United Kingdom
Even though you smell I think you would be great at this job

Is very nice as we can tell
Would be great addition

Good Luck Neptune
Incoming Message From: Ethics Committee Vice Chairman Luis "Peasant" Perez


Greetings, Mr. Bob.

In regards to your application for the position of ETHICS COMMITTEE ASSISTANT, after a Committee Vote; your application has been accepted. Congratulations!

Please contact me (via discord @bogitos) with any further questions or concerns regarding your new position.​
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