Ozz Overseer Assistant App [UK]

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Civil Gamers Expert
Feb 13, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name:
For how long have you played on CG SCP:
around a year and 8 months (I did take a break for 2 months)
Over 1400 hours for sure


In what country are you located?:
Time zone:
+3 GMT
Character name(s):
Ozz "Echo-1" Stanly - Foundation
Ozz "Harambe" Stanly - CI
"Reaper" - GOC

Civilian name:
Ozz Lestanly

What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA):
Do you have a mic?:
Yes, I do

List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:

MTF A-1 LT (Held), Overseer Assistant (Held), MTF E-11 CPL (Held), MTF Nu-7 PVT (Held), DEA Senior Agent (Held), CI-G (Held), CI-B (Held), UNGOC LCPL (Held)
Have you received any kicks/bans/warnings? and why?:

What makes you the best candidate for Overseer Assistant?:

I'm active.
I have a lot of experience within the server, And OSA/A-1 in particular.
I know how OSA works and what is required for me to do (even tho last time I haven't done a lot because I was busy with A-1 and other IRL stuff).
I'm familiar with who I'm going to work with.
I have done a lot of combat to the point that it doesn't interest me that much and I want to progress my character in other ways

What are the responsibilities of Overseer Assistants in RP?:

Overseer Assistants are representatives of the O5 Council on-site, Going where it is too dangerous to the O5s or simply doesn't need their presence or waste their valuable time, They work as a connection between the council and department leaders / MTF Commanders, and they conduct orders received by The Council, Insuring that everything on-site going well and in The Council's favor
Please give some lore about your Overseer Assistant character and what storylines they would be involved in:

SCP-███ Incident Log
Date: 21 / 4 /

Written Report:
While on a mission to transport O5-9 to Site-01, SCP-█
█-C attacked the convoy, captured O5-9, and took him to SCP-███-B through SCP-███-A.

MTF ALPHA-1 led by LT "Echo-1" quickly mobilized to the location of SCP-███-A and entered SCP-███-B for a retrieval mission, After 30 minutes after entering SCP-███-B MTF ALPHA-1 got attacked by previously unknown entities, and the connection was lost with the MTF ALPHA-1 team.
After the previous events SCP-███-A closed for approximately 3 months before re-opening and 3 individuals later to be identified as members of the retrieval team, CPL "Iris", SGT "Aurora", and LT "Echo-1", walked out of SCP-███-A with no memory of what happened while working for the foundation.

An MTF ALPHA-1 team was sent to SCP-███-B to retrieve O5-9 and the rest of the first retrieval team if possible, No sign of O5-9 and the team or any of the unknown entities.

for the 3 surviving members The Council ordered for them to be retrained and integrated into the General Security Department under different aliases and keeping them under surveillance for the foreseeable future.

End of the Log

After the reintegration into the foundation, Ozz Stanly formally known as "Echo-1" rose through the ranks quickly reaching the rank of sergeant without any difficulties.
During a Chaos Insurgency raid the Site Advisor for Site-██ got taken hostage, among the chaos happening on the site SGT Ozz Stanly managed to convince the CI operatives to let him inside the room they holding unarmed to negotiate, Once Ozz Managed to get close to one of the operatives holding the Advisor with a surprise move he disarmed the operative and took his gun and shoot him dead, after that he pushed Advisor away before getting into a gunfight with the 5 remaining CI operatives where he managed to take them all down receiving a bullet to the stomach in the process.
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With the progress Ozz Stanly has been making within this short amount of time and with the recent events, The council has decided that he is still loyal to the foundation and worthy of the council's trust, giving him the chance to redeem himself but not as an MTF A-1 member but a personal assistant

For more IC background visit this post
if you find any mistake in the app plz highlight it for me

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The following message is composed via consensus of the ██ ███████ .

Hello, @Ozz . Thank you for showing an interest in expanding your duties within the Foundation.

After careful consideration, we have come to a verdict regarding this personnel role reassignment request. This request is to be elevated to the next stage. We will be in contact shortly.

Good luck.

Secure. Contain. Protect.

This document may not be shared with or used by personnel below the designated clearance level.​

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