Overseer Assistant [UK] EDITED LAST QUE

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Well-known Member
Feb 12, 2022
Steam ID: STEAM_0:0:116564777
Discord name: PegasuS#0715
For how long have you played on CG SCP: Between 3 weeks and a month.
Age: 18
In what country are you located?: Israel
Time zone: GMT+3
Character name(s): PegasuS H.
Civilian name: PegasuS C.
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): [UK]
Do you have a mic?: Yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
MTF E-11 CPL (Holds)
CI-A (Holds)
096 whitelist (Holds)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- None

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:
- I think I might be a good Overseer Assistant because I was playing on this server for a long time that I think I will be suitable to this kind of high responsibility in the server and the RP itself.

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:
- The responsibilities of the Overseer Assistants are (as in the name) assist the overseers (which means being their right hand) in some kind of mission they have given to the assistant and lead MTF A-1 only if NO overseer is on site (such as giving them missions ect).
The Overseers Assistants also can order all CL4 members only if NO overseer is on site.
Overseer Assistants will help the overseer in any such manner such as in political matter (when the O-5 council holds a debate about some stuff to do on the site, or planning on some kind missions against the GOI, ect.)
they will inform the O-5 council on stuff that as happened on the site when they were gone, and enforce the rules and orders that have been previously given by the O-5 ect.

Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: [EDITED]
David 'PegasuS' Harper. (my first name characters) was at first a pilot in the IAF (Israeli Air Force) In a black ops missions who has heard about a foundation that secures contains and protects anomalies from the world for the protection for humanity.
at first he thought that such big nonsense cannot be real until they make contact with.

[Telephone ringing]
'PegasuS' : "godamnit again with this unknown number.."
[Picks up the phone and answers]: "Hello who is it you've been calling me 5 times already today what do you want."
Agent ██████ ██████ : "Hello do I talk to the famous 'PegasuS'? "
'PegasuS' : [Shocked because he knows only the people who supposed to know him are only his commanders and comrades]
"How the fuck do you know this name, I don't know your voice.
Agent ██████ ██████ : David please there is no need to worry... I'm here to only offer you a proposal to work with us.."
'PegasuS' : "To work with who!" he shouts.
Agent ██████ ██████ : "I think you already know who you're talking to my friend...."
'PegasuS' : [David understands that it might be this kind of foundation he heard about. but he only heard about them last month ago.]
"This shit you're doing is not a joke right?"
Agent ██████ ██████ : "Oh no.. of course not a man with such skills are needed in our company. go to ████████████ ██████ in ███ bring some cloths with you.

David has come to the location they have sent him to be. a black van approach him and inside were some of his colleagues in his battalion.
they had entered a large facility in the desert of Egypt. from they were sent into a hard training to join a expert regiment who are specialized in containing anomaly called MTF E-11 "Nine Tailed Fox"
David saw alot of his comrads fail the training but he wouldnt let his happened to him.
He finished the training with great stead.

For years he worked for the SCP foundation and had successfully recontained dozens of SCP's all over the world and almost any site.

In 6/5/██ in site-65 there is been the biggest breach of it all when David and his regiment were outnumbered 4:1 when 049,096,682 and 008 had been breached the site advisor has called for code black.
At the time one of the O-5 council were on site with minimum amount of protection with the A-1.
David did not know who are these people but he knew they were to be is comrades and so he and his regiment with the A-1 soldiers defended the highly important members of the foundation. after all of the chaos that has been dealt with the O-5 member saw Davids leadership as a protector and a person who shell be his second in command.
He wanted David to be his Assistant.
but there will be more much work for David to be an Assistant of the O-5.
maybe one day he will be but the O-5 will still reconsider...

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Well-known Member
Feb 12, 2022
Hey I edited the last question since I'm an idiot so yeah hope its alright now
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