Accepted New type of containment box hack/SCP pacification method

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
- Adds a CL4 biometric keypad to all containment chambers which activates a pacification gas/nerve agent that weakens contained SCPs enough to ADB or ACB them & removes containment blockers
- Adds a separate hack option when hacking an SCP's containment box, which activates the pacification gas (CL4/strong hack)
hacking tool.PNG
Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
not to my knowledge

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
- SCP crosstests no longer require GMs/admins to drag SCPs out of their containment cells
- Allows for easier "passive breach" roleplay opportunities for same reason as above - 049 can study foundation's medical department much more efficiently 😎
- Creates a proper method for GOIs to steal/destroy SCP objects without having to (very stupidly) BREACH the SCP, whittle it down to 5% using the remainder of your raid force (good fucking luck) and then beaming them

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
- Valuable development time that could be spent making the A1/O1 operative guns better
- Could be abused by a Foundation CL4 who decided to crash out and let every SCP loose at 5% health (could be limited to ~2 SCPs, or could require SA approval via a popup like GOC warfunds or something)
- technically doesn't make sense, since if the Foundation figured out how to produce a nerve agent that damn near disables all SCPs that touch it, why would they not always have that shit pumping (then again, why are anomalies capable of wiping the site kept behind a 2 inch steel door that breaks on 3 hour intervals...)

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
I think this greatly benefits literally every major party on the server with little downside, although I'm sure there's something I didn't think of that may be an issue. Overall...
- Foundation can facilitate both crosstests and passive breach RP with less admin-setup, potentially motivating much more roleplay oriented SCP experiences (since thats what people click on this fucking server for, its called SCPRP not BREACHRP).
- CI can steal animate SCPs far easier (and therefore hopefully more often) ensuring LESS BREACHES since CI will have other options besides breach scp or d block or kill everything, also would help with CI R&D
- GOC can destroy SCPs much easier (holy crap GOC can do fivefold mission now.. epic...) allowing them to properly punish foundation in raids
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Would be cool though an idea ,idk if this is possible, but if F are doing cross tests an MTF CO/Senior CL4 could have a bio override for the pacifcation gas to make it so F wouldnt have to hack out the gas and then adding a new keypad with the pacification gas to be hacked.
... did u read the suggestion man?

- Adds a CL4 biometric keypad to all containment chambers which activates a pacification gas/nerve agent that weakens contained SCPs enough to ADB or ACB them & removes containment blockers
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