Oscar[Apple]Goodmen GENSEC CPT USA Thread

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Nov 5, 2023
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:714940759
Discord name: Ghostgod54
For how long have you played on CG SCP: around 1 1/2 year
In what country are you located?: FL
Time zone:CT
Character name(s):Oscar[Apple]Goodmen
Civilian name: Mr. Ghoul
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
1. Internal Affairs Investigator
2.Dea agent
5.CRT- bar exam/lawyer
1. Nu-7 CSG
2.CI beta
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
6x (fail RP) i have learn my lesson from that time
2x RDM as d-class
1x hitbox abuse
1x banned first time playing gmod and did not know how to act
1x mic spam
Why are you applying for Security Captain?
I am applying for security captain because i believe i can make a change to gensec i have been trying my hardest on SGT the last few day. making sure d-block runs .I have order two Code 2 and both successful. i have help many cadets on not know how to work in d-block and how its runs.
What makes you suitable for Security Captain?: i believe with my backround of a old Nu-7 CSG and a SGT Gensec i am able to hold a CL4 postion in order to make sure D-block hold there ground during anything and i belive i can help bulid gensec to higher grounds.
What are the responsibilities of the Security Captain in RP?:
1. punishing Gensec that do not act in order
2.making sure D-block is running well and in order
3.host tryouts so gensec can move up and help better
4.making sure gensec follow the code of condect and not just killing d-class
5. althorizing a sweep of d-block
Please give some lore about your Security Captain character and what storylines they would be involved in:
Born in the bustling town of Rivervale, Oscer Goodmen was not like other children. While most of his peers spent their days playing in the fields or dreaming of adventure, Oscer found himself captivated by stories of soldiers, generals, and the code of honor that bound them together. His father, a battle-hardened veteran of the northern wars, instilled in him a respect for discipline, but also a fiery temper. His mother, a healer known for her kindness and wisdom, taught him compassion and the importance of keeping his humanity intact even in the face of overwhelming violence.

At the age of 16, Oscer enlisted in the King's Army, eager to forge his own path. His first battle, a small skirmish at the borderlands, marked the beginning of his extraordinary career. It was during this first engagement that he received his nickname. As the battle raged on and the soldiers fell, Oscer found himself surrounded, his comrades falling one by one.

Desperately trying to rally the men, Oscer swung his sword with a fury that sent enemies flying, but it was his shield—a gleaming, polished apple-shaped disc—that caught the eye of the enemy. The soldiers had never seen such a unique shield before, and they mistakenly thought it was enchanted. As a result, they began referring to him as APPLE Goodmen, believing the apple to be a symbol of divine favor. Little did they know that Oscer was simply a man who had a natural affinity for defense, a shield that could absorb the hardest blows without faltering.
Dec 29, 2022
General Security Department
From: Chief of Security Viggo "Purge" Gr. To: Captain Applicant: 'Oscar'
Hello 'Oscar', your application has been DENIED If you have any questions or concerns, please get in touch with me via Discord - (viggopurge)
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