Nico's Overseer Assistant Application

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Nico | Od1n

Active member
Mar 17, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:1:72265955

Discord name: Mr Man#2660

For how long have you played on CG SCP: I have played for a month in total (This is accounting for breaks due to IRL circumstances and playing casually). In game hours come up to 1 day 15 hours.

Age: Twenty-three.

In what country are you located?: UK

Time zone: GMT

Character name(s): Ferd "Redacted" Kruger

Civilian name: N/A

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA (It fits my working schedule better)

Do you have a mic?: Yes.

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

O-1 Enlisted (Held), A-1 Enlisted (Current) and CI Delta (Held)

Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 Warnings. RDM just as I joined the server. As a Cadet a D-Class with a gun ran to toilets, I followed through to the toilets and dumb me killed a different D-Class. Second warning was an RDA warning, this warning was due to my misinterpretation of rule 1.5 in the MOTD. As a D-Class with cuffs I was cuffing and uncuffing people, which I thought would not constitute as an arrest, I will not do so again.

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I have held an assistant position for a manager in a local Accounting Firm. This allows me to understand the role in all its intricacies. I can fulfil the role in a very natural way and will do so in a professional manner.

I am currently studying an undergraduate in Business Management at University. I will be able to use my theory knowledge to better assist the O5 Council, from Reward Systems to Organisational Culture and Structure. This course has given me an insight on how to best help manage the Facility and its personnel.

I am someone that can be active in a daily basis not only in the server fulfilling my duties but also on social media such as Discord. I am someone that can invest a reasonable amount of time into assisting the Council and will do so in a consistent basis.

I wish to help grow the community of the new server by improving the experience of the new members that flock daily, by assisting the Council with their duties they will be able to make such experience possible.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

To aid the O5 Council in the management of Site 56. The role of the assistant is to be an intermediary between the Site and the O5 Council. These duties may include:

Managerial duty. To help manage the Site MTF and other Departments, allowing for easy communication between the Council and the two parties.

Scheduling meetings for the O5 Council. Allow for planned meetings between the O5 Council. This may include Site Staff if requested. Note taking in these meetings may be required.

Help manage MTF Alpha 1. It is of upmost importance that said MTF is up to standard in its operations and discipline. Ensuring the MTF can deal with any intrusion, breach, or information leak quickly and efficiently.

It is the job of an Assistant to make the Councils life as easy and simple as possible. Allowing them to do the crucial decision making without having to worry about all the minute details.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:


Ferd Kruger was born in Munich, Germany to a single parent. Since he was little, he has had a fascination for the occult and its mysteries. After finishing middle school, he and his mother moved to the USA due to her finding a new job. Little did he know his mother was working as a Researcher in Site-██. He then started watching many documentaries about alien life on earth and the occult, which was when he made it his life goal to find what the government and high-class society is hiding from the rest of the world. When he became of age, he enlisted in the Army with the goal to join the FBI and was selected for Special Forces, it was then that a mysterious man approached him.

This man gave him a letter, which reads:

Dear Mr. Kruger,

We have been monitoring your military training with great interest. We have also learned that you have an interest in the occult, quite an interesting subject. Our organisation does so too, we cannot disclose much in this letter. We come to you to offer you a position in such organisation, this is due to such interest and the training underwent at the Army. We understand you might been having doubts of our legitimacy at this moment, but we assure you we are of no threat to you. We are willing to meet to discuss it further at location ████████ 22:30 on ██ July if interested in the role. We only ask that you come alone for security reasons.

Kind regards,

At first Ferd became quite tense. Who were this people, what was this “Organisation”? But the more he thought about it the more his curiosity for mysteries made him forget about the danger and started making him increasingly interested in the proposal. To the point that he went to this “meeting”.


Ferd drove to the location at the allocated time but by the time he made it there the parking lot was empty. Ferd parked his car and started leaving the car when two black tinted cars drove in and parked right behind his car negating any exit Ferd could have. It was at that moment that a man in a black suit, black hat and covered face got out of one of the vehicles and started approaching Ferd. Said man greeted Ferd telling him he was the one that wrote said letter and selected him for said job. He also explained that by entering the car with him he would agree to such job proposal.

Ferd started to feel fear for his life, he could gaze into one of the cars and see very armed men waiting for instructions. But he was extremely interested in what this job could entail, he could not let doubts get in the way of his goals. And so, he jumped in the back of the car with the mysterious man. It was then that the mysterious man started telling him of what the job would entail. He was told to read and sign paperwork detailing the job of a “General Security Cadet”, why did he give up Special Forces for such a measly job as “Security”. After a few hours they drove towards this humongous facility, Ferd started questioning what kind of organisation is that big, and how come he never heard of it. Any kind of organisation that can operate a facility as big as that one must have an excessively big budget. When they made it into the facility he was then told to put on military gear and report to a Sergeant. What did I get himself into? - he thought to himself.


After a couple of months working in GenSec, he was assaulted and taken by a group of very armed men he had never seen before. He was scared for his life once again; did he do something to anger Site Administration? They sat him down in an undisclosed location and started questioning him about things he did not even know the meaning of. It was then one of the Officers congratulated him, Ferd was confused. They told him he was selected for a special MTF, they had been keeping an eye on him since he came to the facility and offered him a job in said MTF. Ferd took on the job and became and enlisted in MTF ███. He was very happy; he made into a very secretive organisation and was discovering things he never even dreamt of. But in one operation called “██████” he was MIA. Or so they thought as Ferd made his way back to the Foundation. He continued his service in the MTF until one day he had learned too much. He found the secret identity of an ██ Council member. This prompted his dismissal from the MTF and what he thought was going to be his downfall.

It was then that a member of this Council approached him with a proposition…

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Well-known Member
Mar 9, 2022
+Support Ferd has shown his worth by following orders correctly and not being a minge while doing it. I would say Ferd is one of the A-1 that I Consider one of the Best. I feel as if he would make for an Amazing Ethics Committee Assistant.
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Rice Cooker

Well-known Member
Mar 20, 2022
+ Support

Ferd has proven themself a vital member of A1 and continues to prove themself every day. They are very active despite scheduling concerns and have communicated with me to organize a plan that works best for them. They are a skilled leader and destined for leadership. I fully endorse their application for Overseer assistant.
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