PAC3 request

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May 27, 2023
PAC Requesting Approval

Requested job: Captain

Desktop Screenshot 2024.02.20 -

Lexi's life change in a day that seemed no different than the last, he woke up, stretched, and got ready for work; all standard routine for Lexi for a long time now, but that day was unlike no other. He had been managing D-block, keeping a watchful eye on the cadets and D-class alike. until... *ftttz*. A critical error occurred in the facility power system. Was it cause by CI, was it accidental? It didn't matter much at that point. SCP's 682, 076, 7722, 096 were already breached from containment.
Mobile Task Force Epsilon-11 we're quick to arrive to the site, but unfortunately, it took the SCP mere moments to wreck havoc on Site-65. Lexi attempted to assist any on site staff with evacuations, but eventually he was forced to confront SCP-7722. He gravely wounded Lexi. Multiple lacerations and deep wound... and both arms severed, SCP-7722 was going to finish Lexi off but after hearing cries of help and begging for mercy from god from Lexi, he decided he had done enough to him. Luckily E-11 and medical teams had arrived shortly before so they we're quick to arrive to him. They couldn't recover his limbs but they could still save his life.
Lexi lives to serve another day...

(sorry for any cheesiness I'm bad at writing ?)
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