Denied No Faction Restrictions for Flagging Onto D-Class

This suggestion has been denied and will not receive development.
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(Disclaimer: I am not back. I have simply found a compelling topic (IMO) for a suggestion.)

What does this suggestion change/add/remove:

Presently (to my knowledge and recollection of how this works), SCP jobs can be flagged onto from the current character regardless of faction - This suggestion suggests that all D-Class jobs operate the same way (Note: I am not expressly asking for D-Class to have their own separate tab menu like SCPs do - Although I understand if that is the only way that this is possible in VWar).

This may also require some alterations to faction-specific interactions specifically for D-Class - For example; Only Foundation characters can see called codes directly on their HUD, this one specifically is a bad example and should remain as is (and IMO, that 'feature' should be removed anyway :mad: expect a re-opening of that in the future), but was the only example of a faction-specific interaction that I could think off of the top of my head. I vaguely recall there being some faction-specific interactions crucial to the D-Class gameplay loop? I may be wrong about this, though; To my recollection, things like hacking and using inanimate SCPs are not locked to any specific faction - So it may be that there needs to be nothing done on this part (But I do recall there being D-Class specific flags existing. Maybe they're tied to the job? I don't know. Just covering my bases.)

However, there is an issue the other way around, that being that certain VWar opposing faction combative effects will apply that may not be desired, such as increased spawn delay & inability to be searched on CCTV. As SCPs can already be flagged on from opposing factions, both of these already apply (Although the former is more pertinent than the latter) and this feels more like an issue inherent to those respective VWar mechanics in this context; Across the board for both SCPs & D-Class, the former should be either disabled or allowed regardless of the player character's faction (Gameplay-wise, SCPs & D-Class are both considered 'separate factions' to all existing defined VWar factions anyway - But of course, allowing this for all SCPs & D-Class would be a considerable buff to both parties, which don't really need it, so really it should be disabled for them). But the latter should definitely not be something that is abusable in this way for D-Class. In a situation where this is accepted (I already know it won't be), please resolve this issue inherent with how VWar handles these things first before implementing. And personally, I'd honestly also consider that an exploit to be removed. I realise that raising this fact is in itself somewhat of an actual infohazard, but thankfully no active player with actual comprehension skills that would be of the disposition to do so, has read this paragraph and realised that they can abuse this, so hopefully it should stay that way. ...I hope. ...Sorry! 😰 ...Maybe to be safe, just remove this specific part of the post's text after you're done with it, to try and minimise the potential impact that this knowledge has.

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:


Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):

  • Potentially a larger D-Class population at any given time as a result of this convenience - From the perspective of say, a CI or GOC main, switching to D-Class gameplay is an involved process in which you have to select 'change character', wait for the game to give you the screen (And if the character select screen bugs out, you THEN have to reconnect), then select your Foundation character and wait again while spamming F1 to be allowed to play.

    This seems petty, but I personally believe that this level of inconvenience is a potential psychological obstacle that discourages people who do not normally play Foundation characters from playing as D-Class when population is low and things like CI raids generally aren't possible - To a lot of them, simply stopping playing for the day may appeal more.

    • This gives a better impression of the server to newer players: if you were to join for the first time and see a more bustling and active D-Class population outside of peak times, then you're more likely to stick around and come back. That's potentially going to improve server onboarding and player retention.

    • This improves the health of RP groups that depend on the presence of D-Class in order to function, such as RSD & GenSec.

  • May somewhat slightly improve catching instances of Job Abuse? - Even though staff go by SteamID, they often still have to go by provided clips of evidence, which show the player names above head, which are based on the active character. If someone on a different faction commits an incidence of Job Abuse via the use of D-Class, this would be more easily detectable?

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:

  • May interfere with upcoming changes to how first-time players start on the server - I can't imagine it should, since this would point at the specific jobs rather than anything to do with factions, but as I lack understanding of how VWar works behind the scenes, it's entirely possible that the changes to it necessary for both this and that clash.

  • May somewhat enable Job Abuse infractions or similar - At least on UK, I'm aware that the RP leadership of both CI and GOC take troublemakers within their faction very seriously (I can personally attest to this) and in those circumstances, I think both factions' leadership would be able to effectively discourage this behaviour from their lower ranks. However, I cannot deny the fact that the improved ease of job switching to D-Class following this change would make the already-possible potential for Job Abuse more attractive.

  • Not a priority - Maybe not the utmost priority compared to upcoming fixes/changes/feature implementations, but I can't imagine a change to existing mechanics that has potential to improve community growth & retention would be ultimately considered not a priority enough to warrant its denial or non-investigation. I don't think it's a simple change by any means, but I think it's worth exploring.

  • Too much effort to reasonably implement/Would not have the intended effect/Unnecessary - I would understand if the suggestion is denied for this reason.

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:

An idea I had as a result of discussion in another presently active suggestion and to be honest, if that's accepted then during implementation, things adjacent to that may need to be looked at to properly implement it - If and when I do return, I would ideally like to return to a potentially healthy & growing community. This won't magically fix the population issues with D-Class that plague RSD & GenSec, nor will it do so overnight, but I believe there is the significant chance it could help, especially with the whole thing of the D-Class being the entry point to the server and additionally would also be a nice convenience for both CI & GOC mains.

I understand that the delay for switching between faction characters is not that big of a deal to a lot of people, but IMO specifically to D-Class, it's always felt weird that you specifically have to be on a Foundation character to be a D-Class, but not SCPs. As I stated, gameplay-wise, both SCPs & D-Class are not considered part of the Foundation faction; But D-Class are considered it mechanically for a few reasons, which - For those specific things, it should just be a thing inherent to the job. There should be no issue with inventory or comms, since SCPs & D-Class already cannot access their own inventory or use comms for valid reasons.

I can't think of any issues specific to civilian characters being allowed to flag onto D-Class outside of what I have already raised so far, either - Not that it has any specific benefits either as civ gameplay is unfortunately dead :( Civ mains should rise up.

...Not to imply that being able to flag onto D-Class from any faction should have any specific benefits for the time being, either. This is mostly just a convenience and streamlining measure.

So for these reasons, I think it's worth tabling - But I understand if it is rejected.
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Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Aug 27, 2022
A few issued that are currently preventing us from doing this:

1. Faction code rewrite ( CI character killing foundation gets x money vise versa also XP)

2. (Not 100% sure) Current AFK system rewrite

3. crediting system

A lot more.

to sum it up, many things need to be edited on the Vjob edited, meaning devs need to rework a lot of systems to be able to do this.

(this is not a official response just a insight for you guys)
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Reactions: Emilia Foddg
1. Faction code rewrite ( CI character killing foundation gets x money vise versa also XP)

2. (Not 100% sure) Current AFK system rewrite

3. crediting system

A lot more.

to sum it up, many things need to be edited on the Vjob edited, meaning devs need to rework a lot of systems to be able to do this.
I see. That is unfortunate, but it makes a lot of sense. I appreciate that this cannot be done in a timely fashion - And may not be worth the effort, which is a possibility which I vaguely covered in my post. I hope there will at least be a patch for the potential exploit regarding the spawn timer that I mentioned that to my understanding, is presently possible and abusable.

I am happy to make a bug report ticket with steps to reproduce.


Head Moderator
Head Moderator
SCP-RP Staff
Content Team
Feb 18, 2024
Suggestion Denied

Hi @Emilia Foddg ,

Thanks for taking the time to make a server suggestion.
The Content Team has chosen to deny your suggestion due to the following reasons.

Reasons for Denying:
We as content feel that this is not a good idea to be added to the server, because it would allow GOC/CI to flag on D class when they die in a raid and ultimately wouldnt make sense for the GOIs to be able to flag on D class.

Your suggestion will now be locked and marked as denied.​
  • Haha
Reactions: Emilia Foddg
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