Operation Imperium

For context, this document was written in March of 2023 and features many players and characters who are now in different positions or retired. That being said I wrote it at a time where I wanted to remember certain characters and was inspired by other server lore stories featuring my friends. It is a two chapter document written for both Foundation and CI. Of course this was also before Beta-1's official removal and the creation of the DEA.

The original script can be seen here with the google document formatting: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1ro9yZ4JL8S6DhlZ8OEfSvJY6wnIEVLv7OG-wSZVh8_I/edit?usp=sharing

Chapter 1:

The Marionette Dances

Featured In-Game Characters:
  • CI LTCOM “Javelin”
  • Intelligence Co-Director Komodo
  • Site-65 Director Caboose

Javelin’s wrists ached from hours of steel handcuffs rubbing the skin raw. The clinking of the metal entrapments made his ears ring as he adjusted in his bolted chair to sit upright yet again. His tired eyes slowly opened as he glared at the dark opaque lenses of the gas mask adorned on top of his interrogator’s face. The interrogator stood up straight, tossing an empty vial onto the slowly-accumulating stack in the corner. Intelligence Co-Director Komodo adjusted his low-brimmed hat, gas mask, and lastly his fine black trench coat. With satisfaction and arms behind his back, a muffled voice came from Komodo’s gas mask:

I assure you Javelin, that was just the start of my epilorine supply. Another couple of light doses and it will feel like SCP-457 has personally shoved his hands into your body to grope around.

Javelin winced, but bit the inside of his mouth to keep his poker face. The pain was not intolerable, but he had to give credit where it was due. These Foundation still came up with some nasty new torture methods everyday.

Javelin spat on the floor. “You haven’t gotten anything yet. Bet that’s getting to you.” His sweat stung his eyes, but he kept his glare on Komodo.

A muffled chuckle met his reply. Komodo began loading his chemical injection gun with another dosage of epilorine, the purple liquid glowing under the single dim light in the room. Javelin sighed as he tried to recollect how long he’d been rotting down here. His internal clock ticked onwards telling him that his time to leave was approaching no matter how slowly.

Komodo bent forward, the gas mask wheezing into Javelin’s ear as the Insurgent braced himself for another round of searing pain. The cold sterilized needle pierced his neck and Komodo gripped the syringe title.

The swishing sound of the automatic doors to the room made Javelin snap open his eyes. The tall figure of a man in a blue suit with a stern face stepped inside. Javelin realized that Komodo was now standing straight at the side of his chair, standing at attention for the new arrival. An angry bitter face that he’d never seen before.

A heavy sigh and a gruff voice issued from the man, “This is Javelin?

Komodo, appearing nervous in his stature, finally nodded. “Director, I am only moments from getting some information. Have no fear, this one dances in the palm of my hand.” A quick flourish of the syringe made Caboose huff.

Javelin started to straighten up under the eyes of this newcomer. Never one to shy from a fight, he curled his lips into a thin grimace and glared at the man. The Site Director’s cold expression left a chill in Javelin’s spine. Although shortly that chill was gone as the man took another step into the room.

Patch him up and get him presentable. He leaves in ten.

Komodo started and with surprise evident in his voice; he burst out, “But sir- Sir, what sort of deal-

Caboose cut Komodo off with a piercing gaze. “It’s an order. We’ll discuss it later.

Komodo’s shoulders sagged as he lowered the syringe. “Yes sir…” Komodo skulked off through the swishing of the automatic doors to retrieve a med kit.

Javelin smirked and looked up from his chair at the imposing man. A Site Director coming to retrieve the very Insurgent his men had captured and set him free was a delicious sight.

Guess we’ll be seeing more of each other then.

Doubtful. Thank your Commander this time only.

Caboose leaned in close, his face only inches away from Javelin’s pain-ridden expression.

You are lucky. Nothing more. A debt forged in blood repaid once and for all.

Komodo came back into the room with keys, a medkit, and a heavy sigh.

Chapter 2:​

A Crescendo for the Mountain King​

Featured In-Game Characters:
  • CI LTCOM “Javelin”
  • Beta-1 COM “Walnut”
  • Nu-7 SGT Rackarain

Walnut shoved Javelin into the large surface garage of Site 65. Far behind them, the elevator ding turned to a muffle as the heavy breach doors slid shut.

I don’t know what tricks you pulled, but I know it’s your last damn one,” Walnut spit with hatred as he continued to tug Javelin’s cuffs towards the main garage doors and out toward the cold biting air of Pinewood.

Despite the strong pull, Javelin sneered and chuckled at Walnut. “I seriously doubt it’s my last one, but you're entitled to your opinion.

As the gargantuan metal doors of the garage slid open and snow began to gently dance inside, a Nu-7 sergeant approached Walnut. “Everyone is in place. We’ll open the main gate and you can just toss him out.

They stepped through the garage door, the air abuzz with the sounds of engines in the garage behind them and the busy main road of Pinewood off in the distance as cars honked and drove by the intersection well ahead.

Walnut with a pit in his stomach continued pulling the calculating CI Lieutenant Commander along with him towards the main gate. The feeling shook out as Walnut smirked at the smug insurgent.

You’ve made a critical error today though. You got captured on my site.

Javelin turned his head to look at the commander and shrugged. “I won’t be on it much longer anyway.

Walnut looked off at the gate entrance that was only a short walk away. His mouth barely moved, but Javelin heard the whisper clearly.

Be a shame if I forgot to mention we had a CI prisoner leaving our base today to the sniper on duty.
Javelin froze before his feet were being dragged to the gate yet again. Every second they grew closer towards the bustling road to Pinewood and the exit of the base, Walnut grew more confident. Although the pit in his stomach just wouldn’t stop nagging him.

Rackarain stepped over to the gate controls and hit his yellow key card on the scanner. “All yours, Walnut.

Walnut heaved and tossed Javelin into the snowy paved road in front of the gates. Javelin struggled and scrambled to his feet, a difficult process with his hands still cuffed. Walnut’s smile widened as he felt his victory finally in hand. A major scum of the Insurgency finally dealt with, but that gnawing anxiety finally gave way… What was it that was not right? Being in a remote region should have eliminated all worry. He looked at Javelin and understood in an instant how wrong this was.

Javelin was staring at him with an evil grin despite the sniper above taking aim on the lieutenant commander’s head. The constant roaring sound from the road was broken as an overbearing CI LAV crashed through trees, cresting over the hill into sight of all the troops. Javelin laughed as Walnut began to shout.

An eruption from the tank’s turret sent Walnut’s world spinning around him. The ringing in his ears pierced his thoughts as he tried to right himself upwards in a snowbank amidst his weapons. Walnut began to make out troops running around him and muzzle flashes which pointed to fighting by the gates. He shook his head as the shell shock cleared, but the fog over his mind stayed. His arms were forcibly angled as someone dragged him from underneath his armpits. Rackarain’s face hovering over his own left him more confused as Walnut was pulled away from the blazing gun shots of his troops backwards behind the watchtower.

The world finally righted in his brain as he tried to leap upwards and stumbled. Gunshots rang out as the world continued erupting into warfare at the front of the compound. Another blast sent a chunk of the watchtower above him spiraling backwards onto the surface armory. Walnut’s hand pulled his communication device to his mouth and shouted “CODE 1. CODE 1. CI Tank shelling the front gate! We need matadors!

Walnut finally peeked out to see the full situation for himself. His stomach dropped as he watched Javelin leap inside of the tank through its top. As quickly as the tank had pulled onto the hill, its treads reversed and sent it out of sight within a few seconds. Walnut slammed his fist into a loose watchtower brick, causing it to fall into the snow below and spread snow all around itself.

The gunfire died down as men urgently scurried back and forth to get the wounded to medics.Walnut’s aching fist returned to his comms device.

Call off the Code 1.They took the hostage and left. Additional medics to surface on the double.

Rackarain adjusted his gear and moved over to the Commander. “It’s got a silver lining though.

Walnut rubbed his aching temples and muttered “What would that be, Sergeant?

At least I didn’t get hit by a fucking explosive this time.

Walnut chuckled and slugged Rackarain’s shoulder. The men returned to issuing orders to secure the perimeter.

The echoing sounds of gunfire and explosions faded into the desolate snowy evening. The air of Site 65 returned to its normal tension as somewhere deep down in its bowels, a Site Director punched his desk.

Hell hath no fury like a Site Director scorned.