Overseer Assistant US

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May 3, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: johnson#5008
For how long have you played on CG SCP: for almost 3 months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: central
Character name(s): Johnson Matthews, Mason Matthews
Civilian name: Johnson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA scp
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI-b and CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: no
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I have experience as a level 3 and commanding people, I think another great trait is using my brain to figure out solutions for problems in the present and future. Another thing is that i Have a trait many to not have Common sense. I know the responsibilities of the Overseer Assistant and can tackle them easily.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?: The job of the Overseer Assistant is to assist the 05 member you have been assigned to in there daily duty's.Also to Keep danger away from the overseer by risking you own life but i think thats some one elses job Another part of the job is Classing files regarding the Overseer to endure there safety. Another is to deal with information leaks of the overseer's existence or a CL4 File, Multiple ways have lead to Amnestication.
[ CL 5 {Access Granted} ]
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Young [READACTED] Johnson Matthews was born on 1997, October 30 in [REDACTED] Texas, his parents were part of the foundation, his father Mason Matthews was a Captain in the guard department and his mother a Senior researcher. In Site [REDACTED] was a full site lockdown breach in which both of his parents were killed by SCP [REDACTED}. After the death of his parents he was trained into the Intelligence department his Ideal were to become operative and he did. Later on he came in contact a classified SCP designated SCP [REDACTED] in which gave him PTSD. He later joined 5 expeditions to netrualize SCP 323. Afte-

ER#OR 0293

He woke up in a strange room with no light and then the lights when on, he saw a figure with a black suit, he recognized him from Site [REDACTED] where his parents

" for a offer." said the the man
"what offer?"
"A kind you will like."
After the man went on and on about the opportunities he could have
" if i say yes will you shut the fuck up?"



Active member
Mar 18, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: johnson#5008
For how long have you played on CG SCP: for almost 3 months
Age: 15
In what country are you located?: USA
Time zone: central
Character name(s): Johnson Matthews, Mason Matthews
Civilian name: Johnson
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA scp
Do you have a mic?: yes
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held: CI-b and CI-A
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?: no
What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?: I have experience as a level 3 and commanding people, I think another great trait is using my brain to figure out solutions for problems in the present and future. Another thing is that i Have a trait many to not have Common sense. I know the responsibilities of the Overseer Assistant and can tackle them easily.
What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?: The job of the Overseer Assistant is to assist the 05 member you have been assigned to in there daily duty's.Also to Keep danger away from the overseer by risking you own life but i think thats some one elses job Another part of the job is Classing files regarding the Overseer to endure there safety. Another is to deal with information leaks of the overseer's existence or a CL4 File, Multiple ways have lead to Amnestication.
[ CL 5 {Access Granted} ]
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in: Young [READACTED] Johnson Matthews was born on 1997, October 30 in [REDACTED] Texas, his parents were part of the foundation, his father Mason Matthews was a Captain in the guard department and his mother a Senior researcher. In Site [REDACTED] was a full site lockdown breach in which both of his parents were killed by SCP [REDACTED}. After the death of his parents he was trained into the Intelligence department his Ideal were to become operative and he did. Later on he came in contact a classified SCP designated SCP [REDACTED] in which gave him PTSD. He later joined 5 expeditions to netrualize SCP 323. Afte-

ER#OR 0293

He woke up in a strange room with no light and then the lights when on, he saw a figure with a black suit, he recognized him from Site [REDACTED] where his parents

" for a offer." said the the man
"what offer?"
"A kind you will like."
After the man went on and on about the opportunities he could have
" if i say yes will you shut the fuck up?"



Application seems rushed
Don't really know who you are
Lack of CL3 experience

Make yourself more known within the facility and prove you're worthy of this role before applying again
Although the assistant does help with some of the tasks you're talking about, that job goes to A-1 a lot of the time.

Chris Henderson+

Active member
Mar 29, 2022

From the Office of the ██████████████

Application Denied

Thank you for taking the time to apply for ████████ Assistant. Unfortunately, the ███████ has declined this application due to it being over 3 months old. Please re-apply if you'd like a chance at the position.
@Gian Carlo
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