Ozz "Echo-1" Stanly SA APP (UK)

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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 13, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
Like 4 months
In what country are you located?:
Syria (not a joke)
Time zone:
+3 GMT
Character name(s):
Ozz "Echo-1" Stanly (Foundation) | Ozzy "Haramby" Stanly (CI)
Civilian name:
Ozzy LeStanly
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF E-11 LCPL | CI-B | SCP-096
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:

2 Warnings for FearRP a i think other one was for Bhoping (i was new)
Why are you applying for Site Advisor?

I have been around for quiet sometime now and i think Im ready to move forward in the foundation and try to make it to new places , i also want to be in more passive RP situation and being more connected with the site staff and get to know them more and make them feel they are being heard when they have a complain or suggestion , and trying to keep site in good state
What makes you suitable for Site Administration?:

I think Im suitable for the Job because i have been all around the place from being a Cadet or Medical Trainee or engineer to being MTF or RRT Serg and i know what the problems they can face or what stuff they can do wrong and how to avoid it or work around it and making the work on the site smoother and more effective and making sure that no one is breaking and Codes or rules or abusing stuff provided by the site like SCPs or equipments
What are the responsibilities of Site Administration in RP?:

SA is the connection between Site Director and high command with the low ranked staff and keep them Site Director and high command up to date with what is going around the site and what problems we facing and supervise actions made by the Site Director and making making sure its being enforced and SA is responsible of making sure that the site is well maintained and in and making sure all department is doing its job fully and staying connect with the heads of those departments , he is also responsible of ensuring the safty of the site staff and taking the role for the Site Director if he is unavailable or off site
Please give some lore about your Site Administration character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Ozz Stanly Aka "Echo-1" was born on the 30th of January 1980 in Russia in the city of Nalchik , his family died in bomb explosion when he was 15 which one of the terrorist groups claimed the action , he had no relatives so he was put in an orphanage , when he turned 18 he had 2 choices , Either join the army or end up on the street so he join the army , he was skilled with guns or like other people would say "had natural gift" he learn alot of things at that time and he was loyal and did alot of questionable things that was ordered by his command , he later was moved to Russian BlackOps because of loyalty and skill and all records of him were deleted.
in one of the raids on location thought to be a base for terrorist group involved in slavery he faced something he didnt understand something anomalous , there was alot of cells and cages with unknown animal and human like creatures during the gun fight the cells started opening the terrorists were afraid when that started to happen , the creatures started to attack both sides killed and toying with them like they are nothing ,when all hope was lost an unknown military force entered the base their tags said " MTF E-11" they had weapons looked like they are from movies with their firepower , in the fight there was really only one enemy and its those hell like creatures both parties fight along each other not like those "MTF" needed any help , at one point one of the creatures gets the jump on one of the MTF but was saved by Ozz Stanly , after killing or containing the rest creatures the MTF took what left from the BlackOps soldiers to unknown location later to be known as "Site-65" , since they were BlackOps soldiers that meant they are skilled ghosts or with no past , they got offered to join the foundation or be amnesticated and put back near the base location , with no past or future ozz took the job in this new world that he just knew existed and were as put as security , he climbed the rank fast with the level of loyalty he had and was transferred into MTF E-11 , in one of the massive containment breaches he manged to contain SCP-966 and save the Site Director and an Ethics command member from SCP-076-2 while they were trying to put the Site under lock-down , and because if his brave actions and loyalty he was given a chance to apply for SA position within Site-65


Civil Gamers Expert
Mar 27, 2022
Not gonna leave a support until I get the chance to sit down and talk to you about the Site Advisor position. I'm free all of tomorrow (22/05) if you want to talk about it. Just PM in game or poke me on TS
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