Official - Collecting Evidence for Refunds

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Dec 19, 2020
Refund Evidence
If the server has crashed and it is not your fault, you could be owed millions of in refunds. This short and rather simple guide will guarantee you a refund in the event of a server crash.

Original post:

Step 1: Taking screenshots and what to do with them

In Garry's Mod, if you press F12 or click using the camera tool you will take a steam screenshot. Taking a steam screenshot is advised because it adds a timestamp to your picture and is easily accessible.

Once you take a screenshot, you can access it by opening steam clicking "View" then "Screenshots" opening the following menu:


In this menu, you can see below the picture it has the date and time the picture was taken to the millisecond, very helpful when presenting your case for a refund.

Click on the screenshot you wish to use for evidence and click 'Upload' to ensure that it is uploaded to public. Once this is done the image will have a cloud icon on it and you will have the option of 'view online'. Click on the image and copy the url and have this ready to show the admin.

a secondary method of sending us your evidence: If you can't use steam screenshot uploader then you can send us your evidence using an image host eg Imgur or Gyazo (I personally recommend Gyazo), using Gyazo, on the screenshot uploader press "Show on disk" right-click the image you wish to show and "Upload to gyazo" and then send us the URL when in the sit. With this, if your screenshot doesn't show time/proof of when it was taken you may be asked to take a screenshot like the one above showing the image and its timestamp on steam.

If you record your game using Nvidia Shadow play or similar, the video title should be the timestamp, if you have a video you may not need to upload it, take a screenshot of the video, with the video timestamp if the below in game timestamp isn't in the video, you may also be asked to right-click the video and show the properties, in case that is required send something similar to this:

For more information on how to take Gyazo screenshots, I'll leave that to Gyazo

If for whatever reason you can't take steam screenshots, take a good mobile photo or preferably, using Garrys Mod in windows mode you can Gyazo your game, or press 'prt sc' / print screen, open paint app and cntrl v then gyazo/save then upload. If you need to take a mobile photo, email this photo to yourself, send it to yourself/a friend on discord etc etc and then upload it to an image host keep the url.

Step 2: Getting the right screenshot

Upon buying your entities, take GOOD QUALITY screenshots, ensure your name is in frame and a timestamp is showing.

What makes a screenshot a good quality screenshot?


You should do this immediately upon buying your entities and regularly every few hours at least, if the server is going to be restarted you should take this screenshot showing the "SERVER RESTART IN X" or again like the above image if warning is in place to the server being restarted it is likely you will be told to take a sit, the admin will look at your entities personally and issue a refund and then remove your entities, if this happens you should still stay safe and take images just in case.

Did you forget to take screenshots when you first set up? Oops, but not is all lost! If you are still in the range of your entities you can still look around when you get the 'connection interrupted' and something similar to the below image will be accepted:


This image doesn't show everything in frame, is poor quality and doesn't show entity owners!


This one similar to the above one, but I'm looking at a different prop, showing someone elses name! Maybe the made the base? but maybe its also their stuff?

Step 3: Refund conditions, are you able to claim a refund? What do you need to do?

The rules for a refund are simple:

  • Client side crashes WILL NOT receive a refund!
  • If you buy someone else's entities eg printers you WILL NOT get a refund! Either the person who owns the entities needs to claim it and pass it on to you, or no refund is issued.
  • If issued a refund you must place down the entities after being given the refund, there may be exceptions to this, your admin will explain this to you

Step 5: Making the sit

Do not make the sit until you are ready if the server has just crashed there can be up to 10-15 sits for just refunds, with only certain staff members able to issue refunds is important you have your screenshots ready to be pasted straight away, we unfortunately do not have time to spend 10 minutes in a discord call looking through a video, or waiting for you to figure out how to upload the screenshot. When you are in a sit, go straight to the point.

Example of what not to say in your sit;
@ Help
You: Hi
Admin: What's up?
You: I need a refund
Admin: What did you lose? Have you got a screenshot?
You: I lost a full vcminer setup
Admin: Any evidence?
You: Yeah,
Admin: Here is a refund

Instead do this:
@Refund help, lost 1.7M in VCMiners
You: Lost full vcminer setup:
Admin: Here is a full refund.

If your friend or someone else has the evidence please ask them to give you it, coming to the sit and asking to bring x player as they have the evidence delays the process and we do not want to be bringing more people in the sit.

If you are unsure if your evidence is sufficient or want to get an exception then please make a sit or contact an admin, every case is different and we are happy to review things on a case by case basis, this guide is to simple help speed up the process and ensure you get a refund quickly and without any hiccups or the possibility of your refund being denied.

This guide is very simple, and a bit rushed (sorry) making this due to the recent server crashes on CC and having to, unfortunately, turn down a lot of refunds, or spend longer than what we would like in a sit when we have lots stacking up, as you can imagine, post server crash can be a hectic time for the staff team, so please bare with us while we try to get to everyone.

I plan on making this guide a bit more structured/prettier but wanted to get this out quickly before I forgot and to help people have a higher chance of getting their refunds.

If it matters to you, it matters to Krage.

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