PERMA ban appeal

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Active member
Aug 24, 2023
Your in-game name: I cannot remember
Your SteamID:76561199092081907
Your steam community link:
Date of ban: September 4th 2023
What is your exact ban reason (shows when you try to connect): Multiple Class X Bans/warnings
Who banned you: Yeke
Ban length?: Permanent
What server were you banned on?: (SCP-RP UK or SCP-RP USA): USA
Link a copy of the in-game rules here (the url):
What will you do to stop this from happening again: I will restrain myself from breaking the rules.
Prior to this, have you ever been warned/kicked/banned? Yes.
Why should you be unbanned: I should be unbanned because I have matured over the time ive been banned.
How can you ensure that you won't break any other rule?: I can ensure I wont break any other rules because I spent money on the server and dont want to lose my perks!
Why do you want to rejoin this server?: To have fun with SCP-939 and become a d-class and riot!


Community Supervisor
Community Sup.
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Group Moderator
May 23, 2022
Appeal Denied

Hi @miff,

Thanks for taking the time to make a ban appeal.

You're going to need to put a lot more effort if you want to appeal your ban after what you've done. At this moment, you're not welcome back.

You may re-appeal in 1 year.​
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