Oreo's Demotion appeal [3]

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Insurgent oreo

Active member
Sep 29, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:598916383

Previous Rank (convert if required): SrMod

Who demoted you?: Rushi / Sven

Date of demotion?: I do not recall sadly

What server were you demoted from?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-UK

What is the case against you?: a lot of infractions and poor behavior as staff

Is this true?: Yes sadly

Prior to this demotion, have you ever been demoted?: From staff No

Have you ever been kicked/warned/banned?:

What is your side of the story?:

Infractions: I did a lot of mistakes during my time as staff which lead to get a lot of infractions and the last major one i had was because i left a 5+ min sit while i was in combat and a SL member told me that i should of taken the sit and left the combat. [Which i found hard to believe but did anyway.] Although I've learned my mistakes and if i get a second chance i will make sure i never do such mistakes again

Remove reason:
The reason I was removed was that I handled a disguise refund sit unprofessionally. Here's what happened: I was doing a deep cover that was authorized by a Delcom. While on the surface, I realized that my disguise left, and I mistakenly brought in a DEA agent instead of spectating him to see if he was involved in a sit or RP scenario.

I asked him if it was alright for me to take his disguise, but he stayed quiet, so I assumed that he was okay with it. Later, someone pinged me in the highlights submissions, and I saw myself doing the sit refund. I responded to the message with, "If you are unhappy with how I took the sit, please go to the forums or a SL member.

Why should you return / what will you change?: I have learned from all my mistakes, and I believe I am much more mature now. I am confident in my ability to handle staff issues effectively once again. Additionally, I miss the opportunity to help people out, which motivates me further to return to my role.
Hello @Insurgent oreo, Today I will be leaving a +Support for the following reasons:
-Awesome interactions
-Shown dedication to the server and becoming a staff member once again

Oreo did have a lot of infractions and he wasn't acting the way he should been at the time, all though I believe Oreo has changed and will make a good fit into the staff team.
You have my full support, good luck.


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
Group Moderator
Apr 30, 2022

I'd like to see you get more involved within the community in order for me to formulate a full opinion if your attitude has improved. Due to your past behavior I am less inclined to accept you back. Please do not be discouraged to reappeal again in the future, when you have fully cemented and proven yourself within the community. Thanks.

You may reappeal in 2 weeks.
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