Pac requesting approval (job) Security guard
"Cannibalistic" butcher once a ci juggernaut who betrayed the ci to join the apposing team the scp foundation who is trying to climb the ranks of gensec
Link to screesnhot becaue idk how to accese the files: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....311/867F263510075EF0817AE8E53B85F1B488AEBA6D/
"Cannibalistic" butcher once a ci juggernaut who betrayed the ci to join the apposing team the scp foundation who is trying to climb the ranks of gensec
Link to screesnhot becaue idk how to accese the files: https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd....311/867F263510075EF0817AE8E53B85F1B488AEBA6D/