Pedro´s IA Ambassador Application

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Aug 20, 2022
Steam ID:
Discord name: Ichphitz#2572
For how long have you played on CG SCP: 183.38 Hours (While posting this)
Age: 17
In what country are you located?: Mexico
Time zone: (GMT-5)
Character name(s): Pedro Gomez Martinez
Civilian name: Pedro Gomez Martinez
What server are you applying for? (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): SCP-RP USA
Do you have a mic?:
-Yes, i do.
List all whitelisted, MTF, or CI roles that you hold or have held:
-Held CI, got kicked due to innactivity
Have you received any kicks/bans/warning? and why?:
- 4 warnings for ARDM (killing without warnings as a gensec when I first started playing though it doesn’t justify) NLR (returned to a place before CD) and ERP (i made a pp joke without knowing is forbidden) this warnings have lead me to learn that i should not repeat my mistakes and i haven't since.

Why are you applying for Internal Affairs Ambassador?

-The department of internal affairs is a role I seriously enjoy, and I look forward to work with all the agents to provide a fun and respectful role experience, as well as my experience on instructing and guiding new people who are also interested in the IAD with any doubt they may have. Aswell that when I perform as an agent sometimes there isn't any ambassador available and, since im a very active person I will like to take the spot. Taking into account my experience in the department (had previous names and applied last year in october for the spot) i would qualify myself as an exceptional agent with all of the necessary abilities developed.

What makes you suitable for Internal Affairs Ambassador:

-My commitment and capabilities as an instructor since I really enjoy orientating new people, accompanied with my respectful and friendly personality and the ability to be serious when needed to, not to mention that I am a very dedicated person and I’m always checking if i’m needed as well as being an active person during the morning, afternoon,and night and always being available.

How many documents have you written? What makes a document good?

-Currently I’ve wrote quite few documents on arrests i've performed which I handed to an ambassador and where later approved by the Ethics comitee, but I have quite more experience in writing documents as a researcher, a good document is composed by the quality this aspect is a main factor on the information quality, the presentation and grammar and which may or may not make the document good or not. The comprehension of the subject, this will define if the document is made of important information or if it has any type of fill on it. Format, following the format is one of the most important things in a document since it makes it easier to comprehend and to read.

What are the responsibilities of the Internal Affairs Ambassador in RP:

-The ambassador responsibilities are instructing new agents by answering doubts and applying the test, as well as coordinating with all the agents to assign task and objectives. Helping agents in following the correct format when writing documents and advicing them in their errors. Enforcing de COE and COC, encouraging the agents to not commit Ethics faults, and assisting other agents when he is needed.

Please give some lore about your Internal Affairs character and what storylines they would be involved in:

Pedro Gomez Martinez was born in Mexico City, where he spent his childhood and early adulthood before joining the SCP Foundation. His parents were both Mexican government officials, and Pedro grew up with a strong sense of duty and responsibility to his country.

At the age of 22, Pedro joined the Mexican federal police force and quickly rose through the ranks, earning a reputation for his sharp instincts, relentless pursuit of justice, and unwavering moral compass. He was recruited by the SCP Foundation at the age of 25, and quickly proved himself to be one of the agency's most skilled and dedicated agents.

Pedro's fluency in both Spanish and English made him an invaluable asset to the Foundation, allowing him to navigate complex international operations and communicate effectively with agents from around the world. His experience in law enforcement also gave him a keen understanding of the legal and ethical complexities of the Foundation's work, which proved essential in his role as an internal affairs agent
IA Logo.png

Application Denied
Hello Agent Pedro,

Me and my team have decided you are not fit for the role of Ambassador at this time. Please reach out to members of my team in regards to the duties of an Internal Affairs ambassador. After you have made more of a name for yourself in this department, you are encouraged to reapply after the 2 week waiting period. Please contact me personally for further information in regards to your application.

Highest Regards,

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