Accepted OSA/ECA Credit Group Changes

This suggestion has been accepted for future development.
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What does this suggestion change/add/remove:
[This suggestion changes the credit groups for ECA and OSA, giving both jobs the ability to credit certain site personnel. Such as site staff, and their respective ISD's(A1/O1, and CO+ can approve/deny the assistants credit). (Optional: They also will be able to credit all or certain ranks of the following; GSD/ISD/Research).]

Has something similar been suggested before? If so, why is your suggestion different?:
[To my knowledge no]

Possible Positives of the suggestion (At least 2):
-Enables Roleplay with assistants more
-Allows the ability to receive credit if the personnel deserves it but no higher ups are on to do so
-Personnel can be rewarded more often for their good work when observed by assistants

Possible Negatives of the suggestion:
-Abusing the crediting system

Based on the Positives & Negatives, why should this suggestion be accepted:
[This should be accepted because it incites more roleplay from players, especially those on site staff (like tech expert) that could be a little mingy sometimes, players feel more rewarded, and would want to prove themselves and how good they can be. This allows player progression as well for players when they would deserve EXP, EXAMPLE: Research are conducting a big test with multiple researchers and no exec is on to credit them for their good work!. Abuse is a problem could be easily solved, if assistants are out right abusing the credit command it is straight up breaking server rules and they would not only be punished out of character, but also removed from their position in character. Point is, if someone is let into the position of an assistant then they should be trusted as a Cl4 as any other job would. Another thing that could be thought of is "What's the point of having department higher ups being able to credit then?" an answer to this is that department higher ups (Exec, GSD CPT) should be regularly crediting their personnel that are showing dedication to the role in the first place, so this would just help the department higher ups out. This suggestion generally would just create more interaction between players and create more roleplay. Thanks for reading (Please consider this well!) ]
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